Coinciding with On Our Hands, his solo exhibit of mixed media paintings opening tomorrow evening at Chelsea’s Jacob Lewis Gallery, Shepard Fairey is bringing his distinct aesthetic to two Mana Contemporary spaces in Jersey City. The following photos were captured earlier this week by Audrey Connolly aka byte girl at the Mana Ice House, 581 Monmouth Street:
At work with spray can in hand

On a brief, contemplative break

And at work with his crew

The mural in its final stages — representing Shepard Fairey’s aesthetic vision fusing Russian Constructivism, Chinese Communist propaganda and Americana

All photos by bytegirl

It’s been busy in DUMBO, Brooklyn. For the past week, some of our favorite artists have been gracing its walls with stylishly striking artwork, transforming its landscape into a stunning open-air gallery.
Shepard Fairey at work

Faith47, close-up from completed mural

Another Faith47 close-up

DALeast, close-up from completed mural

Another close-up from DalEast’s mural

Eltono at work

Another close-up from Eltono mural in progress

MOMO, close-up

Another close-up from MOMO mural in progress

These murals are among eight to grace a four-block stretch along the BQE. We will continue documenting DUMBO Walls on our Facebook page.
Photos by Dani Mozeson
For the past several years, the huge wall on Manhattan’s Bowery and Houston Street has served as a canvas for some of the globe’s most expressive street art. Featuring the work of a diverse range of artists from the hugely talented Brazilian twins Os Gemeos to Brooklyn’s famed Faile duo, it entices and engages passersby daily. Here are a few highlights of the past two years:
Os Gemeos installation: summer, 2009:

Shepard Fairey aka Obey installation, spring 2010:

Barry McGee aka Twist. mural, fall 2010:
Faile, current mural, installed fall, 2011: