Richard Hambleton

Currently on view at Woodward Gallery on Manhattan’s Lower East Side is “The Eyes Have It,” a delightful exhibition showcasing several contemporary artists’ interpretations of eyes, as distinct elements of larger images. Among these artists are many well-known to us street art and graffiti aficionados. The untitled image above was fashioned with enamel on canvas in 2019 by the legendary Bronx-based artist John Matos aka Crash. Several more diverse renderings of eyes follow:

Brooklyn-based Moody Mutz, “Berries and Grapes,” 2015, Acrylic on canvas

Hudson Valley-based Cosbe, “My Madonna Dot Com,” 2020, Mixed media on canvas

Lower East Side-based Chico, “Gene Simmons, Kiss Eyes,” ca. 2012, spray paint on plywood

Philly-based stikman, “133 Eldridge Street stikman,” 2010, Painted wooden cutout adhered to wooden board

The late, legendary Canadian artist Richard Hambleton, “Shadow Head Portrait,” 1997, Acrylic on paperboard and found frame

Daytime view

Nighttime view

This exhibition continues at Woodward Gallery, located at 132A Eldridge Street on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, through July. You can view the works in the gallery’s street-level windows 24/7 or by appointment by contacting

Photo credits: 1-5 and 8 courtesy Woodward Gallery, 6 & 7 Lois Stavsky


On Thursday May 15, Woodward Gallery held an elegant reception at the Down Town Association, 60 Pine Street, for 12 in 24. Presenting an intriguing array of artworks by 12 artists — all working in distinct styles — 12 in 24  continues through July, 2024.

The image shown above features Cosby, along with his first-born son, standing in front of his 2022 work Soft Spot. Fashioned with acrylic and mixed media on acrylic panel, it is representative of Cosbe’s raw, instinctive, signature aesthetic.

In addition to Cosbe— who is well-known to many of us street art aficionados — several other artists who have made their way onto public space are celebrated in this exhibition. What follows is a sampling:

The wonderfully talented BK Foxx, “Featherweight,” 2016, Freehand spray acrylic on linen

The late, legendary Richard Hambleton, “Sunset in Studio Valley,” 1985, Acrylic on canvas

NYC-based painter and muralist Jose Aurelio Baez, “Winter Bouquet,” 2023, Acrylic and wallpaper on canvas

The wonderfully versatile Moody, “From the Ground Up,” 2021, Enamel and high gloss acrylic on wood

Wide view of the elegant gallery space 

And the delightful “12 in 24” opening night

You can visit the exhibition through July by appointment ( or view it on online at Artsy here.

Photo credits:

1-4 Lois Stavsky; 5-7 Courtesy Woodward Gallery 


Richard Hambleton and His Contemporaries: Al Diaz, Ken Hiratsuka, Scot Borofsky, an exploration of the unsanctioned street art movement in New York City in the 1980s — through four of its most significant visionaries — continues through Friday, July 30, at Ideal Glass Studios.

The image featured above, Jumper, was fashioned in 1995 by the late Canadian artist Richard Hambleton, referred to by many as the “Godfather of street art.”  Hambleton’s mysterious, mesmerizing  silhouetted figures, variations of his iconic “Shadowman,” made their way into hundreds of alleyways and buildings throughout NYC after he had moved to Manhattan’s Lower East Side. Several more images on exhibit in Richard Hambleton and His Contemporaries follow:

Also by Richard Hambleton, “Untitled 1,” 1994, Acrylic on canvas,  70.5 x 62.5 inches

NYC native Al Diaz — prolific text-oriented street artist who had collaborated with Jean Michel Basquiat on SAMO© and maintains an active presence on the streets today — “Forgotten Names,” 2019-20, Mixed media on canvas, 30 x 40 inches

Also by Al Diaz, “Ghost Painting,” 2021, Mixed media on canvas, 21 x 30 inches

Japanese sculptor Ken Hiratsuka — who worked with hammer and chisel to create intricate designs  underfoot — “Islands,” 2021, Bluestone, 23.5 x 18 x 3 inches

Also by Ken Hiratsuka, “All Night,” 2010, Black granite, 38 x 26 x 1.5 inches

Vermont native Scot Borofsky — known for his site-specific works referencing ancient art from various cultures — (from left to right) “Farmer’s Daughter,” 1986, Krylon spray paint on linen, 60 x 42 inches; “Yellow Angel,” 1986, Krylon spray paint on linen, 60 x 42 inches; “Meditating Figure,” 1989, Krylon spray paint on linen, 72 x 72 inches

The exhibition can be viewed daily through Friday, July 30m from 2-6pm at Ideal Glass Studios. located at 9 West 8th Street in Greenwich Village. For viewings all other times, you can contact Salomon Arts Gallery at (212) 966-1997 to book an appointment.

