
"Natalia Rak"

We discovered the wonderfully talented Natalia Rak a number of months back at NYC Art Battles at 5 Bryant Park, where she was painting alongside Chor Boogie, Max Bode and Don Rimx. We instantly fell in love with her vibrant, realistic aesthetic.

When and where did you first get up in a public space?

The first time was four years ago in the small city of Turek, Poland. I only had a few cans of paint, and the walls were small. Some artists start with letters, and some begin with characters. I started with female faces. I just painted one-sided faces. I struggled with the lines!

What inspired you to start painting on walls?

My boyfriend, Bezt, inspired me. I was watching him while he was working with his Etam group in an abandoned place, and he persuaded me to try. It was a frustrating lesson in humility!

"Natalia Rak"

How does your family feel about what you are doing?

My parents do worry when I paint way up high, but they are supportive. They display all my canvases on their walls, even when they don’t understand them. They are proud of my successes, but they are also concerned about my living “the life of an artist.” Their image of the artist is of this struggling person who spends all his money on art supplies, and then when he’s not painting, drinks or uses drugs. And they have a point! There is little money for art in Poland.

Have you any thoughts about the street art / graffiti divide?

Coming from a small town in Poland, I didn’t grow up with graffiti. And I didn’t think much of it. But now that I’m painting on walls, I’ve come to appreciate it. It’s quite different, though, from street art.  Street artists get invited to paint legal murals, while graffiti artists generally work independently. And with graffiti, quantity is as important – if not more so – than quality. Street art is more acceptable.

"Natalia Rak"

How do you feel about the movement of graffiti and street art into galleries?

It’s great. Street art is on the streets, of course, but the artists can also bring their styles and energy to canvases and other media to make their artwork available to people who would love to own it. Galleries are also a way for artists to gain recognition. In Poland there’s hardly any art market. It’s difficult to sell anything here. I’ve had more success selling art outside of my country.

Do you prefer working alone or with others?

I prefer working alone with music. Painting collaboratively seems difficult to me, but I want to have that experience.

"Natalia Rak"

How do you feel about the role of the Internet in all of this?

The Internet invites me to see other cultures. I particularly like Asian cultures. I also enjoy seeing the impact my art has on others – people I don’t even know. I recently saw a photo of a man in Mexico with one of my images tattooed onto his arm. That made me feel so good! Fans push me to create. It’s good to hear opinions about my art too. I have, or try to have, conversations with other artists online.

Are there any particular cultures that influence your aesthetics?

Not a culture but period of art. When I paint, I think of the Secesja, or the Secession period, in Barcelona. The buildings look like plants or nature. When I first started studying the history of art, I was inspired by Jacek Malczewski. Later when I became familiar with Fauvism, I became interested in the combination of colors. Recently, I’ve become interested in Norman Rockwell’s paintings, the way he showed emotion in different situational scenes.

"Natalia Rak"

Do you have a formal arts education?

Yes, I have a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Lodz. I also studied illustration, comic art, package design and silk screening.

Have you any other any other passions or interests?

Playing computer games. I like playing Battlefield 3. I plan to get Battlefield 4 and League of Legends. My black guitar is still waiting for me in my room. I also like cooking in my free time for friends and trying new dishes.

Do you work with a sketch in your hand?

I work with photos using Photoshop. I enjoy realistic works. I have many ideas in my head. And computers make it easier for me to change colors and composition. Normally, I don’t have a sketch.

"Natalia Rak"

Are you generally satisfied with your work?

Hard to say.  When I look at a finished piece, I often find some detail that — I feel — can be changed. But I might be out of energy or already thinking about my next wall. And I always think about how I can do better! I can say, though, that I’m more satisfied now than I was a few years ago. I can see my progress.

How do you feel about the role of the photographer in all this?

I really like it when a photographer focuses on the work. I don’t like having my face shown in photographs. And I think it’s great that the images are out there and that so many young people are getting into this modern art movement.

What’s ahead?

I’ve been very busy these past few months working on my first solo exhibit, Through the Looking Glass. I’m excited and nervous at the same time. It opens Friday, April 11, at Pretty Portal in Dusseldorf, Germany. I finished six new canvases and I’ve prepared three prints. I hope everyone can find something that they like. I am also planning to paint three walls in the months ahead – but we shall see!

