
Speaking with Toofly

July 11, 2012

"Toofly at 5Pointz"

A self-described artist, designer and entrepreneur, Toofly is best-known for her signature character that has made its way onto walls across the globe, as well as onto a range of fashion items. We had the opportunity to meet up with Toofly this past week and ask her a few questions.

Your alluring character has been surfacing all around town. We’ve recently seen her in Williamsburg, at Welling Court, at 5Pointz and even on a Lower East Side rooftop. Can you tell us something about her?

She’s kind of like my alter ego. An outlet where I can express my emotion and ideas. She was once tough and with an attitude, but she has mellowed down over the years. And, like me, she is continually evolving.

More after the jump!


Some artists are working alone; others are hitting the walls collaboratively. And while many are long-term NYC residents, quite a few are just passing through. Together, they are transforming Bushwick’s visual landscape. Here are a few images we caught this past week:

Flying Fortress and Most in from Germany and Austrian artist Nychos with NYC’s Chris and Veng of the Robots Will Kill collective

More after the jump!


Yesterday was a busy day in Bushwick, as artists from across the globe, along with locals, transformed the visual landscape of some of the neighborhood’s key spots. Here are a few images captured in the late afternoon:

Australian artists Dabs & Myla

"Dabs and Myla"

Brooklyn-based designer Matt Dobbs

"Matt Dobbs in Bushwick"

More after the jump!


Brooklyn-based artist See One has been busy gracing a huge wall outside the Running Rebel Studios at 6 Charles Place in Bushwick with his distinct aesthetic.  Earlier this week, we caught up with him in his studio and had the opportunity to ask him a few questions.

"See One in Bushwick"

When did you first start getting up in public spaces?

I was 17 living in Florida. We moved from Queens when I was 10, but graffiti had already had its impact on me. It had slowly worked its way into my blood.

What motivated you to hit the walls?

I started drawing when I was two years old. All the walls and floors of our home bore the markings of my oil-based crayons. As I grew older, I focused on black books, but wanted to go bigger and bigger and reach more people. Hitting huge walls was a natural progression.

What was your style like at the time?

When I first started getting up, my letters were good but I was really into characters. I’ve always loved cartoons.

"See One character"

How has your style evolved?

I wanted my art to stand out.  I have an overactive imagination. I’ve always drawn characters but needed a secondary distinct style.  I call the style “Shards” because it reminds me of broken shards of glass. This evolved into a style of abstract graffiti, my current focus.

"See One artwork"

How did you get your name?

My first tag was Focus, because I always needed glasses to focus.  But I didn’t quite like the ring to it.  So I took my birth date, 10/19, and in Roman numerals, the first three numbers are written CI. This became See One.

Have you had any formal art education?

No. I was never really good at school. I am self-taught.

"See One Painting"

Who or what have been your main influences?

My main influences have always been comic books, character design, and early graffiti. Japanese animation has also had a strong impact on my aesthetic. And, of course, comic books like X-Men, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Bone were among my first inspirations.

Any favorite artists?

Many, many. Among the comic artists: Joe Mad, J. Scott Campbell and Jeff Smith. In graff: Seen, FX Crew, Futura, Cost and Revs. Among street artists, my favorites include: Space Invader, D’Face and London Police. I also love Tomokazu Matsuyama and Takashi Murakami.

"See One mural"

Any artists you’ve recently checked out?

I’m looking forward to seeing Doze Green’s work at the Jonathan LeVine Gallery and I’m also into Remi Rough and anything by Jose Parla.

What about galleries? We’ve seen your work at Mighty Tanaka and at Dorian Grey. How do you feel about the gallery scene?

I used to hate it because it seems to be all about who you know.  I’m getting used to it, but I wish it were easier to get my work into galleries. It’s difficult to get a response from most galleries.

"See One painting"

You seem to fuse both graffiti and street art elements into your pieces. Have you any thoughts about the graffiti/street art divide?

I think of Street Art as Graffiti’s little brother. A first-rate graffiti writer has to have the ability to improvise skillfully on a variety of surfaces while enduring the risks of getting up.  Most street artists do their work in a studio setting and face far fewer risks in pasting their work up or stenciling it onto surfaces. Like most little brothers, Street Art is resented by his big brother, Graffiti, and his big brother’s friends.

"see one mural close-up"

Interesting! ‘will have to think about that! Have you ever been arrested?

