urban art


Currently on view at La Maison d’Art in Harlem is Styles and Storytellers, the first installment of a series of exhibits and artist talks conceived and curated by artist J.T. Liss. In this intriguingly provocative exhibit, four different artists present four unique stories in four distinct styles. Each of the four artists — J.T. LissMisha TyutyunikMarthalicia Matarrita and Jeff Henriquez — also share their talents with us on our city streets. Pictured above is Face Value by J.T. Liss. Here are several more images from the show:

J.T. Liss, Face Value II, Photographic art on canvas


Misha Tyutyunik, Mourning, Acrylic on canvas


Marthalicia Matarrita, Frida Kahlo, En la Lucha, Mixed media


Jeff Henriquez, Night Moves #5, Photographic art on canvas


Styles and Storytellers: Volume I continues until June 30th with an artist talk and open-mic poetry/spoken words/music next Friday, June 2, 6-9 pm. To schedule an appointment to visit the exhibit at another time, you can contact gallery owner Stephanie Calla at stephanie@lamaisondartny.com or at 917-533-4605. La Maison d’Art is located at 259 W 132nd Street in Harlem.

Photos of artworks by Lois Stavsky



A diverse range of faces by artists from across the globe have been greeting us in Detroit public spaces, particularly in Eastern Market. Pictured above is by Chilean artist Dasic Fernandez in Mexicantown. What follows are several more than we came upon this week:

Also by Dasic in Mexicantown


Australian artist Rone for Murals in the Market


New Zealand-based artist Askew One for Murals in the Market


NYC-based Beau Stanton for Murals in the Market


West Coast-based Hueman for Murals in the Market


Bay Area artist Lauren YS for Murals in the Market


Photo credits: 1-3 & 7 Lois Stavsky; 4-6 Tara Murray

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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Street Art Today celebrated King’s Day 2017 with the third edition of the annual Kings Spray Street Art Festival. On April 27, a part of the NDSM-wharf in the north of Amsterdam was transformed into a giant street art castle. Thirty-five national and international street artists created artworks of 3,5 by 5 meters inside the castle and on its walls. Pictured above is London-based Fin DAC at work. What follows is a photo report of the festival by street art and travel photographer Karin du Maire:

Dutch graffiti master Ces53 at work


Brazilian artist Sipros at work


Holland-based Mr  June at work


Belgium-based Philip Bosmans aka Bosmaus


Berlin-based artist Sokar Uno


London-based Fanakapan at work


Amsterdam-based Besok at work


Kings Spray Street Art Festival was organized by Peter Ernst Coolen, the founder and curator of Street Art Today.

Photos by Karin du Maire



Earlier this spring, HKwalls partnered with Vans to introduce street art to Hong Kong’s Wong Chuk Hang district. The mural pictured above was painted by the Indonesian artist Tuts. What follow are several more images of urban art that surfaced during this year’s festival:

Thailand-based Jecks


Spanish artist Spok Brillor, one of several trucks painted during HKwalls 2017


Hong Kong-based Taka


Taiwanese artist Debe


Malaysian artist Abdul Rashade


Paris-based Zoer


All photos courtesy HKwalls


The 3rd edition of Street Art Expo NYC took place yesterday afternoon at the Elks Lodge in Elmhurst, Queens. Visitors had the opportunity to meet dozens of artists and vendors and to purchase an amazing array of urban art in different media — from stickers to huge canvases. Here are a few images we captured:

Plasma Slug


Murrz, tribute to Diva, RIP


Epic Uno


Turtle Caps






The Royal KingBee


Jaylo, signed by KingBee


Sponsors for the event included: Ironlak, TYO Toys,The Alski Show, Bombing Science and Stick Em Up.

Photo credits: 1-7 Lois Stavsky; 8 Tara Murray

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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A master of his craft with a formal educational background in graphic design, Epic Uno has been sharing his talents with us here in NYC public spaces for the past several years. He is one of the many talented artists who will be participating tomorrow in the 3rd edition of the Street Art Expo in Elmhurst, Queens. I recently had the opportunity to meet up with him:

When and where did you first get up here in NYC? 

It was around 1997-98. I had left Puerto Rico to attend Pratt University, and I first got up on and off the campus of Pratt.

What inspired you at the time to hit the walls?

I did it because I could! It felt good to get up. It was a rush!


Do any early graffiti-related memories stand out?

I was about nine or ten years old when I saw a Sen2 piece on an abandoned building back in Puerto Rico. I was struck! Years later when I met Sen2, he gave me the best advice any mentor could give. He said, “Draw every day.” And I do!

Would you rather work legally or illegally?

These days it’s not a choice. I have a family, and I’m not 20 any more. But I do miss the rush.

I’ve seen your work up in the Bronx, in Long Island City and at Welling Court. It’s quite impressive! Who have been some of your influences? Have any particular artists inspired you?

I met the writer HUMAN back at Pratt. His dorm room was across from mine. And he taught me the basics. Among the many artists who have inspired me are: Sen2, the late Swiss graffiti legend Dare TWS, Rime MSK, 123 Klan and Does from the Netherlands.