"Natalia Rak"

Good luck! It sounds great and we hope you make it back to New York City soon.

Interview conducted by Lenny Collado and edited by Lois Stavsky; all images courtesy of the artist. 


"Belin and King Bee"

We’ve been huge fans of the Spanish artist Belin since we came upon his collaborative venture with Kingbee up in the Bronx awhile back. More recently, Belin was back in NYC painting in midtown Manhattan. That’s where we caught up with him.

When and where did you start getting up?

I started bombing the southern part of Linares, a small town in Andalusia, Spain in 1995. I was 15 at the time. I first went by the name Slam.

Who or what inspired you at the time?

I was always drawing. But then I discovered a black and white magazine produced at the time called Explicit Graff. It changed my whole mentality. I just wanted to get up in my city!


What was your first graffiti crew?

My first crew was LR—Linares Rompe. There were about three or four of us.

Do you have any particularly memorable graffiti memories from back then?

Yes. I remember getting a call from Lechu, a graffiti writer from Ubeda, Spain. Someone had told him I did graffiti. We talked, and he then rode on his motorcycle to Linares to paint with me. That was the first of many trips that he took! There was also Frejo, who tagged “Rasta.” He was from my same hood. He introduced me to rap and basketball. That was around 1997.


What did your family and friends think about what you were doing?

My family thought nothing of it. And the preppie kids I hung out with in my neighborhood took no interest in what I was doing. My friend was Frejo.

How much time of your time is devoted to art these days?

I work on my art all the time. If I’m not doing it, I’m thinking about it.


What are your thoughts about the graffiti/street art divide?

Graffiti is freehand spray-painted letters. It is a form of street art, but street art is not graffiti. Street artists, like Banksy, often have a political or social agenda. Graffiti is primarily one’s name.

How do you feel about the movement of graffiti and street art going into galleries?

It works for me. It’s art either way. The artist needs to eat, too. Gallerists make money for the artists, as well as for themselves. They know how to talk and sell art. And it’s a lot about knowing how to talk. Unfortunately there are weak artists who sell because someone knows how to talk them up, while others, who are quite good, can’t even get into galleries.


What inspires you these days?

The urban environment inspires me. New York inspires me.  There is a lot of energy here. And people are always awake.

How do you feel about collaborations?

It depends. I like to work with other writers on murals. But when I’m in the studio, I like to work alone.

Are there any particular cultures that have influenced your aesthetic?

No. Everything influences me. I watch documentaries.  I listen to music. I read the news. I observe people on the streets. It all comes together in my work. My daily life is my inspiration.


Do you have a formal arts education?

No. I failed school. I liked painting and hanging with my friends more. And I was quite athletic. I played a lot of basketball and even got my black belt in karate. I think that’s why I enjoy graffiti so much. It’s about physical movement and creation and beauty. It’s like dancing.

Do you work with a sketch in hand?

I never used to. My work was mostly freestyle. But these days, I like to plan my work in advance.


And you generally satisfied with your work?


Have you any thoughts on the role of the Internet in all this?

I feel good about it. It helps my art reach people and it’s a great resource.

How do you feel about the bloggers and photographers of this whole movement?

They are important. They help the artists get places.

Interview conducted by Lenny Collado and edited by Lois Stavsky. Photo credits 1.  Lois Stavsky;  2. & 5.  Dani Reyes Mozeson; all others courtesy of the artist


Born in Canada, Lady K-Fever is a NYC-based interdisciplinary artist, art educator and curator. A recipient of numerous grants, she currently works with the Bronx Museum of the Arts, the Studio Museum in Harlem, the Bronx River Arts Center and the Laundromat Project.

"Lady K Fever"

When and where did you start getting up?

I started bombing in Vancouver, Canada in the early 90’s. I got up all over the city. No block was safe.

What inspired you back then?

In 1992, I found The Faith of Graffiti at a thrift shop and bought a bootleg copy of Wild Style. I immediately fell in love with graffiti.  I was also into skateboarding at the time, and I was a member of the Riot Grrlzs: The Vancouver Chapter.  We were invited to create an installation for an exhibition “Artropolis 1993.” We collaborated to create a graffiti-inspired tag wall about human rights.

What spurred your interest and engagement in social issues?

I was inspired by activism of the Black Panthers and counter culture of the 1960’s & 70’s.