No. I’m semi-careful. I’ll usually find a lookout when I can.

Have you collaborated with any artists?

My most recent collaboration was with 2Esae and Ski of URNewYork.

How do you see yourself in the future?

My goal is to grow and attain recognition as an artist, so that I can have the means to further develop my vision and reach a larger audience with my work.

Images courtesy of the artist and Lenny Collado 


Speaking with ND’A

April 30, 2012

"ND'A street art"

"ND'A street art in Brooklyn, NYC"

"ND'A street art mural in Brooklyn, NYC"

We’re great fans of your wondrous characters that have found a home on the walls of our city.  Who are these characters? Are they inspired by folks you know?

No. They’re straight from my head. They’re kind of a mix-up, I suppose, of different comic characters inspired by a range of sources from Marvel comics to Warner Bros cartoons.

When did you first start getting up in the streets?

About two summers ago. OverUnder got me into it. We started painting together, and he sort of encouraged me to start putting up work. I was drawn to it right away and got hooked.

"OverUnder, Irgh and ND'A street art"

Does the ephemeral nature of it bother you?

No. It actually helps me develop my work at a faster pace. There are just so many ways your work can get destroyed. Instead of getting frustrated, I try instead to not treat each piece as a precious object, and that frees me up to work more. If I was to get too worked up about everything that didn’t last, I’d be depressed all the time.

Have you any favorite spots?

Not really. I almost never make a piece with a spot in mind. Coney Island, the Bronx and Philly are all spots I’d like to do more work in.

"ND'A & Chris, RWK street art"

Any fears when you’re getting up?

I tend to move around a lot, so when I’m up high I’m always a little concerned that I’m going to do something stupid like walk off a ledge.

Have you ever been arrested?

I did end up spending one night in jail. I got chewed out by the Sergeant at the Bed-Stuy precinct who said ridiculous crap – like, “How would you like it if I tagged all over you!?” The whole thing was kind of ridiculous.

"ND'A street art in Williamsburg, Brooklyn"

I guess they just don’t get it! When did you first come to NYC?

I was actually born here. But I grew up mainly in Portland, Oregon. Then six years ago, I came to NYC for the summer. And I never left. I just feel like this city is more to my pace than the West Coast. I’m much more productive here.

We’re certainly glad you stayed! Have you any favorite artists?

Some of my favorite comic artists are Robert Crumb, Jack Kirby and the Hernandez Bros.

What about printmakers? Any favorites?

Quite a few.  Ben Shahn and Saul Steinberg come to mind. I like anything with a heavy line that is a bit sloppy. It makes the work more relatable to me.

"ND'A street art in Williamsburg, Brooklyn"

You’re quite a prolific painter.  Have you had a formal art education?

Well, I recently went back to school to finish up my undergraduate degree. I was about half way done, and figured I should probably finish it up.

Do you feel it has had a positive impact on your artwork?

I have mixed feelings about it. In a lot of ways school sort of slows the creative process down. I’m definitely making more work now that I’m back in the real world.

Have you exhibited your work in any galleries?

I was in a three-man show at Pandemic Gallery a while back. It was with my friends, Labrona and OverUnder. It was stressful for me because I spent a long time worried that I was going to look like a fool. Those other guys are really solid, and I didn’t want to be the weak link. In the end it came together, but I remember thinking after it was done that I didn’t want to do that ever again! I’m beginning to think it’d be cool to try it again at some point, though.

How do you feel about the role of the Internet in all of this?

Without it, I wouldn’t know who anyone is!

"ND'A street art character in Brooklyn, NYC"

What’s ahead?

I’d love to travel and paint some walls in other cities. Maybe even go to other parts of the world. But locally, this is a good time of year to just knock on doors and see who’ll let you paint the side of their building!

Good luck! We sure hope those doors open!

Photos by Tara Murray & Street Art NYC

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"Dain street art in Bushwick, Brooklyn, NYC"

Dain’s intriguing portraits have been part of NYC’s visual landscape for years. Curious about the man behind these beguiling images, we posed a few questions to the Brooklyn-based artist:

We are mesmerized by your portraits that seem to recurrently surface throughout NYC.  We just love them. Who are these figures –mostly females — that greet us just about daily?

Thank you for your kind words.  They are faces of eyes that speak to me.

Tell us something about the process of creating them.

I usually take the face of a woman and a match it to the body of a man.  I mix in collage, spray paint, bright colors and some graff.

