

In collaboration with the Mana Urban Arts Project, the Bushwick Collective transformed Wynwood’s former RC Cola Factory into a Mecca of first-rate street art and graffiti. During Miami Art Week, celebrated artists from across the globe painted alongside local Miami and NYC-based artists. Here are a few more images from among the dozens of murals I saw last week while visiting Wynwood:

London-based James Cochran aka Jimmy C

"Jimmy C"

London-based Shok1


NYC-based Giz RIS


NYC-based Lady Aiko


Dutch artist David Louf aka Mr June


Miami-based Hoxxoh


West Coast-based Christina Angelina


First image is a close-up from a huge mural by David Sepulveda aka Rimx

Photos by Lois Stavsky

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Meres, Jerms, Topaz, See TF, Python and Demer made their way — several weeks back — to First Street Green, where they painted an ode to the historic East Village/Lower East Side neighborhood. Here are a few more images:

Python aka Kenji


Meres One


Python, DemerMeres One




The huge mural was painted in collaboration with the Centrefuge Public Art Project and First Street Green. The art park is located at 33 East First Street on the site of — what was once — a derelict building.

Note: First image features TopazMeres One and See TF

Photos: 1 & 2 Tara Murray; 3 Dani Reyes Mozeson and 4 & 5 Lois Stavsky


Produced by Sade TCM for Nasty, Neo FC, the Blaze of Hackensack has refashioned the always-brilliant graffiti walls in Hackensack, New Jersey’s famed open-air gallery. Here’s a sampling of what surfaced last month:

Bronx-based Pase


NYC artists Per One and Hef


Bronx-based John Matos aka Crash


Bronx-based Ces


The Blaze of Hackensack curator Sade TCM


Bronx-based Bio, Tats Cru


Bronx-based Zimad


Bronx-based BG 183, Tats Cru


Veteran graffiti writers Sonic and Part One, Dedicated to the Victims in Paris


Photos by Dani Reyes Mozeson


An initiative of Columbia College Chicagodowntown Chicago’s Wabash Arts Corridor is home to over a dozen huge public artworks by a range of local, national and international artists.  Here are a few of the murals along South Wabash Avenue that I saw this past week while visiting Chicago:

LA native Retna, close-up


 Chicago-based Pose

pose-street-art-chicago copy

Italian artist Never 2501


Columbia College Chicago alumnus Heidi Unkefer


French artist Kashink


Brooklyn-based Tatyana Fazlalizadeh


LA-based Cleon Peterson


Photos by Lois Stavsky



Earlier this month, five UAE-based street artists: Fathima Mohiuddin aka Fats, Gary Yong aka Enforce1, Justin MacMahon aka JustOne, Steffi Bow and SyaOne participated in NYU Abu Dhabi’s first Live Painting Event.  Students, faculty members, staff and visitors were also invited to share their visions and talents with the NYU Abu Dhabi community . Curated by Houda Lazrak, an M.A. Candidate in Museum Studies at NYU, the Live Painting Event began at noon on December 7 and continued through 7pm.

Fathima Mohiuddin aka Fats 


Steffi Bow in action


Steffi Bow, completed mural


SyaOne in action


SyaOne, completed mural


Enforce1 at work


Enforce1, completed mural


Just1 at work


Just1, completed mural


Photos 1-3, 5, 6, 8-10 Michelle Loibner; 4 & 7 Houda Lazrak

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Curated by Lady K Fever and hosted by Aldo Perez, Ihe Art of Peace, an exhibit of mural and graffiti art celebrating peace, opens tonight at the Al Iman Community Center. I had the opportunity to speak to Lady K Fever while visiting the space at 2006 Westchester Avenue earlier this week.


Can you tell us something about the concept behind this exhibit?

It is an exploration of the notion of peace from the perspective of artists representing a range of ideologies, nationalities, religious backgrounds and ethnicities. The title is a take on The Art of War by Sun Tzu written in the 6th century B.C.


What inspired it?

It was inspired by Peace December, an organization started five years ago dedicating the month of December to celebrating peace. As Sheikh Musa Drammeh of Peace December contends, trillions of dollars are spent on defense and none are allocated to promoting peace. 


As curator, how did you decide which artists to engage in this exhibit? 

When Aldo Perez approached me to curate it, I sought artists from a range of backgrounds and communities. Many, in fact, had already been engaged in community-based projects promoting co-existence.


What were some of the particular challenges you faced in curating this exhibit?

My main concern was that the imagry would not offend the community. I also had to keep the artists’ egos in check, reminding them that The Art of Peace’s principal mission is to promote peace. And I was working with a limited budget.


The exhibit opens this evening from 6-10pm. How might folks — who can’t make it this evening — see it?

Yes, there will be a reception tonight with DJ Prince Tafari, the artists and special guests — including Assemblyman Jose Rivera. There will also be select artworks for sale. Folks who won’t be able to attend can email and arrange a time to visit The Art of Peace.



