urban art


From the plaintive to the playful, the artworks on exhibit in From the West Coast at 212 Arts intrigue. While visiting last week, I had the opportunity to speak to gallerist Mark Leader, who curated the exhibit:

Many of these artists are new to me. Just what is going on here?

This exhibit is a survey of various West Coast artists — largely from LA, San Francisco, Santa Monica and New Mexico.


There is certainly quite a diverse range of styles represented here. What spurred you to bring these artists to NYC?

It was an opportunity to introduce a brand new visual language to others. My sense is that the West Coast sensibility is quite different from ours.


How did you first discover these artists?

Largely through Instagram. And I had worked with some of them before.


Were there any particular challenges in making this happen?

Just the logistics of transporting the art from the West Coast to here in the East Village.


How have folks responded to the exhibit?

They’ve responded positively with lots of curiosity!


How can folks see the exhibit?

As there has been a pique of interest in the exhibit since these works were initially showcased, there will be a second launch this Thursday, April 21, beginning at 6 pm.


And what’s next for 212 Arts?

Opening May 6 is Round Trip, Emilio Ramos‘s first solo exhibit.

Interview and photos 1, 2, 4-6 Lois Stavsky


1. Free Humanity

2. Eddie Colla

3. Mike Giant

4. Sket One — on platform designed by Tracy 168, with Marc Leader on right

5. Max Neutra

6. Bisco Smith

Note: Hailed in a range of media from the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available here for Android devices.

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On view through tomorrow at 548 West 28th Street is Urban Reference, an engaging exhibit of works in a variety of media by Lorenzo Masnah, Alex Seel and Guillermo Perez.  When I visited earlier this week, I had the opportunity to speak to Lorenzo.

Just what is going on here?

When an opportunity to exhibit art in this space came our way, we decided to launch a show on the theme of urban life. It is what we know best!

There seem to be a few different motifs going on here.

Yes! Alex‘s photos were shot in Colombia’s capital city, Bogota. He spent several weeks there working on a documentary focusing on the city’s street life  Highlights include: live bombing by APC members, including Stinkfish; an interview with Bogota’s legendary MC, Manny from the underground rap group, Crack Family and advice from assorted characters who dwell on the streets of Bogota.


And what about Guillermo Perez? I love his paintings.

Guillermo Perez was born in the Dominican Republic into a family of master painters. On exhibit are his small works referencing people he’s met in the urban sphere.

How did you all three meet?

A number of years back, we shared the same living space in Bushwick — before the neighborhood became so gentrified.


You are continuing your series of dancers and musicians here, along with new works with a distinct urban flair and outsider sensibility.  What are your primary media?

I work with the “tools of the trade,” — Mean Streak markers and paints on a huge range of surfaces. And I find myself incorporating graffiti elements.

 How did you get the word out about the exhibit — on such short notice?

Largely through Instagram and Facebook. And, of course, we let all our close friends know.


How can folks see the exhibit?

It will continue through tomorrow, Friday. We are on the third floor of 548 West 28th Street between 10th and 11th Avenues.

Note: Lorenzo can be contacted at thirdwolrdpirate@gmail.com to confirm a visit


1.  Lorenzo Masnah

2.  Alex Seel

3.  Guillermo Perez

4.  Lorenzo Masnah, close-up

Interview conducted and edited by Lois Stavsky

Photo credits: 1 Lois Stavsky; 3 Dani Reyes Mozeson & 4 courtesy of  Lorenzo Masnah

Note: Hailed in a range of media from the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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On Urban Art Legends by KET

February 15, 2016

The following post is by Houda Lazrak, a contributor to StreetArtNYC and recent graduate of NYU’s Masters Program in Museum Studies

Urban Art Legends, by the renowned graffiti writer, photographer, curator and author Alan Ket aka KET, presents 39 engaging profiles of key urban artists, along with photos of their significant works.


After a concise and informative introduction, in which he terms urban art as “this other art world,” KET introduces his readers to such pioneering and influential artists as ATOME, Futura, JON ONE, Lady Pink, Mode 2, Os Gemeos and Saber. Included in the artist profiles are: essential career highlights, defining artistic features, style evolutions, crew associations and specific creative projects, along with the artists’ engagement with the fine art world.