What about graffiti crews? Did you belong to any?

My first crew was the one I created with some of my friends in Vancouver, the ILC crew: The Independent Ladies Crew. I have since put down with lots of other crews: CAC, TLV (the Latin Vandals), IBM, and WOTS.  Right now I am down with KD-TDS-INDS.


Any early graffiti memories?

I’ll always remember the first three-color piece/bomb I did on my own.  It was all about timing.  It was in 1996 in downtown Vancouver, and I had hidden behind a car. I started to paint in the shadow of the car and hide when traffic was coming by. It was a thrill, and I wanted to do more.

When did you first get up in NYC?

My first time painting here was in 2001 at The Phun Phactory before it became 5Pointz. While there, I met so many people and artists who have helped me along my path. I am so grateful that there was a place like that – a place for the global graffiti movement to connect and blossom in New York City.

Have you ever been arrested?

Pleading the 5th and the 4th. 

Have you exhibited your works?

I began exhibiting my work in galleries in 1993 in Vancouver.  In NYC, I have exhibited at  the Bronx Museum of the Arts, El Museo del Barrio, Longwood Art Gallery, The Corridor Gallery, Andrew Freedman Home and MoMA.

"Lady K Fever"

What percentage of your time is devoted to your artwork?

100 percent. All day. Every day. It’s my life. Life is my art. My art is the facilitation of my experiences as a creative human on this planet. I am inspired and find inspiration all day long.

Have you made money from your work?

I sell pieces, do commissions, apply for grants and residencies, teach and consult with museums and arts organizations, speak at schools and conduct workshops. Hustle is hustle.

Any thoughts about the so-called graffiti/street art divide?

The boundaries continue to blur.  I thought we all fought hard for graffiti to be considered “art”. A writer is a writer; an artist is an artist. Both are valid and beautiful and all artists have the right to decide how they want to be identified. What I do not like is the dogma and the prejudices that arise. If graffiti and street art are ultimately forms of freedom of expression, then what really is going on?

Do you prefer working alone or working with others?

Both. I like working alone, and I like the interaction that happens when artists work together. I go through phases.

"Lady Fever"

Do you have a formal arts education?

Yes and no. I studied fine art in high school and in college, but I formally went on to major in Theatre.  I worked as a studio assistant with a Canadian pottery artist and as a scenic painter on film/TV sets to gain art trade skills.

What is the riskiest thing you’ve done?

I have done a lot of risky things. On my last day in Toronto, I did a bridge piece along a highway in downtown Toronto.  I wrote the name Lady K Fever in huge letters on the whole bridge.  As I was finishing, I saw a set of police lights flash across the highway. I ran and hid all the way home. That was my exit from Toronto.

Are there any particular cultures that have influenced your aesthetic?

I’m influenced by all cultures. I go through inspirational phases. I love texture and color. I like to work with Indian, African and Mexican fabrics and designs.  Music is also an influence – its sounds, beats and lyrics.

Are you generally satisfied with a finished piece?

Yes and no.  Sometimes, I just have to walk away and move on to the next.


How has your work evolved throughout the years?

I continue to refine my style and explore concepts.

How would you describe the role of the artist in society?

The artist’s role is to tell stories through personal and collective reflections and responses and to raise questions. The artist is a messenger of universal truth who challenges others to see and acknowledge what they might not want to

Interview with Lady K-Fever conducted by Lenny Collado and edited by Lois Stavsky; photo credits 1. Lenny Collado; 2. Tara Murray; 3 – 5. courtesy of the artist


"Maya Hayuk"

With luscious colors and spirited strokes, Maya Hayuk has brought her distinct visual rhythms to the wall on Houston Street and the Bowery in Lower Manhattan.