Special thanks to Ana Candelaria, who attended the press reception earlier this week and photographed select works to share with us

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A contemporary of Keith Haring and Jean-Michel BasquiatRichard Hambleton, the Godfather of Street Art, began making his mark on the streets of his native Vancouver in the mid-70’s. His Image Mass Murder Art — a recreation of crime sceneshit the streets of 15 major cities throughout Canada and the US from 1976 through 1979. In the 80’s, his iconic Shadowman paintings surfaced across NYC and through Europe, including the Berlin Wall. He has since attained legendary, though infamous, status. To coincide with the highly anticipated World Documentary Premiere of SHADOWMAN by Oscar-nominated director Oren Jacoby, a historical selection of paintings by Artist Richard Hambleton his now on view at Woodward Gallery.

 Woodward Gallery Windows, Shadow Jumper, center with Shadow Head portraits to the right and left


Dancing Shadowman


Wide view, as seen through Woodward Gallery windows,  featuring the Marlboro Man to the left of Shadow Man portraits on paper 


Another variation of the Marlboro Man as seen from the outside


At the Tribeca Film Festival


With a rare public appearance by the elusive Richard Hambleton


Woodward Gallery is located at 132A Eldridge Street off Delancey on Manhattan’s Lower East Side. Visitors are invited to observe Richard Hambleton’s works from the outside and through gallery windows, as Hambleton intended in his vision. Special viewings are available by appointment. The artworks remain on view through May 5th.

Images courtesy Woodward Gallery

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

en-play-badge 2



The windows of NYU’s Kimmel Center are now home to a wide range of street art and graffiti artworks. Presented in partnership with 3rd Culture Creative, a cutting-edge media development company, ART STREET 13 WINDOWS 1 WALL showcases the distinct aesthetic of 15 artists whose works have surfaced on our streets. I recently had the opportunity to speak to its principal curator Pamela Jean Tinnen — who for the past five years has curated New York University’s Kimmel Galleries.


I’m always delighted when universities embrace street art. Can you tell us something about how this project came to be? What might have prompted it?

Yes! Awhile back I went on a street art tour of the Bushwick Collective, conducted by one of my colleagues, Izzy Church. I loved what I saw, and I soon began researching street art. An exhibit featuring street art became a passion project of mine, and the Kimmel Windows Gallery seemed like the ideal site to showcase public art, particularly during the summer months.


Exhibiting works by street artists and graffiti writers in a public space – that can be seen by everyone — is certainly a cool notion! Are there any other particular concepts underlying this exhibit?

Yes. Placing works of street art behind a glass wall also hints at the monetary value of the artworks by those street artists who have achieved mainstream success.

Cost-and-Enx-NYU windows

How did you and your co-curators — Izzy Church and Marten Kale —  decide which artists to include?

We reached out to our favorite artists, and several of the other artists reached out to us.

Did you encounter any unanticipated challenges in seeing it through?

The unconventional nature of the artworks demanded careful attention to their placement in this particular setting.


I think it looks great! Each window is engaging. How has the response to it been?

The response has been wonderful. I’ve received so many positive messages, particularly from my colleagues.

Until when will it remain on view?

 It has been extended through September 12th.  And during these next few weeks, be prepared for some surprises as we make some changes in the windows! A closing event will be held on Saturday, September 10th from 7:30 – 10pm in the Grand Hall at NYU Global Center, 238 Thompson Street, 5th Floor. There will be art, music and a cash bar.

It all sounds great! 



1. Francisco de Pájaro aka  Art Is Trash

2. Gilf!, Iena Cruz and Cope2 with Indie

3. Ron English

4. Cost and Enx

5. Richard Hambleton

Located on Laguardia and West 3rd St, Kimmel Windows also features: John Fekner, ASVP, Lady Pink, Jonathan “Meres” Cohen, Fumero, Raquel Echanique, Federico Massa a.k.a. Iena Cruz, B.D. White, Joe Iurato, Martian Code and Skewville.

Photo credits: 1-4 Lois Stavsky; 5 courtesy Woodward Gallery; interview by Lois Stavsky


Woodward Gallery‘s first exhibit of 2015 presents a wonderfully diverse selection of works in a range of media by 20 contemporary artists. Among those artists featured are several with special appeal to us street art aficionados, as their artworks have also surfaced in public spaces. Here’s a sampling:

Moody, Mixed media on album cover, 2015


Darkcloud, The End Times, Spray paint, enamel and resin on foam core, 2014

Darkcloud - The End Times

 Darkcloud, close-up


Kenji Nakayama, Naked Lunch, Acrylic on wood, close-up, 2012

"Kenji Nakayama"

Cycle, Rex vs Rex, Acrylic on canvas, 2013

"Chris Cycle"

stikman, Threaded, Acrylic on plexiglass, 2014


Richard Hambleton, (L) Malibu Seascape, 1986 and (R) Dancing Shadowman, Acrylic on paper, 1983


Woodward Gallery is located at 133 Eldridge Street on Manhattan’s Lower East Side. It is open Tuesday – Saturday 11-6pm and Sunday from 12-5pm.

Photos credits: 1 & 3 City-as-School intern Zachariah Messaoud; 2, 5 & 7 courtesy Woodward Gallery; 4 Lois Stavsky & 6 Dani Reyes Mozeson