Nick Walker

On view through August 9 at Dorian Grey Gallery in Manhattan’s East Village is an eclectic array of stencil-based compositions spanning 35 years. Among the 25 artists featured in the exhibit are several whose works are also presently on the streets of NYC. Here is a sampling of these artists’ pieces at Dorian Grey.

Lady Aiko, Drip Skull


Icy & Sot, Starlight


 Blek le Rat, The Violinist


Chris Stain, Bukowski


Joe Iurato, Cosmic Kid


Nick Walker,  I love New York

nick-walker-I love-New-York

Solus, Dream Big


Located at 437 East 9th Street off Ave A, Dorian Grey Gallery is open Tuesday – Saturday 12pm-7pm and Sunday until 6pm.

Photos: 1 Tara Murray 2-7 Dani Reyes Mozeson


This is the seventh in an occasional series featuring images of males who surface on NYC public spaces:

 UK’s Nick Walker on Manhattan’s Upper East Side

"Nick Walker"

Australian artist E.L.K at the Bushwick Collective


Australian artist Anthony Lister in Bushwick, Brooklyn

"Anthony Lister"

Swedish stencil artist Bly in Dumbo, Brooklyn


 Chilean artist Dasic Fernandez at ABC No Rio on Manhattan’s Lower East Side

"Dasic Fernandez"

Irish native Conor Harrington for the LISA Project in Downtown Manhattan

"Connor Harrington"

Mongolian native Heesco and Australia’s Damien Mitchell for the Bushwick Collective

Heesco-and Damien-Mitchell-NYC

Photo credits: 1,2 and 7 by Lois Stavsky; 3-6 by Dani Reyes Mozeson



Currently on view at Dorian Grey Gallery in the East Village is Strada Veloce, an intriguing exhibit largely fusing the divergent — seemingly contradictory — cultures of luxury autos and expressive graffiti. Here are a few more works (Cope2 pictured above):

John “Crash” Matos

"John Matos aka Crash"

Luxury car customizer and furniture designer Joe MAC Lapadula of Martino Auto Concepts


Nick Walker‘s iconic vandal 


 A luxurious sofa featuring graffiti by Meres One

"Meres One"

And — in the window — a reproduction of a Ferrari painted by the legendary John “Crash” Matos


This exhibit continues through next Sunday at 437 East 9th Street between 1st Ave and Ave A.  The gallery is open today — Sunday — from 12pm-6pm and Tuesday through Saturday from 12pm-7pm.

Photos 1, 2 and 3 by Dani Reyes Mozeson; photo 4 by City-as-School intern Robert Verdejo; photo 5 by City-as-School intern Tyler Dean Flores and final photo by Lois Stavsky.


"Nick Walker"

As a kick-off to a mural program that will involve Street Art 101 classes and workshops, legendary UK-based artist Nick Walker recently completed a series of seven artworks in Downtown Yonkers. In an array of spaces – from a courtyard in the historic Downtown to a nearby rooftop — Nick Walker’s signature vandal can be found, along with the first public appearance of “Les Enfants Terribles.”  Here are a few more images.

Nick Walker at work

"Nick Walker"

Nick’s iconic vandal

"Nick Walker"

And one of its many variations

"Nick Walker"

With a message from Nick


Nick signs yet another variation of his iconic vandal


And graces Yonkers with the first public view of “Les Enfants Terribles”   

Nick-Walker-stencil-art-with child-yonkers-NY

In this initiative, managed by local nonprofit, Community Engagement Through the Arts, a team of youth will be assembled to maintain the murals that invited guest artists create in public spaces. Plans are, also, underway for a possible collaboration between the City of Yonkers and the Bushwick Collective.

Photo credit: @fafafooie



Yesterday at noon, the 14th edition of the NYC Graffiti Hall of Fame, presented by Joey TDS and James Top, was officially launched inside the famed East Harlem schoolyard on 106th Street and Park Avenue. Here is a small sampling of what went down during the early afternoon:











Wiz Art

"Wiz Ar"t

Queen Andrea

"Queen Andrea"

 And earlier in the week, Tats Cru — with Crash and Nick Walker — fashioned a huge mural outside the school yard. Here are some close-ups:


"Tats Cru"

Tats Cru

The 14th edition of the NYC Graffiti Hall of Fame continues today from noon to 8pm.