Earlier on

"Maya Hayuk paints"

Maya takes a break

"Maya Hayuk"

Close-up of completed wall 

"Maya Hayuk"

The completed mural with its delicious drips

"Maya Hayuk"

Photos by Dani Reyes Mozeson


This is the twelfth in a series of posts featuring images of girls — and women — who grace New York City’s public spaces:

Brazilian artist Eli Sudbrack in Williamsburg, Brooklyn


Danielle Mastrion in Williamsburg, Brooklyn

"Danielle Mastrion"

Veng and Chris, RWK in Little Italy

Chris and Veng RWK

Katie Yamasaki with Groundswell youth in Park Slope, Brooklyn

"Katie Yamasaki and Groundswell youth"

Sest 2 on Manhattan’s Lower East Side


Fin DAC & Christina Angelina — tribute to Lou Reed in Williamsburg, Brooklyn

"Fin DC and Christina Angelina"

Photo of Fin DAC & Christina Angelina by Dani Reyes Mozeson; of Chris & Veng, RWK by Tara Murray; all others by Lois Stavsky


"Keith Haring and LA2"

Based on the Lower East Side, LA2 creates bold, brightly-colored energetic works on a range of surfaces. Befriended by the legendary Keith Haring as a young teen, LA2 is best-known for his distinct tag that has earned him accolades both on the streets and in galleries and museums world-wide.  I recently had the opportunity to interview him:

When and where did you first start tagging up?

I was 10 when I first started tagging. The street was my canvas.  I lived on the Lower East Side, and so those were the streets that I hit.

Who or what inspired you at the time?

I noticed kids at the Boys Club and in school tagging up. And I was inspired by Lee Quinones’s work that I saw on subway cars and on walls in my neighborhood.


Did you tag alone or did you work with crews back in the day?

It didn’t matter.  I just wanted to tag up.  I worked mostly alone, but I did get up with TNS (The Non Stoppers) and El 3 (RIP), who later died when he was electrocuted by the 3rd rail.

You went on to collaborate with Keith Haring.  How did you first meet Keith?

Keith was looking for me.  He had seen my tag and wanted to find me.  When Keith was working on a mural at Junior High School 22, Richie SOE came to my house and told me that Keith wants to meet me, and so I went over there.

How did Keith Haring’s work change after meeting you?

Before he met me, he was doing mostly simple characters. After we began working together, his work became more energetic. And soon after Rock Hudson announced that he had AIDS, Keith came out of the closet, and his artwork took on a more sexual tone.

LA2 art

What was it like collaborating with Keith?

It was great.  I’ve always been fond of Keith as a person and as an artist.  We travelled to Europe together, and Keith made sure that I was paid what was due me.  I feel grateful to Keith, but not to the Keith Haring Foundation. But that’s another story.

Your artwork has been exhibited in galleries worldwide. How do you feel about the movement of graffiti and street art into galleries?

I think it’s great.  It’s a win-win for both galleries and artists. We artists have to make money to keep doing what we’re doing.

Any thoughts about the graffiti-street art divide?

There’s less and less of a divide.  After Keith Haring collaborated with me, the museums had no choice but to accept graffiti.  This past year, I became the first writer to paint in the Children’s Museum of the East End in the Hamptons.


Who are some of your favorite artists?

They’re all dead.  Keith Haring, Andy Warhol, and Basquiat were my favorites.

Do you prefer working alone or collaborating with others?

I generally work alone.  But in addition to Keith Haring, I’ve collaborated with quite a few artists including Richard Hambleton, Kenny Scharf and my girlfriend’s daughter, Jasmin.  And when Stik was in from London this past fall, I collaborated with him.

How do you feel about the role of the Internet in all of this?

I think it’s great.  Since my girlfriend, Ramona, created the website, we’ve received invitations from galleries overseas in such countries as Italy and Germany.


Do you have a formal art education?

No, I’m self-taught. I dropped out of Seward Park High School to travel with Keith Haring and help him establish his career. 

What is the riskiest thing you ever did?

Just getting my tag up is risky.  I’ve spent time in jail for that.  Whenever I take my dog, Nico, for a walk, I tag when he pees. And I’ve gotten locked up for that, along with Nico. He’s gotten locked up, too! 

What inspires your art?

It’s inspired by my emotions…the things I go through… my thoughts and feelings.  Creating art is how I express myself.


Do you work with a sketch in hand?

Never, it’s all straight out of my head.

Are you generally satisfied with your finished piece?

I’m always happy.  I love them all.

How has your work evolved through the years?

It has gotten more detailed.  There’s more line work and people tell me that it’s tighter.

What do you see as your role  — as an artist — in society?

My particular role is to educate kids on how to express their creativity in a healthy way.  They need to use the right materials and to cover their faces.  I developed health problems (COPD) by not protecting myself when painting.  I love lecturing kids and working with them. I will be doing a workshop with children this spring at the Angel Orensanz Center in conjunction with the Fridge Art Fair.