We learn, for example, that in addition to painting train graffiti, DAZE exhibited alongside Basquiat and Haring at NYC’s Mudd Club, lectured at universities and designed a train station — with Lee and Crash — in Germany.  Iconic musicians such as Madonna and Eric Clapton have purchased his canvases and numerous museums in the U.S., Germany and the Netherlands have added his paintings to their collections.


Crash, KET notes, pioneered the graffiti movement’s relationship with the gallery world with the exhibit, Graffiti Art Success for America, that he curated at Fashion Moda in 1980. He has since exhibited in museums throughout the world and partnered with a range of companies on varied projects. And he is now, once again, active on the streets.

KET also selects some 20 artists — including Sane Smith, Risk and JON ONE — to whom he awards  “legendary status.”  We discover, for example, that Sane Smith was sued for three million dollars for painting a work visible for miles on NYC’s Brooklyn Bridge. Risk attains “legendary status” for being the first Los Angeles writer to paint a NYC subway train when he visited in 1978. And KET confers legendary status on Paris-based Harlem native JON ONE for receiving France’s premier award, the Legion of Honor, for his contributions to art and culture in France.

jonone=graffiti-Le Départ

KET also seamlessly links the two worlds of street art and graffiti by telling the stories of individuals — such as Ben Eine and Os Gemeos – who have dual identities as both graffiti writers and street artists.

Urban Art Legends beautifully captures the diversity of artistic practices found in our cities — from subway trains to galleries and back onto the streets. KET’s enthusiasm and passion for urban art pervade these pages as he writes that “justice cannot be done to all those incredible talented individuals who have informed and advocated” the urban art movement.

Urban Art Legends certainly comes close, as it offers readers a solid grasp of over three dozen of those individuals who have significantly impacted the urban art scene.


Published in the UK by LOM ART, Urban Art Legends is now available online and in most NYC bookstores.

All images courtesy LOM ART:

1. Book cover, designed by Jamie Keenan; Nick Walker, 2015, Photography by Paul Green

2. CRASH, panel piece on subway train, Bronx, New York, USA, 1980. Photography by Phade

3. JONONE, Le Départ, spray paint and acrylic on canvas, 600 x 300 c.m., 1994, Speerstra Collection

4. ATOME, Sydney, Australia, 2014. Photography by artist

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I recently stopped by 212 ARTS and had the opportunity to speak to Laura “Lulu” Reich who, along with Marc Leader, founded and directs the gallery.

I’ve heard great things about your current exhibit, Gumshoe: Red, White And Black, and I’m so glad I finally had the opportunity to visit this space! How long has 212 ARTS been here?

We’ve been here as 212 ARTS since this past October.

This space here at 240 East 4th Street is so perfect for a gallery. Why did you choose this particular neighborhood? And how were you so lucky to get this space?

I’m an East Village girl and I love everything about this neighborhood — its history, alternative culture and more. Yes, acquiring this space was mere luck! I had found out from the landlord that it was available.


What is the vision behind 212 ARTS

It is to give exposure in a gallery setting to urban artists, particularly those who work on the streets, as well as in their studios. It is also to educate folks about the artists in this scene. There are stories to tell, as in this current exhibit, Gumshoe: Red, White And Black.

Can you tell us something about this current exhibit?

It is Gumshoe‘s first solo exhibit in NYC. We chose to present this exhibit because we love Gumshoe’s work and her distinct female energy! And it seemed like the perfect exhibit for Valentine’s Day.


And what about its title, Red, White and Black?

Most of the pieces in the exhibit are red, white and black. The title is a play, of course, on the colors of the American flag, presenting the darker side of the American dream.

And the gum that always makes it way onto those glorious red Louboutin heels? What is that all about?

As we strive for perfection and sometimes almost reach it, we meet inevitable disaster! The gum is the metaphor for that. We get stuck along the way!


Oh, yes! There is a story to tell! Until when will folks be able to see this exhibit?

We are open Tuesday through Saturday 2:00 pm – 8:00 pm and on Sunday 2:00 pm – 7:00 pm.  You can also make an appointment to see it by contacting me at laura@212arts.com  Gumshoe‘s exhibit closes on Wednesday, February 17th.

What’s next?