Photos by Dani Reyes Mozeson

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This is the first in a series of images of males who surface on NYC public spaces:

Icy and Sot at the Bushwick Collective

Icy and Sot

Nick Walker on Manhatan’s Lower East Side

Nick Walker

Meres at 5Pointz in Long Island City


SinXero and Joe Conzo do the Cold Crush Brothers in the Bronx

SinXero and Joe Conzo

Fumero at the Bushwick Collective


Tito Na Rua on Lower East Side rooftop

Tito Na Rua

Belin and the Royal Kingbee in the Bronx

Belin and King Bee

Erik Den Breejen does David Bowie in NoLita

Erik Den Breejen

Photos by Lenny Collado, Dani Mozeson, Tara Murray and Lois Stavsky


"Rubin415 and Dasic"

The walls in the industrial neighborhood of Hunts Point up in the Bronx are among NYC’s most vibrant. Within the past few weeks, over a dozen diverse pieces have surfaced. While some are rooted in traditional graffiti and others cross genres, they all exude distinct charm and energy. Here is a sampling captured this past week:

Swedish artist Rubin415 and Chilean artists Dasic Fernandez and Zewok

"Rubin415, Dasic and Zewok"

Zewok close-up


Bristol legend Inkie in from London

"Inkie graffiti"

The legendary Bronx native John Matos aka Crash

"John Matos aka Crash"

Bristol’s famed Nick Walker and West coast artist Mark Bode

"Nick Walker and Mark Bode"

 New York City’s Yes2

"Yes 2 graffiti"

Photos by Lenny Collado, Tara Murray and Lois Stavsky

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"Bushwick Five Points street art"

Within the past year, the walls along Scott, Troutman and St. Nicholas in Bushwick, Brooklyn have evolved into a vibrantly intriguing outdoor gallery. We recently had the opportunity to pose some questions to its curator, Joe Ficalora.

What inspired you to transform this neighborhood into such a wonderful open-air gallery?

I’ve lived in this neighborhood all my life.  Growing up here, I was not even allowed to play outside. The delis were drug spots, and the surrounding blocks teemed with prostitutes and junkies. I was continually exposed to hookers and gangs. My dad was murdered right down the block as he was leaving the L train Jefferson Avenue station. As artists and creative types began moving into the neighborhood, things changed. And after my mother’s death, I was moved to transform the cold industrial aura of this area into something that would revive me and provide the artists with a space to showcase their talents.  I am trying to create an environment that I couldn’t get as a child.

"Icy and Sot street art"

Wow! You are certainly succeeding. Bushwick Five Points has become one of our favorite spots in NYC! How do you manage to have access to so many walls?

Some are family-owned and others I’ve negotiated with their owners. Once these building owners see a finished wall, it is not difficult for them to recognize that the artwork surfacing here is far more appealing than random tags and unspeakable words!

We’ve noticed and love just how varied the artwork is here – in terms of both artists’ backgrounds and styles.  Have you any favorites?

I love them all, and I love the mix! Each piece is special to me. I love watching everything from the progress of the artists to the reactions of the passersby.

"Never street art"

How do you decide which artists to feature on the walls here at Bushwick Five Points?

I look for passion and integrity. I always meet the artist first, and we walk through the neighborhood together.  I show them the walls, and I tell them a bit about the other artists who’ve painted here. If I like the artist’s work and feel right about the artist, it’s a go!

"The Yok and Sheryo street art"

How do you decide which walls go to which artists?

We discuss which spaces are available and the artist then chooses his or her canvas.

Any thoughts about the graffiti/street art divide?

I admire the graffiti that has been surfacing in the vicinity of Morgan Avenue. But I love the varieties of expression that street art offers.

"Dan Witz street art"

How do you feel about the role of the Internet in all this?

I think it’s beautiful. We all get to see and appreciate what’s surfacing throughout the world.

"Hellbent street art"

What’s ahead?

I’m not looking long-term. I’m enjoying what I’m doing now. And I’d love to keep doing what I’m doing the rest of my life!

"OverUnder and LNY street art"

That sounds great! We are so glad you are doing what you are doing.

"Jim Avignon street art"

Special thanks to Bodega Wine Bar for the delicious complimentary snacks we were served while interviewing Joe.

Images beginning with top: Nick Walker, Danielle Mastrion and Concrete Jungle, photo by Dani Mozeson; Icy and Sot, photo by Lenny Collado; Priscila De Carvalho, Maria Berrio & Miriam Castillo, photo by Lois Stavsky; Never, photo by Lois Stavsky; The Yok and Sheryo, photo by Dani Mozeson; Rimx, photo by Dani Mozeson; Dan Witz, photo by Dani Mozeson; Hellbent, photo by Tara Murray; OverUnder and LNY, photo by Dani Mozeson; Jim Avignon, photo by Lois Stavsky


This is the third in an occasional series of images of girls — and women — who grace New York City’s walls:

Nick Walker in Manhattan’s Meatpacking District

"Nick Walker in NYC"

More after the jump!


Notoriously difficult canvases, NYC shutters continue to attract both global and local artists. Here are a few current ones:

Bristol native Nick Walker in Manhattan’s Meatpacking District

"Nick Walker stencils on NYC shutter"

"Nick Walker stencil art on NYC shutter"

More after the jump!