Street Artists


Among the diverse works on display in Fast Forward: Painting from the 1980s at the Whitney Museum are several by artists whose contributions to the graffiti and street art movement have been monumental. Pictured above is LNAPRK by Jean-Michel Basquiat. Here are several more:

Keith Haring, Untitled, Fiber-tipped pen on synthetic leather


 Martin Wong, Closed, Acrylic on canvas; the artist’s extensive graffiti collection was the subject of City as Canvas at the Museum of the City of  New York in 2014


Kenny Scharf, When the Worlds Collide, Oil and spray paint on canvas against wallpaper adapted from Keith Haring mural at the Pop Shop


Kenny Scharf, close-up 


Fast Forward: Painting from the 1980s continues through May 14 at the Whitney Museum, 99 Gansevoort Street in the Meat Packing District. Check here for hours. Admission is Pay-What-You-Wish on Friday’s, 7-10 pm.

Photos by Lois Stavsky

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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A contemporary of Keith Haring and Jean-Michel BasquiatRichard Hambleton, the Godfather of Street Art, began making his mark on the streets of his native Vancouver in the mid-70’s. His Image Mass Murder Art — a recreation of crime sceneshit the streets of 15 major cities throughout Canada and the US from 1976 through 1979. In the 80’s, his iconic Shadowman paintings surfaced across NYC and through Europe, including the Berlin Wall. He has since attained legendary, though infamous, status. To coincide with the highly anticipated World Documentary Premiere of SHADOWMAN by Oscar-nominated director Oren Jacoby, a historical selection of paintings by Artist Richard Hambleton his now on view at Woodward Gallery.

 Woodward Gallery Windows, Shadow Jumper, center with Shadow Head portraits to the right and left


Dancing Shadowman


Wide view, as seen through Woodward Gallery windows,  featuring the Marlboro Man to the left of Shadow Man portraits on paper 


Another variation of the Marlboro Man as seen from the outside


At the Tribeca Film Festival


With a rare public appearance by the elusive Richard Hambleton


Woodward Gallery is located at 132A Eldridge Street off Delancey on Manhattan’s Lower East Side. Visitors are invited to observe Richard Hambleton’s works from the outside and through gallery windows, as Hambleton intended in his vision. Special viewings are available by appointment. The artworks remain on view through May 5th.

Images courtesy Woodward Gallery

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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The once-dreary trailer on East First Street — where the Lower East Side meets the East Village — has again been redesigned under the curatorial direction of Jonathan Neville, Joshua Geyer and Matthew Denton Burrows. And we love it! Pictured above are Hydeon and Sticky Monger at work. What follows are several more images — some of the artists captured in progress and others of the completed pieces.

Ian Ferguson aka Hydeon and Stickymonger, as seen this past week


Jenna Krypell


John Exit aka scrambledeggsit at work


John Exit aka scrambledeggsit, as seen this past week

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Grimace NYC at work


Grimace NYC, as seen in the bright sun this past week


Kat Lam aka Lamkat


Photo credits: 1, 4, 6 & 8 Tara Murray;  2, 3, 5 & 7 Lois Stavsky

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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Last Tuesday, First Street Green Park — on the corner of Houston Street and 2nd Avenue — was home to a buoyant celebration of International Hip-Hop Day. Hosted by PeepThis and organized by Anthony Bowman and Kate Storch, the event featured legendary graffiti artists, along with hip-hop and DJing pioneers. The mural pictured above was painted by T-Kid. Here are several more images we captured:





Lady K Fever at work


Andres Correa at work, to the left of Kool Kito


Marcelo Ment — in from Brazil


La Femme Cheri, Ree and Theresa Kim aka Resa Piece

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The crew


Other featured New York graffiti and street art legends included: Will Power, Flint 707, Nic 707, Keo, Omni and Frank Wore Croce. The hip-hop music — featuring DJ Grand Wizard Theodore and DJJS1 — was broadcast live on Damatrix Studios.

Photo credits: 1-4 & 7  Lois Stavsky 5 & 6 Tara Murray & 8 Karin du Maire

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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The Tabacalera — a former tobacco factory — in the Lavapies neighborhood of Madrid is now a cultural Mecca hosting over two dozen exterior murals. Curated by the Madrid Street Art Project, the murals — referred to as Muros Tabacalera — change yearly and focus on environmental issues that impact this district’s residents. The mural pictured above was painted by the Italian artist, Alice Pasquini. What follows are several others I captured on my recent trip to Madrid:

Málaga-based artist Dadi Dreucol


Argentine artist Animalitoland


Digo Diego


Nano 8414


Madrid-based Okuda


Dubai-based Spanish artist Ruben Sanchez


Add fuel and Gripface


Photos by Lois Stavsky

Special thanks to Javier Garcia of Cool Tours Spain for introducing me to this project.

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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The walls of the historical district of El Carmen,Valencia brim with stirring street art and graffiti. Pictured above is by Valencia-native Julieta XLF. Here are several more I captured last week while visiting Spain:

Disney Lexya


Benuz and Laguna


Thiago Goms, Laguna and Emilio Cerezo

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The ubiquitous David de Limon


 Photos by Lois Stavsky

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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Nic 707’s InstaFame Phantom Art movement continues to hit the NYC subway trains with classic graffiti along with contemporary urban art. Pictured above are graffiti pioneers: Taki 183 and Cornbread. Here are several more featured on recent rides heading Downtown:

Classic graffiti writer Flint


Colombian artist Praxis with a message


Veteran writer and founder of the InstaFame Phantom Art Movement Nic 707

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Veteran writer Spar One


Steven Cogle and Gabriel Camacho


Canadian artist Stavro


Abstract urban artist David Lyman 


Photo credits: 1, 5, 6 & 8 Lois Stavsky; 2-4 & 7 courtesy Nic 707

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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Curated by Alice Mizrachi, Fem-is-in is an homage to the female spirit in this time of female-led activism.  Featuring a diverse range of work by female artists who have forged their distinct paths, Fem-is-in engages and entices.  The artwork pictured above is by the legendary Lady Pink. What follows is a small sampling of works that can be seen at Fat Free Art through next Saturday.