Have you painted with any crews?

I’ve painted with A Dying Breed and 4Burners.

\Would you rather paint alone or collaborate with others?

I generally prefer painting alone, but when I paint with the “right” person, there’s nothing better. I love painting with Sen2 and Logek.

Can you tell us something about your name Epic Uno? Its origin?

I first started as Elastic. But it wasn’t working for me, and I wanted a new name. I checked Art Crimes to find a name that nobody else had. I came up the name Epic and then added Uno to identify my Latin roots.


Have you any thoughts about the graffiti/street art divide?

Although there are some of us who bridge both worlds, there is a definite divide. The backgrounds and mentalities of most street artists and graffiti writers are quite different.  And I especially feel it here in NYC.

What percentage of your time is devoted to art these days?

Just about all or it! I used to be into snowboarding, but I barely have any time these days for anything besides my art and my family.

How do you feel about the engagement of graffiti writers and street artists with the corporate world?

We artists have to live. I’ve collaborated with brands such as Coach and Nike. And I, of course, use my discretion regarding which corporations and brands I work with.


Have you shown your work in galleries?

I’ve been in lots of small group shows. Here in New York City I’ve shown in all boroughs except Staten Island. I’ve also exhibited in San Diego, Minneapolis and back in Puerto Rico.

Do you work with a sketch in hand or do you let it flow?

I’m always over prepared. Without a plan I get stressed and anxious.

Are you generally satisfied with your finished work?

I am satisfied only if I’m able to include every detail I want to include.


How has your work evolved through the past few years?

I’m somewhat more comfortable with the process. I’m less confined by my initial plan or sketch. I’ve learned how to take imperfections and make them seem organic.

What inspires you these days?

I’m inspired by the 1920’s… ads, graphics, art deco. I’m interested in incorporating traditional typography into my current work.

Are there any particular cultures that have influenced your aesthetic?

Definitely the graffiti and hip-hop culture. Back in Puerto Rico, I was a break dancer, and I emceed and deejayed with my friends before I ever started piecing.


How do you feel about the role of social media in all of this?

Instagram was a turning point for me as an artist, as I made so many contacts through it. But I see social media as a loaded weapon. It can be very beneficial, but it can also be hurtful.

Can you tell us something about your current day job?

I work as an Art Director for Equity Brands. My office is here in Midtown.

Do you feel that your formal art education played a positive role in your art career?

Definitely. My studies in Graphic Design at Pratt Institute gave me the tools to be able to do the work that I do today.


What’s ahead?

I have recently been commissioned to paint a mural at a hotel. Next month I will be painting in the 8th Annual Welling Court Mural Project. I will be participating in the Robots Will Kill exhibit at My Plastic Heart on the Lower East Side in July. And on Sunday (tomorrow), you can find me at the Street Art Expo — at Elks Lodge, 82-20 Queens Blvd in Elmhurst, Queens — where I will be displaying and selling my art and a range of my products, taking commissions and signing black books.

It all sounds great! I look forward to seeing you then.

All photos courtesy of the artist; first photo by Rachel Fawn Alban; interview conducted and edited by Lois Stavsky

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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Committed to using art to transform the ways that teens are prosecuted and sentenced in New York’s adult criminal justice system, Young New Yorkers’ fifth annual Silent Art Auction will fund its grassroots arts program for teens facing criminal charges as adults. Curated by Layqa Nuna Yawar and Ann Lewis, the fundraiser features works by over 80 artists. On Wednesday, May 10th, the Annual Silent Auction will take place from 7-10pm at 548 W. 28th Street in Chelsea, Manhattan. Its special honoree is the wonderfully gifted, Brooklyn-based actor and activist Michael K. Williams.  Among the artworks to be auctioned are several with a distinct political consciousness. Featured above is Icy and Sot, Stop Police Brutality, Spray paint on wood. Here are several more socially-engaged artworks to be auctioned:

Guerrilla Girls, What’s The Difference Between A Prisoner Of War And A Homeless Person?, Offset lithograph


Jordan Seiler, Collisions – Bullseye, Inkjet 


Kara Walker, Lost Mountain at Sunrise: Harper’s Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated), Offset lithography and screenprint on Sommerset textured paper


Distort, Estranged, Enamel and engraving on aluminum


Nicholas Galanin,  The American Dream is Alie and Well, Archival Ultrachrome ink on Epson ultra smooth fine art paper



And with the purchase of any artwork from Young New Yorkers, you will receive one of these Amplifier prints designed by Shepard Fairey 


You can purchase tickers here for May 10th’s Silent Auction and bid on the artworks at Paddle8 here.