What do you see as the future of graffiti?

It’s going to become more and more valued as an art form.

The Europeans have always seemed to value it more than we have. Why do you suppose they are so much more receptive to graffiti than we here in the States are?

It’s because they appreciate art more, in general.  It’s always been that way. And on a personal level, Paul Kostabi sold my art in Italy 20 years ago, gaining the attention and appreciation of Europeans.

What’s ahead for you?

Traveling, exhibiting both here and overseas, educating the youth and continuing to become healthier.

Editor’s note: A selection of LA2’s work in on exhibit at City as Canvas: Graffiti Art from the Martin Wong Collection at the Museum of the City of New York. Curated by Sean Corcoran, it opens tomorrow, February 4, and continues through August 24.

Interview conducted and edited by Lois Stavsky;  first two photos — of LA2 collaborating with Keith Haring and of LA2 tagging — originally published in Keith Haring, Rizzoli — courtesy of LA2; all other photos by Dani Reyes Mozeson



With influences ranging from traditional Korean art to the skateboard culture he embraced at an early age, Yoon Hyup has developed a distinct aesthetic that has recently made its way into downtown Manhattan. We came upon him at work earlier this month outside rag & bone on Elizabeth Street off Houston, where he was painting a mural on a particularly frigid day! I recently had the opportunity to speak to him.

You’ve painted on a range of surfaces and in a variety of places. You’ve exhibited your work in galleries, and you continue to paint on the streets. What initially drew you to the streets? When did it all begin?

I began skateboarding when I was nine years old. That was my introduction to the culture. And then in the mid 90’s, I discovered hip-hop and graffiti magazines at a nearby US Army base.

What was the graffiti/street art culture in Korea like at the time?

It was quite unsophisticated. The spray cans were very basic, and there were few colors available.  Canvases consisted of tunnels or alleys that the writers claimed as their spots.

"Yoon Hyup"

What inspired you to share your talents on the streets?

I was inspired by photos I saw of the artworks that Basquiat and Futura and other artists at the Fun Gallery had painted on the streets of downtown Manhattan back in the day. And then while attending the Art Institute in my late teens, I learned everything — from where to buy spray paint to how to master particular techniques — from ‘Bluce 666’.

You went on to study Graphic Design at Hanseo University. Did your formal art education help you develop as an artist?

When I was a sophomore, I decided to take a break from the university and check out the “real world.” During that time, I did a lot of exhibitions, and I began collaborations with businesses like Nike and MTV. There was so much I had to figure out on my own and solve myself. I would say that a formal education helps, but experience in the “real world” is crucial to an artist’s success.

Tell us a bit about your recent mural outside rag & bone in Nolita. How did that happen? It is one of our favorite spots in town! And your mural looks splendid here!

I had submitted my portfolio to rag & bone, and soon afterwards, I was invited to paint. I think I was lucky to be selected.

"Yoon Hyup"

Your style is quite distinct. Could you tell us something about it?

Many traditional Korean forms, such as vine clouds and wind clouds, surface in my paintings. I often paint with the five colors associated with my native country – red, blue, yellow, black and white. It is my homage to my heritage. It is how I honor my roots.

You’ve shown your work in gallery settings, as well as in public spaces. How do you feel about the movement of street art into galleries?

It’s fine so long as the artists continue to create artwork on public spaces.

And what about the corporate world? You’ve collaborated with such corporations as Nike and Tommy Hilfiger. How do you feel about that?

I don’t have a problem with it, so long as I can be true to my own vision.

"Yoon Hyup"

Is there anyone – in particular – with whom you would like to collaborate?

I would have loved to paint with Kandinsky. I’m particularly fond of him.

I can see that!  Your work is a bit of a fusion between street art and fine art.  How has your art evolved in the past few years?

I feel that I paint more naturally.  My style is becoming looser and freer. My cloud forms have become more abstract.

Do you work with a sketch-in-hand? Or do you just let it flow?

I work with a general layout. But my handstyle flows freely.

"Yoon Hyup"

Are you generally satisfied with your finished pieces?

Not really! I’m always challenging myself.

Have you any other passions or interests?

I love skateboarding. I’ve been doing it since I was nine.  And I love music. My mother, who was president of a music institute, has taught me to appreciate all kinds of music. Both skateboarding and music, along with art, are essential in my life.

