

POW! WOW!, an international art movement that celebrates culture, music and art in cities throughout the globe, recently returned to Washington DC’s NoMa neighborhood. While down in DC last week, I had the opportunity to check out several recent murals. Pictured above is by Brooklyn-based Mexican artist Ricardo Gonzalez aka It’s a Living. What follows are a few more images I captured:

Spanish artist Muro, segment of larger mural


DC-based Juan Pinada aka CRI


 Hawaii-based Kaplan Bunce aka Kapache1


LA-based Mark Paul Deren aka Madsteez


DC-based Martin Swift, captured near completion


DC-based Mas Paz at work


DC-based Miss Che Love at work


Arlington-based KeyHan, one segment of huge mural


Among this year’s man sponsors were: the NoMa BID, neighborhood real estate developers Skanska and Folger-Pratt, Whole Foods and Montana Cans.

Photos by Lois Stavsky

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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Opening tomorrow — June 3, from 2-6pm — is The Art of TATS CRU, an exhibit and block party celebrating 37 years of the legendary Bronx-based crew. While previewing the exhibit yesterday, I had the opportunity to pose a few questions to its curators, Eileen Walsh and Laura James.


This is such a handsome exhibit and such a wonderful tribute to TATS CRU. What spurred you to focus this exhibition on TATS CRU?

After curating BRONX NOW that showcased over two dozen artists in 2016, we decided that we wanted to focus on a smaller group of artists this year. And TATS CRU — Nicer, Bio and  BG183 — seemed the perfect choice. They represent the best of the Bronx and they “kick ass!”


How would you define the mission of the exhibit?

Its intent is to tell the story of these three artists — through their own artworks and through photos and videos produced by Miguel Teck Arteaga. It is the story of three Bronx-based artists who transformed a youthful passion into a successful career on their own terms. And although they have traveled throughout the world with their art, they’ve chosen to remain here — in the Bronx.

bio-tats-cru-at- Bronx-Art-Space_edited-1

How did you decide which artworks to present?

The artists — for the most part — made the selections. They wanted to represent themselves with a range of distinct styles and techniques.


In addition to meeting the artists and viewing their artwork, what can visitors expect to experience at tomorrow’s opening?

The Block Party will feature homegrown, Bronx entertainment. DJ Pusha will keep the party going, along with dance performances by BBoy and Emcee Chief69 and Hip-Hop legend Rokafella‘s Full Circle Souljahs dance troupe. There will be live music performances by up and coming Bronx MINDY artists Static Vision and by alternative music group The Nobodies. There will also be a presentation by spoken word artist and rapper Safiel VonayThe Bronx Children’s Museum will host creative activities for children and families and will have its Museum on the Go Bus parked on the street outside the gallery.


How can folks see the exhibit, particularly if they can’t make it to the opening?

Located at 305 E 140 Street between in the South Bronx, BronxArtSpace is open Wednesday through Friday from 12-6:30pm and Saturday 12-5pm. The exhibit will also be open on Wednesday, June 7, from 6-8pm for Trolley Night. And on Thursday, June 22, at 6pm there will be an artist talk with Hector Nazario aka Nicer, Sotero Ortiz aka BG183 and Wilfredo Feliciano aka Bio, along with the premiere of The Jardin Orange Project, a short documentary that features some of the world’s most renowned streets artists, including TATS CRU, as they come together to paint massive murals in the city of Shen Zhen, China.

Note: Tomorrow’s event — free and open to the public — is sponsored by neighborhood businesses JCAL Development Group, ID Studio Theater, Zaro’s Bakery, La Grata Italian Restaurant, Filtered Coffee, and Bronx Native, along with the support of Port Morris Distillery and The Bronx Brewery.


1  Invite featuring BG183, Nicer and Bio

2  Curators Eileen Walsh and Laura James

3  Nicer

4  Bio

5  BG 183

6 Bio with guests at preview

Photos 2-6 by Lois Stavsky; interview conducted and edited by Lois Stavsky — who will also be moderating the Artist Talk on June 22. Special thanks to Scratch for her assistance at the preview!



