This past Sunday, Elmhurst’s ELKS Lounge was home to Street Art Expo NYC, as it celebrated three generations of first-rate graffiti artists. Visitors — of all ages — had the opportunity to meet a wonderfully diverse range of artists, become acquainted with new products and purchase original artworks directly from the artists. Pictured above is the legendary Part One. Here’s a small sampling of what we saw:
Veteran writer and photographer Flint Gennari with photo he’d captured back in the day of Flip One in action

Old school writer and a sponsor of Street Art Expo NYC, Alski

Bronx-based veteran writer and founder and curator of InstaFame Phantom Art, Nic 707

Contemporary graffiti and street art legend Moody Mutz, AA Mobb

The prolific Brooklyn-based Plasma Slug

Bronx-based b-boy and graffiti artist, Chief 69

In addition to The Alski Show, other sponsors of Street Art Expo NYC included: Ironlak, TYOTOYS and Art Primo.
Photo credits: 1 & 5 Tara Murray; 2-4, 6 & 7 Lois Stavsky

After a brief hiatus, I was again riding the subway trains with Nic 707 as he continues to bring Old School writers, along with new artists, back to where it all began. Here are a few more images captured yesterday from another chapter in the Instafame Phantom Art movement:
Nic 707, Surround Yourself with Love

Nic 707, Fill Your Heart and Mind with Love

Part One


Gear One

Gear One does Che Guevara

First image is: Nic 707, Love Is Not Alien Technology
Photos by Lois Stavsky
Note: Our highly acclaimed Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

Produced by Sade TCM for Nasty, Neo FC, the Blaze of Hackensack has refashioned the always-brilliant graffiti walls in Hackensack, New Jersey’s famed open-air gallery. Here’s a sampling of what surfaced last month:
Bronx-based Pase

NYC artists Per One and Hef

Bronx-based John Matos aka Crash

Bronx-based Ces

The Blaze of Hackensack curator Sade TCM

Bronx-based Bio, Tats Cru

Bronx-based Zimad

Bronx-based BG 183, Tats Cru

Veteran graffiti writers Sonic and Part One, Dedicated to the Victims in Paris

Photos by Dani Reyes Mozeson

Opening this evening from 6-9pm at the Hi-Arts Gallery on 304 East 100th Street is JR’s Inside Out Mi Gente/ Oyáte kiŋ Art Project — focusing on and uniting two communities: NYC’s East Harlem and South Dakota’s Pine Ridge Reservation. Here are a few images captured yesterday while visiting the exhibit, curated by Carlos Mare:


And more

And outside with murals by Alice Mizrachi and Part One

Photos by Dani Reyes Mozeson

In Bergen County, New Jersey — where public space is generally a blank canvas — the township of Hackensack boasts some first-rate graffiti. Here’s a sampling of what was recently seen on a spot off the train tracks:

Per1 and Dero

The Bronx Team


Tiws and Enue


Shiro with Part One


Photos by Dani Reyes Mozeson; first photo features Yes1 to the right of Shiro.
This is the sixth in an occasional series of artwork on NYC shutters:
Ewok in Williamsburg, Brooklyn

Alice Mizrachi aka AM in East Harlem

Michael De Feo on Manhattan’s Lower East Side

Part One in East Harlem

Vato in Williamsburg

Beau, Elle and Hue on Manhattan’s Lower East Side

Crisp in Williamsburg, Brooklyn

Fumero in Williamsburg, Brooklyn

Icy and Sot in Bushwick, Brooklyn

Photo of Michael De Feo by Tara Murray; all others by Lois Stavsky
Dozens of new artworks, representing a wide range of cultures, styles and approaches, have surfaced this summer at 5Pointz. Here are a few from NYC’s ever-evolving open-air gallery:
Veteran graff artists Bis and Vor

Austrian artist Roofie

Japanese artist Shiro with Part, Yes1 and Meres

ND’A and Bishop

The Mexican Har crew, close-up

Har Crew, complete mural

French artist Zeso

Brooklyn-based international muralist Joel Bergner

Barcelona-based artist Dase

Photos by Dani Mozeson, Tara Murray and Lois Stavsky