live painting

To the delight of us graffiti lovers, First Street Green Park has been showcasing artwork by a range of first rate, often legendary, graffiti writers and muralists. The image featured above was painted by Andre Trenier  and Zaone. What follows are several more murals that surfaced at last month’s Summer Classics Block Party hosted by DJNY Art:

Albertus Joseph and Jaylo YNN, tribute to the late Sean Price

Jeff Henriquez at work on tribute mural to the late Guru of Gang Starr

Wore IBM does Rakim

Graff masters T Kid and Doves at work

T Kid‘s completed piece

Completed Doves piece

And on Friday — September 8th — DJNY Art will be hosting “Welcome To The Lab,” a Pop Up event for Nike and Sneaker Lab at Van Der Plas Gallery, 156 Orchard Street on the LES.

Photos: 1, 2, 4, 6 & 7 Lois Stavsky; 3 & 5 courtesy Kate Storch

Note: Hailed in a range of media from WideWalls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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Beginning August 10th and continuing through the 20th, over 40 artists participated in Sacramento’s Wide Open Walls mural festival bringing stylish intrigue to the Sacramento area.  Pictured above is Russian artist Lora Zombie, along with two young fans, in front of her mural. What follows are several more images captured by NYC-based street and travel photographer Karin du Maire, who had been documenting the festival from the beginning:

Sacramento-based Molly Devlin and SV Williams, close-up from work in progress

Sacramento-based Micah Crandall-Bear, alongside his mural

Santa Cruz-based Jeremiah Kille, in progress

Australian artists Adnate and Jessica Crema aka Last Night Collective at work

Hong Kong-based Caratoes at work

Sacramento-based Bryan Valenzuela at work, close-up of huge mural

Organized by festival founder David Sobon and Branded Arts, the Wide Open Walls mural festival has evolved into one of the largest of its kind in the United States.

Photos by Karin du Maire

Note: Hailed in a range of media from WideWalls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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Street Art Today celebrated King’s Day 2017 with the third edition of the annual Kings Spray Street Art Festival. On April 27, a part of the NDSM-wharf in the north of Amsterdam was transformed into a giant street art castle. Thirty-five national and international street artists created artworks of 3,5 by 5 meters inside the castle and on its walls. Pictured above is London-based Fin DAC at work. What follows is a photo report of the festival by street art and travel photographer Karin du Maire:

Dutch graffiti master Ces53 at work


Brazilian artist Sipros at work


Holland-based Mr  June at work


Belgium-based Philip Bosmans aka Bosmaus


Berlin-based artist Sokar Uno


London-based Fanakapan at work


Amsterdam-based Besok at work


Kings Spray Street Art Festival was organized by Peter Ernst Coolen, the founder and curator of Street Art Today.

Photos by Karin du Maire



Earlier this month, five UAE-based street artists: Fathima Mohiuddin aka Fats, Gary Yong aka Enforce1, Justin MacMahon aka JustOne, Steffi Bow and SyaOne participated in NYU Abu Dhabi’s first Live Painting Event.  Students, faculty members, staff and visitors were also invited to share their visions and talents with the NYU Abu Dhabi community . Curated by Houda Lazrak, an M.A. Candidate in Museum Studies at NYU, the Live Painting Event began at noon on December 7 and continued through 7pm.

Fathima Mohiuddin aka Fats 


Steffi Bow in action


Steffi Bow, completed mural


SyaOne in action


SyaOne, completed mural


Enforce1 at work


Enforce1, completed mural


Just1 at work


Just1, completed mural


Photos 1-3, 5, 6, 8-10 Michelle Loibner; 4 & 7 Houda Lazrak

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An urban celebration of art, music and food, Street Nights features some of Dubai’s most active muralists painting live. The following images were captured last week while visiting the Walk At JBR, an inviting outdoor promenade along the beach.

Ramy Elzaghawy at work

Edge Nation crew member at work


Jonny Revs, work in progress

"Jonny Revs"

Has One


First image features Steffi Bow and Dose Art

Photos by Lois Stavsky

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