After spending five months in London, Pyramid Oracle is back for a bit in NYC. Opening today at 6pm at City Bird Gallery is Return, a five-day show featuring work he developed in the UK. We met up with the artist yesterday, as he was getting ready for this evening’s exhibit.

Your works began surfacing here on NYC streets about two years ago. We were struck at once by their haunting, somewhat melancholy, beauty. What is the inspiration behind these works?
I’m inspired by the people, places and things I’ve experienced. I try to capture wisdom from the great mysteries, while depicting our existence in a sort of subliminal lull. I’ve been particularly inspired by the Native Americans I’ve met in Montana and New Mexico.

When and where did you begin sharing your work in public spaces?
I started around 2008 doing work throughout the Midwest. My work first started getting recognized primarily in Chicago.
What motivated you to get up on the streets?
I was hanging around train riders, graff artists and vagabonds. I was doing most of my work while traveling and spending so much time on the street that it seemed like the natural thing to do.

Where – besides NYC, Chicago and London – have you gotten up?
Minneapolis, Baltimore, Philly, Portland, and Miami. And in Iowa — Cedar Rapids, Iowa city, Ames, Fort Dodge and Des Moines.
Just who is Pyramid Oracle?
Pyramid Oracle represents the body of work that I am developing. It is constantly evolving.

Who are some of your influences?
Among the artists whose works have resonated the most with me through the years are: Gaia, Swoon, Mata Ruda, LNY and OverUnder.
What would you like folks to come away with after seeing your work? Have you a message to convey?
It is open to interpretation, while its primary purpose is to facilitate a means of reflection and illumination.

Return opens this evening at 6pm at City Bird Gallery and remains on exhibit through Sunday. The gallery is located at 191 Henry Street on Manhattan’s Lower East Side.
Interview by City-as-School intern Diana Davidova with Lois Stavsky; photos 1-3 Lois Stavsky; 4 Diana Davidova