Celebrating the 90th anniversary of Walt Disney’s iconic Mickey Mouse and his influence on popular culture throughout the globe, Mickey: The True Original Exhibition is an exuberant tribute to the beloved, famed mouse. Featuring artworks in a range of media — including: painting, comic art, yarn bombing, sculpture and installation art — in a labyrinth-like setting, the pop-up exhibition continues through February 10 at 60 10th Avenue in the Meatpacking District. Pictured above is Keith Haring‘s rendition of Mickey Mouse. Several more images from Mickey: The True Original Exhibition follow:
The legendary Kenny Scharf, Cosmic Cavern, close-up, inspired by Mickey Mouse watch
Brooklyn-based Katherine Bernhardt, 99Cent Hot Dog, close-up
Japanese Pop Art pioneer Keiichi Tanaami, Mickey’s Japan Tourism
LA-based multimedia artist Michael John Kelly, Toon Town
Brooklyn-based fiber artist London Kaye
Mickey: The True Original Exhibition is open Tuesday-Sunday from 10am – 8pm. To enter you must have a ticket purchased in advance. Tickets can be purchased online here.
Photo credits: 1, 2 & 6 Lois Stavsky; 3, 4 & 5 Houda Lazrak
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