What’s ahead?

I’ve been developing a new body of work and will soon be collaborating with a talented Korean toy maker.

Interview conducted and edited by Lois Stavsky; first photo by Lois Stavsky; all others courtesy of the artist. 1. new mural outside rag & bone; 2. Unlimited Path, Krink on wood, 2013; 3. Nike Air Max 90 Premium Tape – Multi Color Camo, 2013; 4. For “Haechi Parade, spray paint on sculpture, 2009; 5. Rhythm and Flow (Primary’s Masks), Acrylic, ABS Resin, 2013


This is the fourth post of our occasional series featuring some of the curious characters that have found a home in NYC ‘s open spaces:

R. Nicholas Kuszyk aka R. Robot in Williamsburg, Brooklyn

"R Robot"

Jeromy Velasco in the East Village

"Jeromy Velasco"

Malarky and Gold Peg in the East Village


Harlenquinade in the East Village


 Sheryo and the Yok in the East Village


Rimx in Bushwick, Brooklyn, on the grounds of Exit Room


Photos of Jeromy Velasco and Malarky & Gold Peg by Dani Reyes Mozeson; all others by Lois Stavsky


This is the fifth in an occasional series featuring images of males who surface on NYC public spaces:

Esteban del Valle on Manhattan’s Lower East Side

Esteban del Valle

Ramiro Davaro-Comas in Bushwick, Brooklyn

"ramiro davaro comas"

Close-up from huge wall by Swoon and Groundswell youth on the Bowery and Houston


James de la Vega in East Harlem

"de la vega"

Paul Paddock in the East Village

"Paul Paddock"

Tats Cru in the East Village

"Tats Cru"

Mataone in Bushwick, Brooklyn


 Photo of Swoon by Tara Murray, of Mataone by Dani Reyes Mozeson and all others by Lois Stavsky


Speaking with Col Wallnuts

January 7, 2014

For over 20 years Col has been gracing our public spaces with his distinctly graceful aesthetic.  His street murals, along with his small works on various media, are among our favorites.  It was wonderful to have the opportunity to recently interview him.

"Col Wallnuts"

When did you first get up?

I began tagging and doing some outlines in Staten Island/Brooklyn about 1993-94.

What inspired you at the time?

I was inspired by the tags and pieces I saw along highways. I always wondered who had done them.

Have you any early graffiti memories that stand out?

I loved seeing Cost and Revs in the Meatpacking District. The area has come a long way from the violence and corruption that once characterized it. But it’s great to see a piece of that time still around.

"Col Wallnuts"

Do you paint with any crews?

I was active with CTO (Check This Out), as both Vers and Edge had taken me under their wings. I’m currently part of Wallnuts, MST, MTA and KD. Wallnuts is comprised of writers from both the States and Europe. Among them are: Muse, Chester, Been3, Ree2, Soco, Riot, Phyme, Met, MadC, Zest, Dos, Free5, Kern and Mad.

Do you prefer working alone or with others?

It depends on the project. Painting with good people motivates me, sets a fire under my ass and inspires me. Painting alone is good too. It’s like nothing else exists.

Do you generally paint with a sketch-in-hand?

Almost never.  A sketch prevents one from being organic. I want to see where my idea goes and to produce what I see in my head.

"col wallnuts"

Do you have any preferred surfaces?

I love to paint on anything. I prefer painting on surfaces and in areas where no one has painted before. I enjoy challenges. Obstacles are fun. And I love working large scale on buildings. I grew up working on walls, so the bigger the better.

What about neighborhoods? Have you any favorites?

I prefer working in bad neighborhoods. There are real people there. In good neighborhoods, you’re faced with bullshit. I’ll take Marcy Avenue over Park Avenue any day of the week! Painting in an impoverished neighborhood gives it life and positive energy.

What percentage of your time — would you say — is devoted to art?

I paint seven days a week. I work through holidays. I’m always working on paper, canvas or on my computer.

"Col Wallnuts"

Have you exhibited your work in gallery settings?

Yes. I’ve exhibited at Art Basel (Miami), in NYC, LA, Chicago, DC, and in Europe.

How do you feel about the movement of graffiti into galleries?

