Huge fans of Sen2’s masterful artworks on an array of surfaces — from canvases to walls — we were delighted to have the opportunity to visit his South Bronx studio and pose a few questions to him.
When and where did you start getting up?
I first started hitting walls in Puerto Rico – where I grew up – when I was about 15. That was back in 1986.
What inspired you at the time?
I used to spend my summers with family in NYC up in the Bronx. There I discovered pieces by Daze, Crash and Seen. I also started noticing pieces in magazines by writers like Hex and Slick,
Have you a formal art education?
No. The streets have been my teacher. One’s experience is the best teacher.

Besides the 4Burners, have you belonged to other crews?
I learned a lot from Tats Cru when I was a member a number of years back. But I am no longer with them. And when I was in Puerto Rico, I painted with BWS.
What about collaborations? Have you collaborated with other artists on specific pieces?
When I’m in my studio, I generally work alone. But I’m currently working with KingBee for an exhibit of our works that opens on Friday, April 12 at Gallery 69 in Tribeca.

How do you feel about the movement of graffiti into galleries?
I feel it’s a great opportunity for artists. It opens the doors for many of us.
Besides Gallery 69, where else have you exhibited?
My artwork has been featured at the Smithsonian, at the Volkinger Hutte Urban Art Biennale 2013 in Germany and at Miami Art Basel. I’ve also been in other galleries abroad.
Have you any favorite cities?
New York City. The Bronx. That’s where it all began. But I also love Madrid, Spain and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Why do you suppose graffiti is held in higher esteem in Europe than it is here?
There’s no unity here, and that’s part of the problem. We don’t work as a group to present ourselves in a way that will gain us respect and recognition. Every writer has too much pride.
Any thoughts about the graffiti/street art divide?
I like street art, but I will always consider myself a graffiti writer. Everything that I do is rooted in graffiti. And I’d like to see graffiti writers have the same opportunities that street artists have.
Who are some of your favorite writers?
There are many. Among them are: Bio, Beacon, Kem5 and KingBee.

And does anyone — in particular — inspire you these days?
The late Dare TWS from Germany.
What percentage of your time is devoted to art?
100%. I’m all in. Just about all the time – from early morning until late at night.
Any other passions?
I’m also a soccer fan. And I love spending time with my family.
How does your family feel about what you do?
They’re 100% behind me. My wife loves what I do.

Your art seems to be always evolving. Your work that was on exhibit at Fountain certainly blurs the lines between graffiti and fine art. Could you tell us something about that?
It all started with wild-style. Then I began to incorporate 3-D elements. And, more recently, my influences have been pop art and abstract art. Everything I do, though, is inspired by graffiti, and all of my current works have graffiti elements in them.
How do you feel about the role of the Internet in all this?
I like it. It keeps me up with what’s happening – both on the streets and in the galleries.
What do you see as the role of the artist in society?
To share with others one’s personal interpretation of the world.
What’s ahead?
Just getting better and bigger for me and my family.
Photos by Lenny Collado, Dani Mozeson, Tara Murray and Lois Stavsky