Lady K. Fever

On the occasion of Boone Avenue Walls‘ tenth anniversary, dozens of local, national, and international artists brought their remarkable skills and diverse styles to the Bronx neighborhoods of West Farms and Hunts Point. The image featured above was painted by the legendary Bronx-born graffiti pioneer Chris “Daze” Ellis. Several more images of the completed murals — all captured by street art/graffiti aficionada Kristy Calabro — follow in this first of a two-part series documenting this year’s extraordinary Boone Avenue Walls,

Bronx-bred artist El Souls 

Canada-born, Bronx-based artist, curator and arts educator Lady K Fever

London-based veteran writer Corze

The inventive 3Modes aka Professor M

Queens native graffiti writer and fashion designer Claw Money

Queens-born and based artist Belowkey,

The remarkable, ever-expanding Boone Avenue Walls was founded and is curated by the veteran Bronx writer WEN COD.

Photos: Kristy Calabro


Celebrating 50 years of women spraypainting NYC, the NYC Graffiti Women’s Festival brought flavor and flair to Hunts Point’s performance and event venue, Bronxlandia, and its surroundings earlier this month. While visiting the site, I had the opportunity to speak to Bronx-based artist, curator and arts educator Lady K Fever who – along with Bronxlandia owner Majora Carter – spearheaded the event.

Can you tell us a bit of the backstory? How did this event come to be?

I had painted a mural earlier this year at Bronxlandia, and when its owner, Majora Carter — who’s very supportive of the arts — offered the space to me to curate, I came up with the idea of inviting women to paint this spot and its neighboring gates in honor of hip-hop’s 50th anniversary.

And what was the festival’s particular mission?

We wanted to reflect and enhance the flavor of the neighborhood, while honoring hip-hop. We also wanted to provide a space for women artists to come together with the community and celebrate one another. This festival was somewhat of a fusion and an extension of two of my previous projects: The Bronx Graffiti Art Gallery and Her Story

What were some of the challenges you faced in seeing the event through?

The cost of insurance — especially when it involves graffiti and hip-hop — was a major business concern. Other challenges included: finding several additional nearby spaces; painting on shutters and gates, as those were our primary surfaces, and securing funding to pay for essential supplies. We are extremely grateful t0 Peter and JP at Burton NYC and to Low Brow Paint & Supply for coming through.

How did the event go? What was the day like?

It was wonderful. There was so much positive energy. Dozens of folks of all ages came through and hung out. We had great female deejays and spontaneous breakdancing. There was a wonderful group of volunteers and delicious food. And Bronx-native Mrs. had the opportunity to make her mark on the roof!

And what’s ahead for you?

Along with Andre Trenier, I will be featured in a show next year at Bronx Art Space. I will also be visiting a range of universities as a guest artist. And I’m working on a curriculum and varied educational programs related to graffiti. I don’t want the history of women in graffiti to be lost.

Note:  If you reside in the Tri-state area, you can win a Burton snowboard, a selection of street art books and more from Low Brow, when you enter the 2023 Art Raffle to support the arts and education. You can either submit artwork on a custom art template with a $20 entry fee or purchase a raffle ticket for $30. Email for more information on how to enter. Deadline is Nov 7th 2023.


  1. Lovenotes
  2. Lady K Fever
  3. Nasa One
  4. Chare and Flô
  5. Kstar
  6. Alice Mizrachi
  7. Mrs
  8. Miki Mu, Lexi Bella and Claw Money
  9. Flyer designed by Zori4

Photo credits: 1-6 & 8 Lois Stavsky; 7 courtesy Lady K Fever; interview conducted and edited by Lois Stavsky


The Grandscale Mural Project, one of my favorite public art projects in town, brings vitality, color and intrigue to East Harlem. Since this past summer, I’ve revisited its current reiteration several times, always delighted by its diversity and charm.

The mural captured above — a portrait of public art administrator and producer Ayana Ayo — was painted by muralist and teaching artist Kristy McCarthy aka D. Gale. A few more images — almost certain to refuel your spirits in these uncertain times — follow:

Multidisciplinary Ecuadorian artist and educator Toofly

NYC-based visual artist and arts educator Lola Lovenotes

Multidisciplinary Brazilian-American artist Phes

    Mexico-born artist Sandy Perez

Bronx-based artist and arts educator Lady K Fever

Bronx-bred style master Image

Photos: Lois Stavsky


Organized by Ayana Ayo and coordinated by Kathleena Howie aka Lady K-Fever, Uptown Counts: Art as Activism is an exhibition of artworks by over 20 artists who lent their works to a range of uptown spaces to draw attention to the importance of the 2020 Census, particularly in East Harlem.