As a painter, that’s progression. And it all begins with the tag. A tag is an art form. It’s a craft that not just anybody can do. Tags, then throw-ups and then you eventually evolve into doing pieces. And galleries have a responsibility to preserve them and share them.  Although I’m still not completely comfortable with gallery settings, it’s a good feeling to make money from my art when my work sells.

What are your thoughts on the street art/ graffiti divide?

Fifteen years ago, it was only graffiti. But we are no longer the only ones getting up. And that’s not a bad thing. I have a lot of respect for street artists. They are doing fresh stuff. Street art actually helped graffiti. Since the emergence of street art, graffiti writers have had more opportunities to exhibit their work in galleries. If you’re a wheat-paste artist keeping the movement alive…how can I hate that? There are rules, though, to graffiti and some street artists need to learn them.

"Col and Muse Wallnuts"

Have you ever been arrested?

Never for graff. But I’ve been chased a lot. Back then, cops used to catch you with paint and write on you. Then they’d let you go with a warning. Those days are over.

How did your family and friends feel about what you were doing?

My family hated it. My family didn’t want the kids doing anything illegal. They saw it as a dead end…not doing anything with yourself, but putting up your name. I also lost some friends over graffiti. But your true family will never turn their backs. Ultimately, you learn, too, that you only have yourself at the end.

Do you have a formal arts education? 

I studied Fine Arts and Advertising at FIT and at the Academy of Art University. But all my spray painting training is self-taught. I learned the hard way with Krylon, Rustoleum, American Accent and Dutch Boy. The kids today have it easy using Montana and Belton.

"Ree and Col"

Are you generally satisfied with your work?

It’s fifty-fifty. Sometimes. Other times I want to just buff and start all over. If you care about what you do, you’re your own worst critic.

What’s the riskiest thing you’ve done for your art and why were you willing to take that risk?

Painting in Israel by the Syrian border right in the line of fire. It’s the sort of thing we as artists live for. Art is stronger than war. And that’s why I did it.

Are there any particular cultures that have influenced your aesthetics?

I love the abstract movement. I enjoy the works of Pollack, Rauschenberg, Fran Stella, Jasper Johns and de Kooning. The abstract movement went against the grain of what was popular in Europe.

"Col Wallnuts"

How has your work evolved throughout the years? 

I’ll say it’s more deconstructed these days. Back then, the majority of my work was 3D, but that got old and boring to me. I went into breaking letters and transitioned from 3D to silhouette.

How do you feel about what you are doing these days?

I’m happy with my progression and where I’m going. I’m glad I didn’t listen to people around me. I’m glad that the progression came naturally, and I can’t wait to see where it goes within the next few years.

What do you think the role of the artist in society?

It’s about being a role model and reaching the youth. You got to give something to them they can grasp. You have to make them feel excited about what you are doing. The artist has to inspire and lead by example. He has to teach others that being an artist is a positive thing.

"Col Wallnuts"

How do you feel about the role of the Internet in all this?

It’s a part of you when you wake up; it’s a part of you when you go to sleep. It’s an outlet for everything we do. Before the Internet, guys were grinding…dealing with people first-hand. You had to present physical material. Today it’s digital, and it takes two minutes. There are tons of positives and negatives to the Internet. You have to use it in a way that it works for you.

Any thoughts on the photographers and bloggers out there?

I support them. They shoot my work, they are very supportive and their eye is important. I like that they provide an opportunity to others to see my work.

Any shoutouts?

Shoutout to my WALLNUTS and URNY family. The homies: Hellbent, SeeOne, Depoh, Phetus, KA, Werds, Touch, Rubin. Semz (Rest In Power) and my grandma. Semz did so much for the graffiti scene. His is a name everyone should remember. My grandma was my biggest supporter. She never understood my art, but always pushed. She was a self-taught traditionalist artist. She told me, “Never stop and don’t ever let anyone tell you that you’re not an artist or that you’re not a painter.” She’s with me in everything I do.

Interview by Lenny Collado; photo 1 at the Bushwick Collective by Lois Stavsky; 2 at the East Harlem Hall of Fame by Lois Stavsky; 3 at the Bushwick Collective by Lois Stavsky; 4 in Prospect Heights by Tara Murray; 5 in Bed-Stuy with Muse by Lois Stavsky; 6 in Inwood with Ree by Lenny Collado; 7  in Tel Aviv by Lois Stavsky, and final photo courtesy of the artist.

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