Images of artworks courtesy Young New Yorkers

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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Currently on view at the Metropolitan Museum of Art‘s Ruth and Harold D. Uris Center for Education is a special exhibition featuring more than 600 original works of art and writing from NYC-based Gold Key recipients in the 2017 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards.  Previous Scholastic Art Award recipients  include such noted artists as Andy Warhol, Cy Twombly, Kay Walking Stick and Luis Jiménez. Pictured above is Reflection by 16-year old Hunter College High School student Yeji Cho. Here are several more Gold Key-awarded artworks that reflect a contemporary urban sensibility:

Iris Khim, The Wall, age 14, Fiorella H LaGuardia High School

Iris-Khim-the wall

Yerke Abouva, Life of Food, age 15, Professional Children’s School


Anastasia Uraleva, Winter Night, age 17, Edward R Murrow High School


Shelly Chung, I’m Going Bananas for Grandpa, age 17, Francis Lewis High School


YuQing Gu, Self-Portrait with Skull, age 18, the Windsor School


The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards is presented by The Alliance for Young Artists & Writers. You can view the talents of the NYC-based Gold Key recipients at the Metropolitan Museum of Art through May 29 during regular museum hours.

Photos of images: 1, 3, 4 & 5 Tara Murray; 2 & 6 Lois Stavsky

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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Born in East Harlem and raised in Astoria, Queens, Louie “KR.One” Gasparro has been sharing his vast creative talents — both as an artist and as musician — with us for decades.  “Louie was an original,” Sacha Jenkins writes in the introduction to the recently-released KOLORSTORM: The Art of Louie “KR.One” Gasparro. “KR was a master of paint at a time in graffiti when there were more court jesters than kings, more tags and throw ups than masterpieces.”  Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to catch up with the impassioned artist while visiting his studio.


It’s been almost three years now since your first book Don1: The King from Queens was launched with a panel discussion at the Museum of the City of New York. How has the response to that book been?

The response has been overwhelming. I put a light on a NYC graffiti master who had been forgotten.  He had influenced so many of us, but was living in obscurity. I was determined to uncover his story and share it with others. I spent nine years doing that. But my persistence paid off.  I had folks from Italy writing to me after the book was released.


And what about your current book? It’s quite impressive! How did that come about?

While working on Don1: The King from QueensI developed a relationship with its publisher, Schiffer Books. And when I proposed a book of my own works, I was encouraged to see it through.

I love the way your new book is organized into distinct chapters on different themes — such as The Early Days, Black Books, Model Trains, Abstracts, Walls and more. There is such an amazing variety of works and styles represented here, as well as a documentation of your journey as an artist — from subway graffiti pieces dating back to the early 80’s to contemporary urban art. How long did it take you to get it all together?

I spent two years working on it.  The greatest challenge was deciding which works to include. Originally, I had 600 images. I then had to cut that down to 400.



Kolorstorm is also an amazing foray into your inspirations and passions.  Can you tell us something about your influences?

There are many. Comic books, cartoons, graffiti art, rock & roll, heavy metal…

Who were some of your favorite musicians back then?

Among them are: Jimi Hendrix, Rush, Yes… For me — and for many of us — graffiti was never related to hip-hop. The connection was largely an illusion that was accepted by many as “fact.” Graffiti transcends all concepts of race, religion, culture and class. That’s what makes it so great.


In what ways has your work evolved through the past few years?

The entire process has become easier. My artwork is more detailed, and my line works are better.

Your Abstrakts are on a whole different level! What inspired them?

I was just experimenting with colors and shapes. The Abstrakts evolved from the experimentation. I’ve been told that they are “informed by graffiti.” And so they may be!


What’s ahead?

More art, of course! And opening Saturday (tomorrow) night is Art As An Answer, a one night only pop-up show with new works, presented by The Astoria Boyz and The Urban Foundation Gallery, at 208 East 73rd Street in Manhattan.

Congratulations!  It’s certain to be wonderful!


1. Cover of KOLORSTORM: The Art of Louie “KR.One” Gasparro, published by Schiffer Books

2. Louie “KR.One” Gasparro in his studio

3Louie “KR.One” Gasparro, The Lost Art of the Tag, True York

4. KR.One and Fome 1, IRT #2 Line, Bronx, 1982, Photo © Martha Cooper

5. Louie “KR.One” Gasparro, Abstract, Greyburst3

6Louie “KR.One” Gasparro, Band Member, Keyboardist

Interview conducted and edited by Lois Stavsky; images 1, 4, 5 & 7 courtesy of the artist; 2, 3 & 6 photographed by Lois Stavsky in Louie’s studio

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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The once-dreary trailer on East First Street — where the Lower East Side meets the East Village — has again been redesigned under the curatorial direction of Jonathan Neville, Joshua Geyer and Matthew Denton Burrows. And we love it! Pictured above are Hydeon and Sticky Monger at work. What follows are several more images — some of the artists captured in progress and others of the completed pieces.

Ian Ferguson aka Hydeon and Stickymonger, as seen this past week


Jenna Krypell


John Exit aka scrambledeggsit at work


John Exit aka scrambledeggsit, as seen this past week

John-Exit-public art-East-Village-NYC

Grimace NYC at work


Grimace NYC, as seen in the bright sun this past week


Kat Lam aka Lamkat


Photo credits: 1, 4, 6 & 8 Tara Murray;  2, 3, 5 & 7 Lois Stavsky

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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