Street Artists


Currently on view at La Maison d’Art in Harlem is Styles and Storytellers, the first installment of a series of exhibits and artist talks conceived and curated by artist J.T. Liss. In this intriguingly provocative exhibit, four different artists present four unique stories in four distinct styles. Each of the four artists — J.T. LissMisha TyutyunikMarthalicia Matarrita and Jeff Henriquez — also share their talents with us on our city streets. Pictured above is Face Value by J.T. Liss. Here are several more images from the show:

J.T. Liss, Face Value II, Photographic art on canvas


Misha Tyutyunik, Mourning, Acrylic on canvas


Marthalicia Matarrita, Frida Kahlo, En la Lucha, Mixed media


Jeff Henriquez, Night Moves #5, Photographic art on canvas


Styles and Storytellers: Volume I continues until June 30th with an artist talk and open-mic poetry/spoken words/music next Friday, June 2, 6-9 pm. To schedule an appointment to visit the exhibit at another time, you can contact gallery owner Stephanie Calla at or at 917-533-4605. La Maison d’Art is located at 259 W 132nd Street in Harlem.

Photos of artworks by Lois Stavsky



The gifted Portuguese artist Frederico Draw, along with his talented Colectivo RUA partner Contra, visited NYC last month. With the support of Spread Art NYC, they graced Bushwick’s Troutman and Knickerbocker with an elegant mural dedicated the late Puerto Rican poet and activist Julia de Burgos. While the artists were in town, I had the opportunity to speak to them. A brief interview with Porto-based Frederico Draw follows:

When and where did you first get up?

I started tagging with my friends back home in the town of Freamunde in 2001.

What inspired you at the time?

The New York City hip-hop culture that I followed was my main inspiration back then.

Do any early graffiti-related memories stand out?

I was about 12 or 13 on a trip to the beach in Algarve with my family when I saw massive amounts of graffiti for the first time. I was astounded.


How did your family feel about your engagement with the graffiti culture?

They were very supportive. They taught me to do it responsibly. There are many artists – painters and architects — in my family.

Have you any thoughts about the graffiti/street art divide?

I don’t feel it much.  There isn’t much of a divide in Porto. Most street artists do graffiti and respect it.

Do you have a formal art education?

I earned a Masters in architecture in Porto, but I never studied fine arts.  I had expected to be an architect; but when I started painting on the streets, my entire lifestyle changed.


What percentage of your time is devoted to art?

All of it!

How do you feel about the engagement of the corporate world with graffiti writers and street artists?

It helps us artists live. But we need to work together; the relationship must be consensual, not exploitative.

Have you shown your work in galleries?  

Yes! I’ve exhibited in Portugal — principally in Porto — and I’ve had two exhibits in Italy.


And what about festivals? Have you participated in any street art festivals?

I’ve participated in street art festivals in Portugal, Italy and Spain.

Here in NYC you are collaborating with Contra. Do you prefer working alone or collaborating with others?

I love both.  When working with others, I can exchange ideas.

Is there any particular street artist out there – with whom you’d like to collaborate?

I’d like to collaborate with Retna.


What about crews? Do you paint with any crews?

I’m a member of Colectivo RUA. We are a group of artists based in Porto.

Do you work with a sketch in hand or do you let it flow?

I often work with a sketch.

Are you generally satisfied with your finished work?

I usually am.


How do you feel about the role of the Internet in all of this?

It helps me get my work out. But I see it as my responsibility to get my artwork onto social media.

What inspires you these days?

Life…the environment…classical art…street art. I’m a huge fan of Borando.

What do you see as the role of the artist in society?

To raise awareness. It is the role of the artist to direct others to think about issues that matter.


And why have you chosen the streets as your principal canvas?

Because the streets allow me to reach and engage many more people than I would otherwise.


1 Julia de Burgos, Bushwick, 2017

2 Frederico Draw & Contra at work in Bushwick, 2017

3ão, Porto, 2015

4 APAV with Contra, Lisbon, 2015

5 VELHOS SÃO OS TRAPOS with Senior University for VOLTAGEM and Fundação EDP, Alfândega da Fé, 2016

6 EQUILÍBRIO with Contra, São Mamede, 2017

7  SOUR VIRGIN with Contra, Naples, 2016

Photo credits: 1 Karin du Maire 2 Tara Murray 3-7 courtesy of the artist; interview conducted and edited by Lois Stavsky

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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The streets of Toronto — particularly on and off Queens Street West — teem with curious characters. The image pictured above was painted by Canadian native Troy Lovegates. Several more follow:

NYC-based Buff Monster


Toronto-based Poser ABM


The Toronto-based PA System artists Alexa Hatanaka and Patrick Thompson


Atlanta-based Greg Mike (on right) & artist to be identified

Greg-Mike-and -Mr.-Loudmouf-street-art-toronto

Montreal-based en masse


Photo credits: 1 & 4 Lois Stavsky; 2, 3, 5 & 6 Tara Murray

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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A diverse range of faces by artists from across the globe have been greeting us in Detroit public spaces, particularly in Eastern Market. Pictured above is by Chilean artist Dasic Fernandez in Mexicantown. What follows are several more than we came upon this week:

Also by Dasic in Mexicantown


Australian artist Rone for Murals in the Market


New Zealand-based artist Askew One for Murals in the Market


NYC-based Beau Stanton for Murals in the Market


West Coast-based Hueman for Murals in the Market


Bay Area artist Lauren YS for Murals in the Market


Photo credits: 1-3 & 7 Lois Stavsky; 4-6 Tara Murray

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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The largest park built under an underpass in Canada, Underpass Park is also an exuberant open-air street art museum. The outstanding graffiti and street art that grace the park’s columns were fashioned with support from StreetARToronto aka StART, Mural Routes and the Pan Am Path. The mural pictured above was painted by Montreal-based Jason Botkin. Several more images I captured last week — while visiting Toronto — follow:

Toronto-based graffiti master Recka


Peruvian-Canadian muralist Peru143


Toronto-based Jerry Rugg aka Birdo


Toronto-based Spud


Toronto-based Shalak Attack


Award-winning Chilean artist Fiya Bruxa and Toronto-based multidisciplinary artist Nick Sweetman


The renowned Toronto-based artists Labrona and Troy Lovegates aka Other


Photos by Lois Stavsky

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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Street Art Today celebrated King’s Day 2017 with the third edition of the annual Kings Spray Street Art Festival. On April 27, a part of the NDSM-wharf in the north of Amsterdam was transformed into a giant street art castle. Thirty-five national and international street artists created artworks of 3,5 by 5 meters inside the castle and on its walls. Pictured above is London-based Fin DAC at work. What follows is a photo report of the festival by street art and travel photographer Karin du Maire:

Dutch graffiti master Ces53 at work


Brazilian artist Sipros at work


Holland-based Mr  June at work


Belgium-based Philip Bosmans aka Bosmaus


Berlin-based artist Sokar Uno


London-based Fanakapan at work


Amsterdam-based Besok at work


Kings Spray Street Art Festival was organized by Peter Ernst Coolen, the founder and curator of Street Art Today.

Photos by Karin du Maire



Earlier this spring, HKwalls partnered with Vans to introduce street art to Hong Kong’s Wong Chuk Hang district. The mural pictured above was painted by the Indonesian artist Tuts. What follow are several more images of urban art that surfaced during this year’s festival:

Thailand-based Jecks


Spanish artist Spok Brillor, one of several trucks painted during HKwalls 2017


Hong Kong-based Taka


Taiwanese artist Debe


Malaysian artist Abdul Rashade


Paris-based Zoer


All photos courtesy HKwalls


The 3rd edition of Street Art Expo NYC took place yesterday afternoon at the Elks Lodge in Elmhurst, Queens. Visitors had the opportunity to meet dozens of artists and vendors and to purchase an amazing array of urban art in different media — from stickers to huge canvases. Here are a few images we captured:

Plasma Slug


Murrz, tribute to Diva, RIP


Epic Uno


Turtle Caps






The Royal KingBee


Jaylo, signed by KingBee


Sponsors for the event included: Ironlak, TYO Toys,The Alski Show, Bombing Science and Stick Em Up.

Photo credits: 1-7 Lois Stavsky; 8 Tara Murray

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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The intersection of Underhill Avenue and St Johns Place was the place to be these past two weekends. Under the curatorial direction of Frankie Velez and Jeff Beler, over a dozen artists shared their talents, while delighting and engaging hundreds of passersby. The mural pictured above is the work of MADE.  Here are several more:

Another Biggie, this one by SacSix, with co-curator Frankie Velez to the right


Allison Ruiz and Vanezza Cruz at work


Albertus Joseph at work


 JT Liss


Ariana Febles


Chris RWK


Photos by Lois Stavsky

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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Committed to using art to transform the ways that teens are prosecuted and sentenced in New York’s adult criminal justice system, Young New Yorkers’ fifth annual Silent Art Auction will fund its grassroots arts program for teens facing criminal charges as adults. Curated by Layqa Nuna Yawar and Ann Lewis, the fundraiser features works by over 80 artists. On Wednesday, May 10th, the Annual Silent Auction will take place from 7-10pm at 548 W. 28th Street in Chelsea, Manhattan. Its special honoree is the wonderfully gifted, Brooklyn-based actor and activist Michael K. Williams.  Among the artworks to be auctioned are several with a distinct political consciousness. Featured above is Icy and Sot, Stop Police Brutality, Spray paint on wood. Here are several more socially-engaged artworks to be auctioned:

Guerrilla Girls, What’s The Difference Between A Prisoner Of War And A Homeless Person?, Offset lithograph


Jordan Seiler, Collisions – Bullseye, Inkjet 


Kara Walker, Lost Mountain at Sunrise: Harper’s Pictorial History of the Civil War (Annotated), Offset lithography and screenprint on Sommerset textured paper


Distort, Estranged, Enamel and engraving on aluminum


Nicholas Galanin,  The American Dream is Alie and Well, Archival Ultrachrome ink on Epson ultra smooth fine art paper



And with the purchase of any artwork from Young New Yorkers, you will receive one of these Amplifier prints designed by Shepard Fairey 


You can purchase tickers here for May 10th’s Silent Auction and bid on the artworks at Paddle8 here.

Images of artworks courtesy Young New Yorkers

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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