The number of East Harlem residents who respond to the 2020 Census will determine how much of the $675 billion in federal dollars the community will receive over the next 10 years — funding essential to schools, housing, healthcare, infrastructure and food assistance.  Yet, only 40 percent of East Harlem residents are predicted to respond to the 2020 Census.

Among the artists featured in the exhibit are several who also use the streets as their canvas.  The image above, “Mother and Child,” painted by East Harlem-resident Marthalicia Matarrita, has found a temporary home at the legendary Sylvia’s Restaurant. A small sampling of  images —  featured in Uptown Counts: Art as Activism —  by artists whose works also surface in public spaces follows:

 Danielle Mastrion, Offering — at Harlem Yoga Studio 

 Lady K-Fever, Justice at Last — at Sisters Caribbean Cuisine 

Royal KingBee, BEE Cautious

MED, Resist

Al Diaz, Flowers Will No Longer Grow…

Because of the pandemic, the spaces hosting the artwork are largely inaccessible for the next several weeks. But you can check out the entire exhibit — sponsored by the nonprofit organization Uptown Grand Central — online here.

And — now — be sure to take the 2020 Census!  It is a political and social justice issue. You can do it online, by phone (844-330-2020) or by mail.

Images and info for this post courtesy exhibition coordinator, Kathleena Howie aka Lady K-Fever


Last year at about this time, the NYC Department of Sanitation issued a call for volunteers to transform 23-ton collection vehicles into works of art using paints that had been discarded. Over 100 artists submitted design concepts.

The final participants selected for this innovative project were:  Misha Tyutyunik, Victor A. Saint-HilaireDisterJillian White, and Lady K-Fever, along with visual art students from Long Island City-based Energy Tech High School. First displayed this past summer in Times Square, all five trucks were then on view this past Sunday in Union Square Park. Pictured above is one side of a  truck painted by Brooklyn-based Misha Tyutyunik.  Several more images we captured from the “Trucks of Art” parked in Union Square Park follow:

Misha Tyutyunik and Yonkers-based Victor A. Saint-Hilaire, aka Vash, the other side of the truck

Manhattan-based Dister pays tribute to the sanitation workers

Brooklyn-based Jillian White, DSNY civilian employee in Staten Island, with a message, “Rethink, Renew Reuse.”

Long Island City-based Energy Tech High School students

Bronx-based Lady K-Fever, Recycle, so the future can smell the flowers too’

And the other side of Lady K-Fever‘s truck

Note: Lady K-Fever‘s truck will be on display during the the official launch of The Bronx Graffiti Art Gallery’s “I love Graffiti” clothing series this coming Saturday, November 23, from 12 pm to 8 pm at Scrapyard NYC, 300 West Broadway.

Photo credits: 1, 2 & 5 Ana Candelaria; 3, 4, 6 & 7 Lois Stavsky

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As alluring as the artist herself, Lady K Fever’s workspace is an oasis of feverish creativity. Featured above is a selection of Lady K Fever’s handbags from her line of newly crafted accessories. What follows are several more images I captured while visiting her Bedford Park studio space last week:

Spray-painted spray cans

Be Boy, Be Ready

Feverish, logo for Lady K Fever’s accessories

In the Key of F Minor, Close-up

And Lady K Fever modeling her bag and new line of street wear

A selection of Lady K Fever‘s new line of accessories and handbags can be purchased at the Bronx Museum of the Arts‘ gift shop and at the upcoming Bronx Museum Artisan Market on Saturday, December 9th. You can check out Lady K Fever‘s Etsy shop here.

Photos by Lois Stavsky



Last Tuesday, First Street Green Park — on the corner of Houston Street and 2nd Avenue — was home to a buoyant celebration of International Hip-Hop Day. Hosted by PeepThis and organized by Anthony Bowman and Kate Storch, the event featured legendary graffiti artists, along with hip-hop and DJing pioneers. The mural pictured above was painted by T-Kid. Here are several more images we captured:





Lady K Fever at work


Andres Correa at work, to the left of Kool Kito


Marcelo Ment — in from Brazil


La Femme Cheri, Ree and Theresa Kim aka Resa Piece

Cheri-ree-and resa-piece-graffiti-art-nyc

The crew


Other featured New York graffiti and street art legends included: Will Power, Flint 707, Nic 707, Keo, Omni and Frank Wore Croce. The hip-hop music — featuring DJ Grand Wizard Theodore and DJJS1 — was broadcast live on Damatrix Studios.

