Public Art Projects


Since 2013, Montreal has been hosting MURAL, an annual public art festival featuring a wonderful array of murals by both local and international artists. Here is a small sampling of what we saw while wandering on and off Boulevard Saint-Laurent this past week:

Montreal-based Five Eight, 2016


Melbourne-based Meggs, 2016


NYC-based Buff Monster, 2016


Brazilian collective Acidum Project, close-up, 2016


Chilean artist Inti, 2014


France native Mateo, 2016


Photo credits: 1-3, Lois Stavsky; 4, 5 & 7 Tara Murray and 6 Sara C Mozeson

Hailed in a range of media from the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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All-City Express, a hugely impressive interactive art exhibitionmade its world premiere last weekend at Randall’s Island’s Panorama. Under the curatorial direction of 5Pointz Creates leaders Meres One and Marie Flageul, Lady Pink, Tkid 170Toofly, Meres One, Jerms, Topaz, and See tf painted live, covering digital subway cars with original artwork. Fusing graffiti’s underground roots with innovative video technology, the project was developed by Brooklyn-based AST Studios with Tangible Interaction. Here are a few images captured in the course of this three-day cutting-edge homage to traditional graffiti art.

Five of the 5Pointz Creates crew with Marie Flageul in foreground — on green screen


Lady Pink and Toofly at work on green screen


And with completed piece as viewed on virtual subway train


See tf and Python with completed piece on green screen


Jerms and Topaz  as a mix of technologies brings them at work onto a NYC train in real time


T-Kid with completed piece on green screen


And as viewed on virtual train


Meres One at work on green screen


Digital tagging by AST Studios; graffiti software by Tangible Interaction & advanced motion capture by PhaseSpace


And the trains roll by throughout NYC with AST Studios‘ life-like visual effects and editorial content by Possible Productions


Photo credits: 1, 3-10 Nic Lyte and 2 Rachel Fawn; videos produced by AST Studios

Note: This blog will be on vacation through Sunday, August 7. You can follow us on Facebook and on Instagram.

Hailed in a range of media from the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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Earlier this year we met up with the wonderfully talented and intrepid Apostrophe founders and curators — Sei and Ki Smith. Since, they’ve successfully hosted guerrilla pop-ups at The Whitney Museum  of American Art — from which they’ve been banned for life — and at MoMA PS1. This past Friday we attended Apostrophe‘s  Base 12 Subway Show, a pop-up exhibit at the Kosciuszko Street stop on the J Line featuring works from Apostrophe‘s 12 artists. And what fun it was!



The Love Child


Julia Powers


James Reyes


Sei Smith, curator and recently featured, along with his brother, in Time Out New York’s 10 NYC artists 35 and under you should know


Morell Cutler and artwork by James Rubio on right


Alana Dee Haynes


And healthy non-alcoholic beverage — provided by Costa Brava — served at artists’ reception on subway platform!


Apostrophe‘s Base 12 Project will continue throughout the year with three pop-ups in city parks, three in European galleries, one more museum pop up and then finally a project retrospective at Mana Contemporary that will exhibit all 144 paintings from the 12 pop-ups.

Photo credits: 1-7 Lois Stavsky; 8 & 9 Tara Murray; additional photos on the Street Art NYC Instagram

Note: Hailed in a range of media from the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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DDG’s 100 Franklin Street in Tribeca is now the site of a new massive mural by JR, the internationally acclaimed Parisian artist. The image is an enlargement of a photo that was originally taken in Ellis Island in 1908 and was featured in JR,’s Unframed — Ellis Island exhibit.

Installation in progress


With assistant Joshua B. Geyer taking command


The completed installation, as seen this past weekend


This same wall was the site of JR’s 100-foot ballerina, one of our favorite street art pieces of 2015. The following video by Jesse Whiles documents its transition:

We especially appreciate the new mural  — and its reminder that we are a nation of immigrants — at a time when so many are seeking refuge from catastrophic events throughout the globe.

Photo credits: 1 Courtesy DDG; 2-4 Tara Murray

Hailed in a range of media from the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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Few Lower East Side spots are as tantalizing as the Essex Street Market. With its rich array of delicacies, it’s been one of our favorite haunts for years. And now with Gera Lozano‘s artwork gracing both its exterior and interior, it’s even more inviting!  I recently met up with Lauren Margolis of the Lower East Side Partnership who gave me a bit of an update.

We love the the Essex Street Market‘s new look! What inspired the makeover?

With the development of the nearby Essex Crossing, the Essex Street Market was experiencing less foot traffic. Many people, in fact, didn’t realize that the Market was still open and functioning. We wanted to boost its visibility.


You certainly seem to have accomplished that! We street art aficionados were introduced to Gera Lozano‘s aesthetic largely through the murals she has painted with WERC in Brooklyn and Queens.  We are delighted to see her work surface here. How did you decide which artist to commission for this project?

Natalie Raben, who oversaw the 100 GATES Project, was familiar with Gera’s work, and suggested that we bring her abroad for this project. And Gera was quite excited about this project when we approached her.


What about the design? How was that decided? What considerations went into it?

We were seeking an attractive, eye-catching design that represents the range of vendors at the Essex Street Market.


How have folks reacted to this transformation?

They love it. The response has been so positive. People have been commenting on it, posing in front of it and posting images it on Instagram!


What’s ahead for the Essex Street Market?

In 2018, it will be moving into the ground floor of Essex Crossing. All of the existing vendors will have a new home, and there will be space for additional vendors. Delancey Street Associates, the developer of Essex Crossing, will cover the cost of the move.