"Dain street art in Brooklyn, NYC"

What about the dripping eye? We’re not sure what it represents.

I’d rather not say.

And why have you chosen to post your portraits in public spaces?

Unlike many of the massive murals that seem to be popping up like car ads, I still smile when I stumble upon a rusty old door way in the back alley of Chinatown and see some art.

"Dain street art in Brooklyn, BYC"

When did you first start getting up?

I started by doing graffiti in grade school.

You are obviously taking risks, as the “authorities” haven’t been too kind these days to those artists who continue to use the streets as a canvas — especially when their work hasn’t been sanctioned. Any thoughts about that?

Not really. I’m adding beauty. I’m also selective about where I put up my work.

"Dain street art in Red Hook, Brooklyn"

Have you a formal art education?

No. If that works for you, you got my blessings.

How do you feel about exhibiting your work in galleries? Your work looks fabulous on just about any surface in any venue.

Thank you again…you are kind  I really enjoy bringing a taste of the streets to the galleries.

"Dain art at Leo Kesting Gallery, 2010, NYC"

What’s ahead?

I’m working on a few projects, and I have a couple of shows coming up at the end of this year/early next year…hitting more streets!

Great! We’re looking forward.

Photos by Street Art NYC; all images from NYC streets, except for final one, which is from Leo Kesting Gallery, 2010


"Gilf! street art in Brooklyn, NYC"

Brooklyn-based Gilf! has been busy this past year gracing NYC’s landscape with playful images that often expose our political and personal hypocrisies. Inspired by Morton Salt’s famed Umbrella Girl,  Gilf!’s most recent piece, When it Rains it Pours — featuring an eerily fashionable figure with Gucci bag in hand — suggests wastefulness and indulgence in a time of economic crisis.

Gilf! began painting on Friday —

"Gilf street art in Brooklyn, NYC"

And continued yesterday —

"Gilf! creates street art in Bushwick, Brooklyn"

"Gilf! street art in Bushwick, Brooklyn"

"Gilf! street art in Brooklyn, NYC"

Nearby, Bishop 203, one of Brooklyn’s most active street artists, began fashioning a variation of his signature character onto a parked trailer.

"Bishop 203 street art in Bushwick, Brooklyn"

"Bishop 203 street art character on Bushwick, Brooklyn trailer"

And on the opposite side of the trailer, Never got busy with his iconic owl.

"Never street art in Brooklyn"

"Never street art on Bushwick trailer"

Keep posted to our Facebook page for the completed images!

Photos by Lenny Collado and Tara Murray


"Never & Sheryo street art in NYC"

Distinct backgrounds, nationalities and styles seamlessly came together this past weekend on Bushwick’s Moore Street. Despite the fierce winds, the mood was mellow as the Yok, Sheryo and Never – all based in Brooklyn these days – graced the visual landscape of their current locale.

"Yok street art in Bushwick, Brooklyn, NYC"

After some months abroad, Australia’s Yok is back in action here in NYC with his wondrous characters.

"The Yok street art in Brooklyn, NYC"

"The Yok street art in Bushwick, Brooklyn, NYC"

Working alongside the Yok, is Singapore native Sheryo. A member of the Army of Snipers crew, she has been sharing her talents and her uncanny, oddly appealing, characters with folks around the globe for the past few years.  Currently based in Williamsburg, she recently began getting busy here in NYC.

"Sheryo street art in Bushwick, Brooklyn"

"Sheryo street art character in Brooklyn, NYC"

And adding to the cast of characters and intriguing narrative is Never’s — constantly evolving — signature owl.

"Never street art in Bushwick, Brooklyn"

"Never street art character in Bushwick NYC"

Photos by Lenny Collado and Tara Murray


While Elbow Toe’s lyrical artwork and poetic statements surface in many NYC neighborhoods, they seem to survive the elements best on the gritty doors and abandoned spaces of Brooklyn’s Red Hook district.  Here are a few recent sightings:

"Elbow Toe street art in Red Hook, Brooklyn"

More after the jump!


Although the streets of Bushwick almost always attract visiting artists, it is home to many NYC-based artists whose works surface regularly. Among these are Veng, Bast, Ewok, Never & Wane.

Veng’s signature character on Stewart Avenue off Johnson Avenue

"Veng street art in Bushwick, NYC"

More after the jump!