1.  Rocko 

2. BG183, Tats Cru with Lady K Fever and Aldo Perez posed in front

3. Meres One

4. Chris Riggs

5. Scratch and Lady K Fever

6. Lexi Bella

Interview and photos by Lois Stavsky

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Bushwick continues to host some of NYC’s most stylish graffiti walls featuring international artists alongside local ones. Here are a few we encountered this past Friday on Johnson Street off Bogart:

Swiss artist Tones One


Rime aka Jersey Joe






Denmark’s the Great Bates




 Photos: 1-5 Lois Stavsky; 6 Tara Murray

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Connecting artists and businesses, the 100 Gates public art project continues to transform dozens of metal store shutters on the Lower East Side and in Chinatown into intriguing outdoor canvases.  What follows are just a few:

Mas Paz, X Cubicle, 25 Essex Street


Damien Mitchell, Michele Olivieri, 118 Orchard Street


Billy the Artist, Michele Olivieri, 88 Delancey Street

Billy-the-artist-Lower East Side-street-art--NYC

Ida Noelle, The Sill @ 84 Hester Street


Abigail Kaage, Zest, 249 Broome Street


Claw Money & Miss 17Red Mango, 145 Allen Street


Faust and Shantell Martin, Lowline Lab/EDC Warehouse, 140 Essex Street


Jessica DeutchLucky Jack’s, 129 Orchard Street


Buff MonsterBondy Export Corp, 40 Canal Street


Founded by NYC artist and professional skater Billy Rohan, this public art project is managed by Natalie Raben, Director of Marketing and Communications at the Lower East Side Business Improvement District. If you own a business on the Lower East Side and would like to become involved with 100 Gates, check this out.

Photos: 1, 2, 5-9 Tara Murray; 3, 4 Lois Stavsky



The City Is My Muse, featuring new works, along with older paintings and memorabilia, by the legendary Chris “Daze” Ellis, opened this past month at the  Museum of the City of New York.  Curated by Sean Corcoran, the paintings on exhibit — depicting NYC’s streets, subways, landmarks and ordinary folks — exude an expressive, soulful energy. Here are a few more:

Cyclone Drop

chris-daze-ellis-cyclone drop

The 7 Yard


Queensborough Plaza


Daze with his painting Whitlock Avenue

Chris-Ellis Daze-with-painting

Tomorrow evening — December 8 — at 6:30 pm, Daze will be joined by Jane Dickson and Lee Quinones in a discussion about how New York City’s environment, culture and daily life have inspired their work. Curator Sean Corcoran will moderate the panel. Use Code ART1 for discount tickets here.

the city-is-my-muse-daze-mcny

The Museum of the City of New York is located at 1220 5th Avenue.

Photo credits: 1-3 Lois Stavsky; 4 & 5 Tara Murray


Last month, I had the opportunity to meet up with the young, wonderfully talented Danish artist Andreas Welin while he was painting in Bed-Stuy during his recent visit to NYC.


When and where did you first hit the streets?

I was 18 when I first painted on the streets. It was in my native Sønderborg, a small town in Southern Denmark.

What inspired you to hit the streets?

I was inspired by the art and graffiti that I saw on the streets. And L:Ron, a first generation Danish writer and rapper, helped me get into the graffiti scene.

Any early memories that stand out?

When I was 13 years old, I came upon a parking lot filled with all kinds of graffiti styles. I was amazed!


When you began painting, did you paint on your own? Or were you with a crew?

For four years, I painted with the SBP Sonderbronx Punks graffiti crew.

What about these days? Do you prefer working alone or collaborating with others?

I love collaborating, but I’d rather be commissioned to paint on my own.

Any particularly risky moments?

Bombing is always risky.

welin-roskilde festival-Denmark

How does your family feel about what you are doing?

They love it! My mom is a designer and my father was an artist. Both my parents are supportive.

What percentage of your time is devoted to art?

My mind is always on art. But I paint publicly three to four times a week.

Is art the main source of your income?

Yes…the money I earn from commissions.


How do you feel about the movement of graffiti and street art into galleries and museums?

I think it’s cool. It motivates us artists to further develop our skills, and it gives us exposure.

Why do you suppose graffiti is more respected as an art form in Europe than here in the U.S.?

I think that the European writers have had many more opportunities to develop their skills and take them to another level. Unlike here, there are legal walls and trains in just about every town.

How you feel about the role of the Internet in this scene?

It’s great!  It’s an extra advertisement for me, and what I see often inspires me.


Do you have a formal arts education?

I studied Fine Arts for one year.

Are there any particular cultures that have influenced your aesthetic?

I’ve been influenced by the hip-hop culture and by the art I’ve seen while visiting other cities and galleries.

What are some of the other cities you’ve painted in – besides your native town and NYC?

Among the cities I’ve painted in are: Berlin, Lisbon, Toronto, Eindhoven, Roskilde and Copenhagen.


Are you generally satisfied with your work?

I’m usually pretty happy with it. I don’t want to be too satisfied!

How has your artwork evolved in the past few years?

It’s evolved quite a bit.  It used to be cartoony. These days my style tends to be more realistic.

What do you see as the role of the artist in society?

It is to beautify a space, while giving people something new to think about.


What’s ahead?

I’m not sure, but I know that I will be painting. And I’d like to return to the NYC and, perhaps, intern with a company like Colossal Media. I want to be able to paint outdoors and support myself as a painter.

Note:  photos 1, 2, 5-7 in NYC; 3 in Denmark and 4 collab with Mek in Trenton, NJ

Photos: 1 & 5 Lois Stavsky; 2 Tara Murray; 3, 4 & 7 courtesy of the artist; interview by Lois Stavsky