I’m glad we have Gera’s artwork in the meantime! And we look forward to seeing the art that is certain to surface there!

Note: The Essex Street Market is open Monday through Saturday, 8:00am to 7:00pm, Sunday 10:00am to 6:00pm. The Market also houses Cuchifritos Gallery + Project Space that is open Tuesday – Sunday from 12-6pm.

Photo credits: 1 & 5 Tara Murray; 2-4 Lois Stavskyinterview with Lauren Margolis conducted and edited by Lois Stavsky

Hailed in a range of media from the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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This is the eleventh in a series of occasional posts featuring the art that has surfaced on NYC shutters:

Eelco on the Lower East Side 

Eelco-Les street-art-shutter

Crash and Bio on the Lower East Side

 crash-and-bio-graffiti-nyc copy

Moody Mutz on the Lower East Side


Phetus at the Bushwick Collective


Jules Muck aka MuckRock with the Welling Court Mural Project in Astoria, Queens


Photo credits: 1, 4 & 5 Tara Murray; 2 Dani Reyes Mozeson & 3 courtesy of John Woodward



Currently on view at Woodward Gallery is The Suggestionists, the first USA exhibition of international artist, designer and co-founder of the Gorillaz band, Jamie Hewlett.  Divided into three distinct thematic sections – all linked through the power of suggestion — the exhibit is a mesmerizing foray into a world whirling with urbane wit and seductive charm.

Close-up from one of 22 larger-than-life Tarot cards, as distinctly interpreted by the artist


Honey, Hewlett’s homage to the exploitation movies of the 60s and 70s, presented in a series of giant light boxes 

Honey-James- Hewlett

And — in an entirely different vein — Pines, detailed illustrations of trees Hewlett observed while in the south of France


Pine 20, close-up


Hewlett explains his obsession with pine trees and why he’s not likely to ever draw another one!

Woodward Gallery, located at 133 Eldridge Street on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, is open Tuesday-Saturday 11:00am-6:00pm and Sunday 12:00pm-5:00pm.

Photo credits: 1, 3 & 4 courtesy of Woodward Gallery; 2 & 5 Lois Stavsky

Note: Hailed in a range of media from the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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This is the tenth in a series of occasional posts featuring images of children that have surfaced on NYC public spaces.

BK Foxx with JMZ Walls in Bushwick, Brooklyn


Joe Iurato and Logan Hicks at the Bushwick Collective


Ernest Zacharevic — based on photo by Martha Cooper — in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn


Swoon in Red Hook, Brooklyn


Long-running Cekis in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn


Rubin 415 and Joe Iurato with the Welling Court Mural Project in Astoria, Queens


Photos 1 Courtesy of John Woodward; 2-4 Tara Murray; 5 Dani Reyes Mozeson and 6 Lois Stavsky

Note: Hailed in a range of media from the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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Processed with VSCOcam with s1 preset

Recently released by Dokument PressRUBIN NEW YORK SCANDINAVIA is a stunning survey of Rubin‘s distinct abstract and geometrical artworks that are rooted in traditional graffiti. With dozens of images documenting Rubin‘s journey — from Sweden, where he grew up, to NYC, where he is now based — Rubin New York/Scandinavia  offers an overview of the works of an exceptional artist, who has brought a singular beauty to our NYC landscape.


The book’s succinct text by Björn Almqvist introduces us to Rubin’s experiences as a child of Finnish immigrants who made their way to Sweden in search of work. The alienation that Rubin felt among Swedes, along with the stark grey concrete walls of the housing complex that enveloped him, were calls to pick up a can and make a mark.


Inspired by Scandinavian design, Rubin has developed a unique aesthetic that uses geometrical, symbols in lieu of letters. With his splendid craftsmanship and unique aesthetic, he transforms the gritty language of graffiti into his own distinct expression that is as effective on the streets of the South Bronx, as it is inside a church yard or on the outside of a Manhattan boutique.


Rubin New York/Scandinavia also provides us with a handsomely curated survey of Rubin’s studio work that has been increasingly making its way into galleries.


Rubin New York/Scandinavia is a splendid ode to a distinctly wonderful artist. Its NYC release took place last month at WallWorks, where the artist’s  works remain on exhibit through June 29th.



1. & 2. Brooklyn, 2014

3. Brooklyn, 2014

4. Gothenburg, 1989 

5. Brooklyn, 2015

6. Gallery nine5, 2014

Photo credits: Tony “Rubin” Sjöman and Mika Tuomivuo; all photos courtesy of Dokument Press; book review by Lois Stavsky

Note: Hailed in a range of media from the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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Engaging a wide range of artists and art lovers of all ages, along with members of the local community, the Welling Court Mural Project celebrated its 7th anniversary with a huge block party on Saturday. Pictured above is the legendary Lady Pink at work. Here are several more images captured from the Welling Court Mural Project‘s annual event organized by Garrison & Alison Buxton.

Caleb Neelon at work on collaborative mural with Katie Yamasaki


Fumero at work on tribute mural to Muhammed Ali


Mike Makatron and Caroline Caldwell aka Dirt Workship at work on a collaborative mural

mike-makatron-with dirt-worship

Cre8tive YouTH*ink, close-up of huge mural painted by youth under the direction of  Jerry Otero aka Mista Oh




Chris Cardinale at work


Joel Artista at work on collaborative mural with Chris Soria and Marc Evan


Pyramid Guy


Joseph Meloy, Ellis G and Abe Lincoln, Jr

Meloy-ellis-G-andAbe-Lincoln, Jr

Photos by Tara Murray

Note: Hailed in a range of media from the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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