public art

Currently based in Brooklyn, Chicago native Esteban del Valle is an interdisciplinary artist whose public artworks have surfaced in NYC, as well as in Chicago, IL, San Antonio, TX, and Kansas City, MO. We first came upon his extraordinary work at 5Pointz in Long Island City, Queens.

Esteban de Valle

When and where did first get up?

I was in junior high school back in Chicago when I did my first tag on a school bench.  I was soon hitting the back of K-Mart and piecing under nearby bridges.

What inspired you to hit the streets? Have you any early graffiti memories?

I was in sixth grade when I saw a legal wall in Chicago’s Ukrainian Village that was all graffiti.  I thought, “Wow! I want to do something like that!”

Back in Chicago, did you paint alone or were you part of a crew?

Both. Just about all the guys I went to school with were into hip-hop. We called ourselves FYM (Free Your Mind).

What percentage of your time these days is devoted to art?


Esteban del Valle

Is art, then, the main source of your income?

Yes, I sell studio work. I do commissions and I work for Groundswell, an organization that engages youth in creating community murals.

How does your family feel about what you are doing?

They’re fine as long as what I do is legal.

Any thoughts about the graffiti/street art divide?

I love both.  But what I especially love about street art is that it inspires people to take to the streets to do more than just their names.

How do you feel about the movement of street art and graffiti into galleries?

It’s fine. Artists need to make a living from their work. But once it’s in a gallery, it isn’t “street art” any more.

Esteban del Valle

Why do you suppose graffiti is held in higher esteem in Europe than it is here in the States?

For the same reason public intellectuals are valued in Europe.  There’s a greater appreciation of culture, in general. And the Europeans have different notions of public space.

How do you feel about the role of the Internet in all of this?

It’s great. It makes art accessible to so many.

Have you a formal art education?

I have a BFA in Art History and Painting from Southern Illinois University and a Masters Degree in Painting from the Rhode Island School of Design.

What inspires you these days?

Innovative music and performance art are my main inspirations.  The Mars Volta and Geo Wyeth come to mind.

Esteban del Valle

Are there any particular cultures that have influenced your aesthetic?

Hip-hop and Chicago’s rich mural culture.

Do you work with a sketch-in-hand or just let it flow?

I don’t like to work from sketches. I’d rather sketch on a wall. But much of what I do has to be pre-approved, and so I need to have a basic drawing of what I plan to paint.

Are you generally satisfied with your finished piece? 

Yes. I push it until I feel satisfied.

How has your work evolved through the years?

I’ve begun to develop my own language. I’m more experimental and I’m more about moving to do what challenges me.

Esteban del Valle

Any favorite artists?

Many. Among them are: Carrie Moyer, Haig Aivazian, Jayson Musson, Trenton Doyle Hancock and Dave McKenzie.

What about those who work in public spaces?

Os Gemeos and Poser aka Pose MSK are among my favorites.

What do you see as the role of the artist in society?

To challenge and to contribute to the collective thought.

What’s ahead?

More art. More income from art. More traveling and, generally, doing what I want to do.

Interview by Lois Stavsky. All photos courtesy of the artist, except the first one at 5Pointz by Lois Stavsky

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Damien Miksza, Cern and QRST

The once-abandoned trailer on East 1st Street off 1st Avenue in Manhattan’s East Village has once again been transformed into an intriguing canvas of urban art. Here are a few images we captured these past few days from Cycle 9 of the Centre-Fuge Public Art Project.

Cern at work


Cern, close-up


Damien Miksza at work

Damien Miksza

QRST at work


Cassie Lynn O’Neal at work

Cassie Lynn O’Neal

 Cake — close-up


Caroline Caldwell at work

Caroline Caldwell

Royce Bannon at work on collaborative piece with Korn

Royce Bannon and Korn

The curatorial vision of Pebbles Russell and Jonathan Nevillethe Centre-Fuge Public Art Project was conceived in 2011 in memory of Mike Hamm.  Submissions to Cycle 10 — due by August 26th — can be sent to Keep posted to our Facebook page for more images from Cycle 9

All photos by Tara Murray, except for final photo by Lois Stavsky.


The walls at 5Pointz continue to showcase some of the most vibrant public art in NYC — or anywhere. Here’s a sampling of some artwork that has recently surfaced:

Puerto Rican artists Rimx and Nepo

Rimx and Nepo

Queens-based Kid Lew’s tribute to Trayvon Martin

Kid Lew

Jasper — in from Queensland, Australia


New Jersey-based graff masters Demer, Rain and Kasso

Demer, Rain and Kasso

The Parisian Nok Crew


Serrano, Mas Paz, Rimx and Cortes fashion letters “PROC” for the Artist Process, a 5Pointz annual project coordinated by Marthalicia Matarrita 

Serrano, Mas Paz, Rimx, Cortes

Close-up from huge mural by French TD4 member, Zeso


Photos by Dani Mozeson, Tara Murray & Lois Stavsky; image of Ked Lew’s mural courtesy of the artist


Speaking with Miss 163

July 24, 2013

A graduate of Cooper Union and a Fulbright scholar, Bronx native Sharon de la Cruz aka Miss 163 is a passionate artist and activist. Her first solo exhibit, Wild Thing, can be seen through August 11th at bOb’s at 235 Eldridge Street on Manhattan’s Lower East Side.  Her most recent public mural surfaced last month on Boone Avenue in the Bronx.