Swarming the streets of Toronto are an abundance of animals. Pictured above is a close-up from a huge mural by Bruno Smoky. Here are several more:

Also by Toronto-based Brazilian artist Bruno Smoky

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Toronto-based Jerry Rugg aka birdO


Also by Jerry Rugg aka Birdo and Mediah


Canadian artist Nick Sweetman


Toronto-based tattoo artist Jonny Cakes


Canadian artist Li-Hill, close-up


Photo credits: 1, 4 & 6 Lois Stavsky; 2, 3, 5 & 7 Tara Murray

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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Currently on view at La Maison d’Art in Harlem is Styles and Storytellers, the first installment of a series of exhibits and artist talks conceived and curated by artist J.T. Liss. In this intriguingly provocative exhibit, four different artists present four unique stories in four distinct styles. Each of the four artists — J.T. LissMisha TyutyunikMarthalicia Matarrita and Jeff Henriquez — also share their talents with us on our city streets. Pictured above is Face Value by J.T. Liss. Here are several more images from the show:

J.T. Liss, Face Value II, Photographic art on canvas


Misha Tyutyunik, Mourning, Acrylic on canvas


Marthalicia Matarrita, Frida Kahlo, En la Lucha, Mixed media


Jeff Henriquez, Night Moves #5, Photographic art on canvas


Styles and Storytellers: Volume I continues until June 30th with an artist talk and open-mic poetry/spoken words/music next Friday, June 2, 6-9 pm. To schedule an appointment to visit the exhibit at another time, you can contact gallery owner Stephanie Calla at or at 917-533-4605. La Maison d’Art is located at 259 W 132nd Street in Harlem.

Photos of artworks by Lois Stavsky



The streets of Toronto — particularly on and off Queens Street West — teem with curious characters. The image pictured above was painted by Canadian native Troy Lovegates. Several more follow:

NYC-based Buff Monster


Toronto-based Poser ABM


The Toronto-based PA System artists Alexa Hatanaka and Patrick Thompson


Atlanta-based Greg Mike (on right) & artist to be identified

Greg-Mike-and -Mr.-Loudmouf-street-art-toronto

Montreal-based en masse


Photo credits: 1 & 4 Lois Stavsky; 2, 3, 5 & 6 Tara Murray

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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A diverse range of faces by artists from across the globe have been greeting us in Detroit public spaces, particularly in Eastern Market. Pictured above is by Chilean artist Dasic Fernandez in Mexicantown. What follows are several more than we came upon this week:

Also by Dasic in Mexicantown


Australian artist Rone for Murals in the Market


New Zealand-based artist Askew One for Murals in the Market


NYC-based Beau Stanton for Murals in the Market


West Coast-based Hueman for Murals in the Market


Bay Area artist Lauren YS for Murals in the Market


Photo credits: 1-3 & 7 Lois Stavsky; 4-6 Tara Murray

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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The largest park built under an underpass in Canada, Underpass Park is also an exuberant open-air street art museum. The outstanding graffiti and street art that grace the park’s columns were fashioned with support from StreetARToronto aka StART, Mural Routes and the Pan Am Path. The mural pictured above was painted by Montreal-based Jason Botkin. Several more images I captured last week — while visiting Toronto — follow:

Toronto-based graffiti master Recka


Peruvian-Canadian muralist Peru143


Toronto-based Jerry Rugg aka Birdo


Toronto-based Spud


Toronto-based Shalak Attack


Award-winning Chilean artist Fiya Bruxa and Toronto-based multidisciplinary artist Nick Sweetman


