
Within the same 10-block radius of Bushwick’s vibrant graffiti walls are some of NYC’s most expressive street art pieces. While many are fashioned by locals, others are the work of artists from abroad who leave their mark on Bushwick’s walls. These range from C215’s 2009 seductive stencils – some of which we’ve only recently uncovered — to huge pieces by ROA on some of Bushwick’s grittier walls.


"C215 street art in Bushwick, Brooklyn, NYC"

More after the jump!


The walls of Bushwick, Brooklyn — off the L train’s Morgan Avenue and Jefferson Street stops — have become a canvas not only for the most innovative street art to surface in NYC, but also for some of its freshest writing styles.

Deem and Rubin415

"Deem and Rubin415 graffiti and street art in Bushwick, Brooklyn, NYC"


"Rubin415 street art and graffiti in Bushwick, Brooklyn, NYC"

More after the jump!

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Faile’s vibrant, bold mural on the corner of the Bowery and Houston Street, installed in late October, continues to capture passersby daily. A few blocks south at Opera Gallery NY, some of their small work — ranging from simple portraits to riveting collages — can be seen in the group exhibit Making Faces through February 19th.

On the Bowery and Houston, installation close-up, fall 2011

"Faile street art mural installation in New York City"

At Opera Gallery NY

"Faile at Opera Gallery in New York City"

photos by Dani Mozeson & Tara Murray



"OverUnder street art in Bushwick Brooklyn"


"ND'A street art in Bushwick"

Photos by Street Art NYC


An early master of the graffiti movement, Daze’s first pieces surfaced on the walls and trains of NYC in the late 1970’s. Since, his artwork has been exhibited internationally and can be found in the permanent collections of museums around the world. Yet, Daze still gets up in the streets, where his work was recently spotted in the South Bronx and in Greenpoint, Brooklyn.

In the South Bronx

"Daze graffiti in the South Bronx"

"Daze graffiti in Hunts Point"

In Greenpoint

"Daze graffiti in Brooklyn"

photos by Street Art NYC & Samantha Sabatino

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While Roa’s huge, wondrous black and white murals continue to grace massive walls in New York City, one of his smaller pieces can be seen mounted onto the walls of the Jonathan LeVine Gallery in Manhattan’s Chelsea gallery district. Hybrid Thinking a group exhibition curated by Marc and Sara Schiller of Wooster Collective, features Roa’s signature animals painted on multiple panels. We were riveted.

In Williamsburg

"Roa street art in Williamsburg, Brooklyn"

In Bushwick

"Roa street art in Brooklyn, NYC"

At the Jonathan LeVine Gallery

"Roa artwork at Jonathan Levine Gallery"

With doors open

Roa at Jonathan Levine Gallery

photos by Street Art NYC





Some of the most mesmerizing and enigmatic pieces by the Perre twins aka How and Nosm can be found on the walls of Hunts Point’s industrial district in the South Bronx. Here are a few close-ups:

"How and Nosm street art in the South Bronx"

"How and Nosm street art in the South Bronx"

"How and Nosm street art in the South Bronx"

Photos by Street Art NYC


Amidst the weathered bombs, tags and memorial walls on one of Bedford-Stuyvesant’s bleakest blocks, we came upon this fresh piece by Brooklyn-based street artist, Specter:

Specter street art in Brooklyn

Photo by Street Art NYC


Legendary Chilean artist Nelson Rivas aka Cekis has been busy in Brooklyn, gracing the streets of Clinton Hill and downtown Brooklyn with his signature characters and bright hues.

In Clinton Hill — in progress

"Cekis street art in Brooklyn"

In downtown Brooklyn

Cekis artwork in downtown Brooklyn

Photos by Street Art NYC & Dani Mozeson



Speaking with NEVER

January 20, 2012

Never street art and graffiti in Brooklyn

For the past year, Atlanta native NEVER has been gracing the walls of New York City with a range of artwork from first-rate graffiti pieces to stylish street art murals. Recently Street Art NYC had the opportunity to speak with him.

We’ve been wondering about your name, NEVER. It must have a story!

After I’d been writing for a few years, my friends started to make fun of me for being so overly critical of everything I do. They started calling me “Mr. Never Satisfied.”  That name stuck.

We started noticing your work here about a year ago – when we met you at 5Pointz. What brought you to New York City?

I grew up just outside of Atlanta. It’s a great city but also a very small city. I got tired of it and eventually decided it was time to move on. I couldn’t even walk into a random grocery store without bumping into five folks I knew.

How do you feel about Brooklyn – where you are living now?

I love it. I love its diversity, and New York City is a constant source of inspiration.