Miss 163

When and where did you start getting up?

I was 17 and living in Florida. Life was dull. My mom bought me my first spray can and told me I could paint a landscape on the back fence.

How did that turn out?

It was terrible. I hated the way it looked. I was instantly discouraged and started bombing.

What, then, inspired you to start painting in public spaces?

During my junior year in college, I went to Amsterdam. I saw amazing — different — graff there, and I began to think of graffiti as art.

Miss 163

It seems that Europeans, in general, tend to respect graffiti as an art form far more than we do here in the States. Why do you suppose this is so?

Here — from early on — it was regarded as a symbol of chaos and vandalism.

We’ve seen your artwork in Brooklyn, in the Bronx and at 5Pointz. Where else have you gotten up?

I’ve painted all over Lima, Peru.

Did you paint alone in Lima or were you with a crew?

I painted with Maripussy Crew. There were six of us – five graffiti artists and one rapper. It was wonderful!

Miss 163

What is the riskiest thing you’ve done?

Painting way up high in Lima while standing on a rickety, wobbling ladder. It was not a good feeling!

Do you prefer to work on legal walls or on unsanctioned spaces?

I try to achieve a balance. It depends on the setting. But legal walls don’t have to be done in a rush and in the dark. And that’s an advantage.

Any thoughts about the movement of street art and graffiti into galleries?

It’s a different experience than painting on the streets. But I’d expect it to feel different. And that’s okay!

You designed a limited edition perfume bottle for Calvin Klein’s CK One Shock Street Edition For Her.  How do you feel about the merchandizing or branding of graffiti?

It’s okay. In the past, it helped me pay off loans.

Miss 163

What percentage of your time is devoted to art?

When I’m not doing it, I’m thinking about it.

Any thoughts about the graffiti/street art divide?

I think it’s silly. And as graffiti continues to evolve, the lines between the two continue to blur.

Why do you suppose the “art world” remains reluctant to accept graffiti as a legitimate art form?

Because it’s participatory, political and immediate, it is seen as a threat.

How do you feel about the role of the Internet in all of this?

I love it. One of my early inspirations was the Art Crimes web site.

Miss 163

Have you a formal art education?

Yes, I studied at LaGuardia High School, Dreyfoos School of The Arts and at Cooper Union.

Was your formal art education useful?

Absolutely. It encouraged me to evolve and explore. There’s nothing like being around people who believe in you and feel excited about what you are doing.

What inspires you these days?

I’m inspired by animation, cartoon characters and color.  In terms of themes, I’m concerned with “sister strength.” Raising and answering the question, “What does it mean to be a strong woman?”

Are there any particular cultures that have influenced your aesthetic?

Brazilian, Peruvian and Old School Graffiti

Miss 163

Do you work with a sketch-in-hand or just let it flow?

My basic idea comes from a sketch, and from there it flows.

Are you generally satisfied with your finished piece? 

Barely. I’m never satisfied.

How has your work evolved through the years?

I’m more willing to experiment, and my artwork is more detailed.

Any favorite artists?

Among them are: Inti, Nunca, Kano, Anarkia, Miss Van and my crew, Maripussy.

What do you see as the role of the artist in society?

A main role is to highlight issues and create a space for solutions.

Interview and final photo by Lois Stavsky; all other photos courtesy of the artist.


For over 30 years East Harlem’s Graffiti Hall of Fame has been home to hundreds of stylish masterpieces.  This past weekend, generations of fans and writers came together — once again — at 106th and Park to celebrate the extraordinary art movement that began here and continues to impact the world. Here is a selection of images captured at the event:

1983 Wild Style mural by Zephyr, Revolt and Sharp recreated by KingBee and Vase1

Wild Style

Hef and Per1

Hef and Per1

Rain and Demer

rain and demur

Muse, Wallnuts




The Cone

The Cones

Craze, Reo, Page3 and Eazy


Nic 707 and Tony 164

Nic 707 and Tony 164

One of many talented break dancers


In front of the main mural celebrating the 30th anniversary of the film Wild Style


Final photo courtesy of Scott Richardson; other photos by Dani Mozeson, Tara Murray and Lois Stavsky


This is the second in an occasional series featuring images of New York City’s doors that sport everything from tags and stickers to sophisticated images.