Photo credits: 1-4 & 7  Lois Stavsky 5 & 6 Tara Murray & 8 Karin du Maire

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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Curated by Lady K Fever and Kate StorchThe Art of Peace opens this evening from 6-10pm at Avant Garde on Manhattan’s Lower East Side. An art show and benefit in celebration of the NY Peace Coalition’s 6th Annual Peace December, it features the visual reflections of 31 artists on the theme of peace. Pictured above was painted by Bio, Tats Cru. Here are several more:



Danielle Mastrion


Murj, close-up




And Stem, YNN on a political note


Curators Lady K Fever and Kate Storch in the gallery window — where there will be live painting tonight


And if you can’t make it tonight or would like to return, the exhibit continues through New Years Day.


Photos: 1-4, 6 & 7 Lois Stavsky; 5 courtesy of Lady K

Note: Hailed in a range of media from the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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Lady K Fever has been feverishly busy! Along with creating and installing All Along the Watchtower, an interactive public art installation at Marcus Garvey Park, she was also at work curating Inside Out, a group exhibit at the nearby Heath Gallery, to coincide with her installation.  This past Sunday, I had the opportunity to visit both the installation and the exhibit.


Another segment of the Marcus Garvey Park installation — at night


And at the Heath Gallery — Lady K Fever, Mystery


Jenevieve, Two Views


Natalie Collette Wood, Eliptical Star


Marthalicia, Aquatic Boy


Shame 125, Admiring


Bio,Tats Cru, Let the Games Begin


And “the crew” outside Heath Gallery

heath gallery-artists

The exhibit at Heath Gallery can be seen this weekend: Saturday from 12-6pm and Sunday 12-5pm. All Along the Watchtower remains on view through the end of this month. And for a guided walk of it, you can meet up with Lady K FeverSuprina and the Marcus Garvey Park Alliance members at the nearby Chéri Restaurant, 231 Lenox Avenue, between 6-7pm on Friday evening.

All Along the Watchtower is sponsored by the Marcus Garvey Park Alliance Public Art Initiative with funding provided in part by the Harlem Community Development Corporation. 

 Photos: 1-3 & 10 courtesy Lady K Fever; 4-9 Lois Stavsky

Note: Hailed in a range of media from the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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This past Saturday, Her Story, the first annual female graffiti series, was launched at the legendary Inwood wall on Isham Street off 10th Avenue . While visiting, I had the opportunity to speak to the inimitable Lady K Fever.


Can you tell us something about Her Story’s mission?

We women are underrepresented in the graffiti world. The mission of Her Story is to provide us female writers with a supportive environment to tell our stories while sharing our skills with others.


Whose idea was it? And how did the concept for such a project become a reality?

We’ve been constantly talking  — among ourselves — about the need for more opportunities. We feel that we don’t have anywhere as many opportunities — or access to spaces — as guys have.  And, by chance, several weeks ago, Crane invited us to paint here on Isham and 10th Avenue.


How did you decide which artists to include in today’s launch?

We’ve all known each other for awhile, have painted together before and we get along well together. We are looking forward to including additional female writers in future jams.


The vibes here are great! Everyone seems to be having so much fun. What is your impression of this launch?

It’s been excellent! So many people came by to watch us paint, including many legendary old school writers. It’s been busy!


What’s ahead for Her Story?

With the sponsorship of The Bronx Graffiti Art Gallery and Hush Hip Hop Tours, we will be painting for the next six months in five boroughs in three states. On June 25th you can find us at Tuff City.  Future spots include: Graffiti Universe and Hackensack, New Jersey. We will also be involved in the New York Restoration Project. In collaboration with Bette Midler’s foundation, we will be painting in a garden on July 30th, as part of the series, Ladies of the Bronx, highlighting the elements of hip hop.


It’s all very exciting! Good luck!


1. Lady K Fever

2. Mel1

3. Rocky 184

4. Charmin 65

5. Miss Boombox with Bom5 dancing to its beat; Gem 13 on right

6. Gem13

7. Neks

Photos and interview by Lois Stavsky

Note: Hailed in a range of media from the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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