Anything about New York City you don’t like?

There are far too many cops here. I rarely had trouble with cops down in Atlanta, but here they hassle me all the time. While throwing out the trash, I was accused of drinking in public. Then they accused me of painting graffiti because they noticed some paint on my arms. I do a lot of painting at my job so it’s very rare for me to actually NOT have paint on me. One of my friends here spent a night in jail for having a sharpie on him. He isn’t even a writer.

Never street art at 5Pointz in New York

You seem to seamlessly blur the line between graffiti and street art. How did it all begin?

I’ve always been good at drawing since I was a kid. Then I hit my skater punk days and stopped drawing for a while. I began tagging on things when I was 14 or so. A girl in high school cheated on me, and I got a laugh out of writing the word “Trust” everywhere. At the time I didn’t think it was something I was going to get so hooked on, and I definitely did not think of all the politics behind what I was doing. After a few “name changes,” I did my first actual “piece” under a bridge when I was 16.

We’re curious about your owl. It seems to surface in all of your pieces.

A little over a year ago — just before I moved to NY — I got stuck in a hospital room in Atlanta overnight with a nasty staph infection while “recovering” from knee surgery. I was in a drugged-up state sitting in a hospital bed in a depressing hallway, and for whatever reason I felt compelled to draw a sad little handicapped owl. After that night I decided I liked the thought of making that a recurring character for me.

Have you a formal art education?

I studied graphic design at a university in Atlanta. But to anyone who thinks that getting a formal art education makes you a legitimate artist, you are dead wrong!

Have any specific artists inspired you?

I love Aryz. He inspired me to pick up an extension pole! I also love How and Nosm, Daim, Roa, Nychos, and Os Gemeos. Honestly there are way too many others. But any artist I had to study about in school lost credibility….except for, maybe, Duchamp. That dude was pretty hilarious. I always had a tendency to reject information that I felt was being “fed” to me.

Never street art in Brooklyn New York

As you actively collaborate with both graffiti writers and street artists, what differences have struck you between the two?

I grew up in the graffiti community and find it a source of constant inspiration. I generally don’t like to differentiate between graffiti and street art. It’s really all in the same realm to me. But there are differences. Generally, there’s too much tension, jealousy, and hate among writers. I now find myself more among “street artists.” But before anyone coined the term “street art,” I had plenty of friends who I painted with who fit the “street artist” description, and at the time I just saw them as a person I painted with who didn’t do letters. I also enjoy painting legal walls. To a lot of the writers back in Atlanta, I’ve turned into an “art fag.” But that’s okay. I’m proud, in fact, to be called an “art fag.”

Any other differences you’ve observed?

Another big difference is that a lot of writers have no interest in getting any messages across. It’s a lot more about technical skills and/or having balls to do crazy things. Most of my graffiti friends don’t like any kind of political references in their pieces. But if you are going to call yourself a “street artist,” then you are a fool if you don’t pay respect to graffiti, whether you like it or not. The way I see it, the lines between graffiti and street art will continue to blur.

Have you ever created artwork that is overtly political?

I despise corporate crime. And when I went through a phase of creating portraits, I was obsessed with Ken Lay, the main guy behind the Enron scandal. I couldn’t stop painting portraits of him. I did it for about two years, just before the Enron trials started. My graff friends hated it, but it managed to get attention from people who otherwise did not follow graff.

How have people here responded to your art?

I’m not very up on what people think. I do what I do regardless of what people think of it. It’s nice to get the occasional compliment here and there, but at the end of the day I am doing what I do to stay sane.

Never graffiti in Brooklyn New York

Have you painted outside of the U.S.?

I’ve painted in Barcelona, Berlin, Venice, Milan, and Tuscany. I hope to travel more once I get myself a little more financially stable.

What is your ideal space to paint?

I love empty buildings with awesome textures and walls with history that I can work my pieces around.

Any memorable experiences while getting up on the streets?

Many back in Atlanta — amidst the crackheads, prostitutes and perverts. There are way too many funny stories to go into. I’ve also stumbled on to a couple of meth labs and discovered a bag of heroin stashed in a cinder block.

We’ve found almost a dozen walls of yours in Bushwick.  Have you a day job?

I pick up work in a carpentry shop. I help build things for movie sets and fashion shoots. I also prowl around for graphic design work. I have not had a “normal” job with a set schedule in over seven years now. I’m kind of hoping to find some stability these days.

What about the future? What do you see yourself doing in five years or so?

Painting more ugly walls, I guess. I’m not sure.

Well, you are certainly beautifying them. We’re looking forward to seeing many more!

Photos by Street Art NYC & Dani Mozeson