The renowned Toronto-based artists Labrona and Troy Lovegates aka Other


Photos by Lois Stavsky

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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Street Art Today celebrated King’s Day 2017 with the third edition of the annual Kings Spray Street Art Festival. On April 27, a part of the NDSM-wharf in the north of Amsterdam was transformed into a giant street art castle. Thirty-five national and international street artists created artworks of 3,5 by 5 meters inside the castle and on its walls. Pictured above is London-based Fin DAC at work. What follows is a photo report of the festival by street art and travel photographer Karin du Maire:

Dutch graffiti master Ces53 at work


Brazilian artist Sipros at work


Holland-based Mr  June at work


Belgium-based Philip Bosmans aka Bosmaus


Berlin-based artist Sokar Uno


London-based Fanakapan at work


Amsterdam-based Besok at work


Kings Spray Street Art Festival was organized by Peter Ernst Coolen, the founder and curator of Street Art Today.

Photos by Karin du Maire



Earlier this spring, HKwalls partnered with Vans to introduce street art to Hong Kong’s Wong Chuk Hang district. The mural pictured above was painted by the Indonesian artist Tuts. What follow are several more images of urban art that surfaced during this year’s festival:

Thailand-based Jecks


Spanish artist Spok Brillor, one of several trucks painted during HKwalls 2017


Hong Kong-based Taka


Taiwanese artist Debe


Malaysian artist Abdul Rashade


Paris-based Zoer


All photos courtesy HKwalls


A premier source for graffiti pictures, interviews and the most complete online graffiti supplies store, Bombing Science is a favorite site for all of us graffiti lovers. I recently had the opportunity to pose a few questions to Bombing Science  founder, Fred.


When was Bombing Science first launched?

The first website was launched around 1998. It was then called Montreal-North Graffiti, as it documented graffiti in our part of town. I was posting mostly pictures of walls and bombings painted by our crew. I then began to take pictures in all parts of Montreal and, eventually, in other surrounding cities. At that point, I changed the name of the website to Bombing Science.

What was its mission at the time of its initial launch? And how has its mission evolved?

Back in ’98 when I first started the site, it was mostly to show the world what we were painting.  But I then got deep into traveling and taking graffiti pictures all around the world. I’m now heading, in fact, to San Diego and Tijuana to take pics for the site!  So, yeah, since the beginning, the goal was to give shine to graffiti artists through our site. And, of course, we now have an online graffiti supplies store. It was actually one of the first online graff stores. It’s grown a lot, and now our mission is also to provide the finest graffiti supplies to writers worldwide.


What about the name, Bombing Science?

Oh, I remember how I came up with this name! I was looking to register a domain name with the word “Bombing” in it, because it’s the element of graffiti we were pushing the most on the website. While I was looking for a name, I was listening to a drum’n’bass LP by the Ganja Krew, and one of the tunes was named “Science.” So I just put together Bombing and Science and that was it.

Your blog has evolved into one of the most popular and respected graffiti sites on the web. To what do you attribute its success?

Consistency, without a doubt. We are updating our site daily since 1998 with new graffiti pictures, and people are coming back for them. It’s a lot of hard work — updating a website on a daily basis for almost 20 years. But I think a lot of people enjoy the efforts we put into it.


What are some of the challenges involved with maintaining such a comprehensive blog?

I think the major challenge is to stay relevant in the Facebook and Instagram era. These sites killed the web. I mean, before. there were tons of graffiti sites all around the world with people putting work in their blogs — having something to say, something to show. Now people are scrolling down their feeds and they rarely go out of them.  I find it kind of sad, because the web was a huge DIY place, and now most people only post pictures and content on social media sites. Remember, kids: you don’t own these sites. If you want to be an OWNER and a DOER, create your own thing. Don’t rely on social media. You don’t own shit when you post on Facebook. You don’t even own your followers. These large companies decide who gets to see your posts and ask you to pay to have it seen by the rest of your “followers.” More power to you for running StreetArtNYC!  So, yeah, the challenge is to keep it going for another 20 years, without falling into the easy traps, keeping our integrity and improving along the way.

Interview by Lois Stavsky; photos courtesy Bombing Science

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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