Alice Mizrachi


Queen Andrea


Jane Dickson


Swoon, close-up


Also featured in Fem-is-in are works by: Lady Aiko, Diane McClure, Ann Lewis aka Gilf!, Janette Beckman and Martha Cooper.

Located at 102 Allen Street on Manhattan’s Lower East Side,  Fat Free Art is open Tuesday-Saturday 11AM-7PM and Sunday 12PM-5PM.

Photos of images: 1, 4 & 5 Lois Stavsky; 2 & 3 Tara Murray



Within the past year, we came upon Felipe Pantone‘s mesmerizing vision on the streets of Miami, Montreal, Atlanta, NYC and Valencia, Spain. And recently we viewed his distinctly bold, infectious aesthetic in a gallery setting here in NYC. Until Sunday, April 16 several of the artist’s studio works remain on view in the brilliantly alluring group exhibit, Interferences: Contemporary Op and Kinetic Art, at GR Gallery, 255 Bowery. Pictured above is OPTICHROMIE 85, enamel on wood panel. What follows are two more of Felipe Pantone‘s works on exhibit at GR Gallery.

CHROMADYNAMICA 16, Enamel on wood panel


SCROLL PANORAMA 11, Enamel spray paint on aluminum and acrylic


And while here for the opening of Interferences: Contemporary Op and Kinetic Art, Felipe Pantone shared his talents with us on the streets of Greenpoint, Brooklyn


Several other of his works we sighted outdoors these past few months include:

In Atlanta, Georgia  for the Outer Space Project


In Montreal, Canada for the Mural Festival


And spotted this past weekend in Valencia, Spain, where the Argentine artist is based 


Featured along with Felipe Pantone at GR Gallery are Gilbert Hsiao, Nadia Costantini, and Sandi Renko, whose innovative works “investigate and advance the discourse around pattern, optical and perceptual abstract painting.” Located at 255 Bowery — between Houston & Stanton —  GR Gallery is open Tue- Sat 12:00pm – 7:00pm.

Photo credits: 1 – 3 Courtesy GR Gallery; 4-6 Tara Murray & 7 Lois Stavsky

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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brazilian-art-at-andrew-freedman (1)

A sumptuous selection of artworks by Brazilian street artists is currently on exhibit at the historic Andrew Freedman Home in the Bronx. This past Sunday, we had the opportunity to speak to the lovely Larissa Ferreira, one of the exhibit’s curators.

What an exhilarating exhibit! What inspired it? Any significance to its timing — as it opened on March 26th?

It is an homage to Brazil’s rich street art and graffiti tradition. And, yes, the date is significant! Brazil’s “National Day of Graffiti” on March 27th was established in 1987 after the death of the artist Alex Vallauri (1949-1987), one of the pioneers of contemporary urban art in the country.

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What, exactly, was your role in producing this exhibit? 

I curated it in collaboration with Ligia Coelho Martins of Duetto Arts and Roberta Prado of Urban Walls Brazil in partnership with Andrew Freedman Home and CUFA – Central Única das Favelas.

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How many of these artists are currently based in NYC?

Just three: Henrique BeloittiFefa Românova and Camila Crivelenti. The others are based in Brazil, but several will be traveling here to NYC in the months ahead.


What — would you say — is the mission of Synopsis of an Urban Memoir?

In recent months, we have witnessed the disappearance of art on the streets of my hometown, São Paulo. This exhibit is our way of paying homage to urban art as an artistic and social movement.

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What were some of a the challenges involved in producing an exhibit of this nature? 

Finding the right site for the exhibition and selecting the artists.

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How did you go about selecting the artists?

With difficulty! We originally wanted to include 10-13 artists. We ended up showcasing the words of 19: Alto*Contraste, Branco, Bugre, Camila Crivelenti, Ciro Schu, Combone, Criola, Fefa Românova, Goms, Henrique Beloitti, Ju Violeta, Júlio Vieira, Mag Magrela, Mateus Bailon, Panmela Castro, Pecci, Siss, Tikka and Vermelho. Each of these artists represents a distinct style and sensibility.


How did the opening of the show go?

It was wonderful! So much enthusiasm, spirit and great music!

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How can folks see this exhibit? It’s a definite must-see!

It remains on exhibit here at the Andrew Freedman Home — 1125 Grand Concourse, directly across from the Bronx Museum of the Arts — through April 14. Hours are: Mon – Thu, 9am – 7pm; Fri: 9am – 5pm and Sat: 10am – 5:30pm.

Images of artworks

1. Wide view of segment of the exhibit

2. Fefa Românova, The Return of the Wild Woman

3.  Bugre, Family

4. Henrique Beloitti, Raios de Oya

5.  Goms,  Zoomorfia Urbana

6. Mateus Bailon, O Portador das Flores

7. Vermelho, Gula

8. Ciro Schu, from Circuit Series

Photo credits: 1, 2 & 8 Houda Lazrak, 3-7, Lois Stavsky; interview conducted by Lois Stavsky with Houda Lazrak and edited by Lois Stavsky

Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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