Opening on the 18th is an exhibit featuring artworks by NYC graffiti legends. Among those showing are: Crash, Skeme and T-Kid.


I’m certainly looking forward to that! Good luck!

Interview conducted and edited by Lois Stavsky; all photos feature Gumshoe‘s work; photo 4 of Gumshoe‘s installation also features Jily Ballistic and Al Diaz; photo 5 of  Gumshoe at work was captured awhile back on the Lower East Side.

Photo credits:1 & 4 Lois Stavsky; 2 & 5 Dani Reyes Mozeson and 3 Houda Lazrak

Note: Our highly acclaimed Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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What follows are a few more images representative of the wonderfully diverse range of murals gracing Wynwood Walls:

Chinese-born DALeast


West Coast-based Cryptik


South African artist Faith47


Baltimore-based Gaia


Bronx-based John Matos aka Crash


Lithuanian born Ernest Zacharevic


Photos by Lois Stavsky



Since its inception in 2009, Wynwood Walls has served as a rotating canvas for a stunning array of street art and graffiti murals painted by outstanding artists from across the globe. Here is a sampling of what I captured last week:

Another segment from huge mural painted by Valencia, Spain natives Pichi & Avo


Chilean artist Inti


Puerto Rico-based Alexis Diaz


French-Tunisian artist El Seed


German artist Case Maclaim, close-up


NYC-based Logan Hicks, close-up


Photos by Lois Stavsky

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This is the eighth in an occasional series featuring images of males who surface on NYC public spaces:

JR in Soho


Sipros in Midtown Manhattan with the Bushwick Collective


Os Gemeos on the Lower East Side


Werc and Gera Luz in LIC with the Welling Court Mural Project


Rob Plater in Bushwick with JMZ Walls


Crash and Solus with the Lisa Project in Noho

solus-crash -street-art-nyc

The first image features Swoon in Red Hook

Photo credits: 1, 5-7 Tara Murray; 2-4 Lois Stavsky

Note: This blog will be on vacation through next Wednesday, January 13. You can follow us on Facebook and on Instagram.

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Downtown Detroit’s hugely impressive, ten-story parking structure — known as the Z — serves as a canvas for artworks by over two dozen wonderfully talented artists.  Like the Belt, it is a collaborative venture between Bedrock and the Library Street Collective. Here are several more close-ups from huge murals that I captured last week:

UK-based Lucy McLauchlan

lucy-mclauchlan-mural-Z Detroit

Pose and Revok, MSK


Mexican artist Saner


LA-based Cyrcle


Swiss artist Smash 137


Note: The first image features a close-up from How & Nosm

Photos by Lois Stavsky

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The following post is by Houda Lazrak, a contributor to StreetArtNYC and an M.A. candidate in Museum Studies at NYU:

Beau-Stanton street-art-rome

The MURo Project, the Museum of Urban Art of Rome, is a mural initiative whose goal is to rejuvenate the streets of the largely working-class Quadrado neighborhood on the Eastern outskirts of Rome. Artists who have beautified the district include local, as well as international, ones. By referencing a map available online on MURo’s website, I navigated through the streets and found several of these works in hidden and unexpected locations. What follows are a few:

Kazakhstan native Dilka Bear


Italian artist Maupal


New York-based Ron English


French artist Veks Van Hillik 


Rome-based Mr. Thoms




Note: First image features New York-based Beau Stanton.

All photos by Houda Lazrak

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Continuing through October 3 at Chelsea’s Azart Gallery is More than Words, co-curated by Melissa McCaig-Welles and Latifa Metheny. Presenting a range of artworks fusing text and images, the exhibit features a wonderfully eclectic mix of styles, sensibilities and cultures.  Here is a sampling of the works:

Brooklyn-based Canadian painter Tim Okamura


Brooklyn-based Moroccan artist Rocko, close-up


Queens native Greg Lamarche aka SP.ONE


Vitry sur-Seine-based French artist C215  


Azart Gallery is located at 617 West 27 Street in Chelsea and is open Tuesday through Saturday from 11 am to 6 pm.

Note: The first image, I Am Baghdad, is by New York-based Iraqi artist Ayad Alkadhi.

Photo credits: 1-3 & 5 Dani Reyes Mozeson; 4 Lois Stavsky