Long Island-based Reme821 in Brooklyn


Baltimore-based Gaia resurfaces in Queens with early wheat paste


Brooklyn-based Abel Macias in Bushwick

Abel Macias

NYC-based SinXero on Bronx door


Italian artist Federico Massa aka Cruz in Brooklyn


Argentinian artist Sonni at the Bushwick Collective


OCMC goes big in TriBeCa


Brooklyn-based Judith Supine in Williamsburg, Brooklyn

Judith Supine

Photos by Tara Murray & Lois Stavsky


Australian artist Kyle Hughes-Odgers creates enchanting public artwork and exhibits his work in galleries across the globe. With strikingly beautiful  patterns in luscious colors — fusing figurative, abstract and narrative elements — he engages us visually and intellectually. We had the opportunity to speak to the talented artist on his recent trip to New York City, where he left his mark at the Bushwick Collective and on nearby rooftops.


When and where did you start getting up?

In 2005, I started with wheat pastes and stickers in Perth and Melbourne.

What inspired you to get up?

I was always drawing and painting. I saw doing street art as an immediate way to get my work out into a public forum.

Any early graffiti-related memories?

I was more interested in comic books.

What inspires you these days?

Everything. Architecture, patterns, narrative, decay…

Kyle Hughes-Odgers

Any preferred spots or surfaces?

I love rundown abandoned spaces with unique textures. One of my favorite spaces was an abandoned French mansion in Cambodia.

Have you exhibited your work in gallery setttings?

Yes. Shortly after I got my work up on the streets, I started showing work in galleries. I’ve had solo shows in Perth, Melbourne, Berlin and Amsterdam. And I’ve participated in group-shows all over the world.

What percentage of your time is devoted to your work?

I’m a full time artist. I work on gallery exhibitions, private commissions and large scale public art work. I also recently illustrated a children’s book.

Any thoughts about the street art/graffiti divide?

I don’t really focus on whether or not there is a divide. I’m open to anything creative.


Do you prefer working alone or collaborating with others?

I like working alone, but I think it is important to collaborate.

Any thoughts about the role of the Internet in all of this?

I think the Internet is great. It’s an amazing resource to access what’s happening all around the world.

Are there any particular cultures that have influenced your aesthetic?

None that I’m conscious of.

Are you generally satisfied with your finished piece?



How has your work evolved through the years?

My first work was hand-drawn characters on brown paper. But then, as I started hanging out with people who use spray paint, I became more interested in texture and colors and learned more about how to use the medium.

What do you see as the role of the artist in society?

It is the role of the artist to document our existence based on his or her observations.

Have you any thoughts about the role of the photographer?

It is very important. Street art is so ephemeral that if it’s not documented it’s as if it didn’t exist.


What do you see as the future of street art?

The lines will continue to blur between the different art genres.

Any favorite street artists?

There are many; but some of my favorites are Aryz, Escif, Roa, Phibs and Beastman.

What’s ahead?

More gallery shows, more installations and ten-story high pieces.

Good luck! It all sounds great!

Photos courtesy of the artist.


This is the third in an ongoing series featuring the range of faces that surface daily on NYC’s public spaces:

Pose and Revok on the Bowery and Houston, close-up

Pose and Revok

Argentinian artist Ever on Williamsburg rooftop, close-up


Australian artist Vexta at Welling Court in Astoria, Queens


Cern on truck spotted on Manhattan’s Upper West Side


Mata Ruda and ND’A at Welling Court in Astoria, Queens

mata ruda and ND'A

Crystal Clarity on Lower East Side rooftop

Crystal Clarity

Danielle Mastrion with signature by El Niño de las Pinturas at 5Pointz in Long Island City, Queens

Danielle Mastrion

 Phetus in Bushwick, Brooklyn


Photos by Lenny Collado, Dani Mozeson, Tara Murray & Lois Stavsky


This is the first in a series of images of males who surface on NYC public spaces:

Icy and Sot at the Bushwick Collective

Icy and Sot

Nick Walker on Manhatan’s Lower East Side

Nick Walker

Meres at 5Pointz in Long Island City


SinXero and Joe Conzo do the Cold Crush Brothers in the Bronx

SinXero and Joe Conzo

Fumero at the Bushwick Collective


Tito Na Rua on Lower East Side rooftop

Tito Na Rua

Belin and the Royal Kingbee in the Bronx

Belin and King Bee

Erik Den Breejen does David Bowie in NoLita

Erik Den Breejen

Photos by Lenny Collado, Dani Mozeson, Tara Murray and Lois Stavsky


An astonishing array of first-rate murals have transformed three Bushwick blocks into a spellbinding tribute to the late graffiti writer NEKST.  Here’s a selection of the varied, strikingly stylish murals — many fashioned by MSK members — that recently surfaced in the vicinity of the L train’s Morgan Avenue station.



Dabs Myla


Rime aka Jersey Joe

Rime aka Jersey Joe





Fas and El Kamino

Fas & El Kamino















Keep posted to our Facebook page for more outstanding Bushwick NEKST tribute murals.

Photos by Lois Stavsky