Street Artists

Even the pavement speaks here in NYC — with everything from intriguing images to poetic prose to political messages. Here’s a sampling:

Hunt Rodriguez in Bushwick

"Hunt Rodriguez"

stikman in Chelsea


A political statement in Williamsburg


Chris and Veng RWK in the East Village


An excerpt from The Bell Jar, the only novel penned by the acclaimed American poet and writer Sylvia Plath


Anthony Lister in Bushwick


Unidentified stencil art on Chelsea sidewalk


A reference to Gaza on the Upper West Side


And a political statement in Bushwick


Photos — 1, 2, 6-9 by Lois Stavsky; 3 – 5 by Dani Reyes Mozeson



Since the February 13th opening of EKG♥NYC, NYC-based writer EKG has been busy at work on his installation for the closing reception. We stopped by earlier this week and had the opportunity to ask the artist a few questions:

Your orange pulse has become an integral part of our city’s visual landscape. What does it represent?

It’s chemical expression of connectedness and collaboration. It’s a sign of energy vibrating on everything everywhere. I see it as the heartbeat of our city.


Why orange?

I like its intensity and the way it integrates into the cityscape.

This installation is astounding! The walls are covered with cryptic orange diagrams. A cloudy haze emanating from a heavy metal concert fog machine fills the air, and your iconic symbol is everywhere — on and amidst milk crates, ladders, spray cans, cages and more. What is going on here?

It’s an abstract sillouette of New York’s cityscape. All of the elements represent the connections among all things. The smoke and the electronic music heighten the intensity of it all.


Your official opening was on February 13th, the day before Valentine’s Day. Can you tell us something about that? And how did that go?

It was originally intended as an All Hallows’ Valentine’ Eve celebration of misfit love, mutant science and aesthetic rebellion. The turnout was great and the entire experience was awesome!


I love your shop here. Your symbol is everywhere from t-shirts and zines to prints and paintings — and everything is so affordable!

Yes. It’s a homage to Keith Haring’s legendary pop shop, but as if it was created by Tim Burton, Marilyn Manson, Walter White and Stephen Hawking!

What can folks expect tonight?

I’ve continued to build up my installation, and the closing ceremony will once again feature the Doomdronecore performance by the avant-garde electronic artist, Jefferson Wells.


Good luck! It is certain to be amazing!

Note: Tonight’s closing event begins at 6 pm at 35-18 37th Street in Long Island City.

Photos: First image features photo by Katherine Lorimer aka Luna Park; 2-5 by Lois Stavsky; image 2 is a collaboration with Smells.

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Speaking with Rocko

February 26, 2015

"Rocko calligraffiti"

Fusing ancient Arabic scripts with modern Western strokes, Moroccan native Rocko has fashioned a distinct aesthetic that has been increasingly making its way onto NYC walls. We were delighted to have the chance to meet up with him this past weekend.

When did you first get up?

Back in Morocco in 1997. I was the first one to bomb in Meknès.  It was something that I had always wanted to do. I was a b-boy, and graffiti was always an essential aspect of that culture. I’d also painted for the pioneering hip-hop crew, Dogs, known these days as H-Kayne.

What about here in NYC?

Here in NYC I only work on legal spaces. There’s too much at risk here!


What was your first piece here?

Three years ago I did my first piece for the Pita Palace on Montrose and Bushwick.

What was the experience like?

I loved it. I particularly love the interaction with the passersby as I’m painting.

What kinds of surfaces do you prefer?

As I generally paint with brushes, I need smooth surfaces. I also look for spots with no trees of cars blocking the view.

How have folks responded to your particular aesthetic – a fusion of Arabic calligraphy and graffiti?

The response was been overwhelmingly enthusiastic. I am constantly asked to design tattoos featuring my particular calligraffiti.


How does your family feel about what you are doing?

They love it. Everyone is supportive.

What percentage of your day is devoted to your art?

About 40%.

What is your main source of income?

I work as a director of a senior center in Bushwick.

What are some of your other interests?

Cycling. I race for the Brooklyn Arches.


Any thoughts on the graffiti/ street art divide?

I feel that it’s reached a turning point in recent weeks. I expect there will be less of a division from now on.

How do you feel about the movement of graffiti and street art into galleries? Have you shown your work in galleries?

I’m fine with it. It’s just a different context. Yes, I’ve shown my work in a number of spaces in Brooklyn.

What about the corporate world? Any thoughts about that?

I don’t mess with it!

Do you prefer working alone or collaborating with others?

I often work alone, but I’ve collaborated with a number of artists including Zimer, Eelco and N Carlos J.


Is there anyone in particular you would like to collaborate with?

I love what Sek3 is doing. I would like to collaborate with him.

When I first saw your work, I confused you with Retna. Does that happen often?

Yes! But I’ve been doing it for 34 years. It’s my culture!

How do you feel about the role of the Internet in this scene?

I think it’s very important. It introduces us to so much.

Do you have a formal arts education?

No, I never went to art school. I’m self-taught. I began doing Arabic calligraphy when I was four years old with a wooden pencil!


How would you describe your ideal working environment?

Just me in my studio. But working on public walls is more fun!

What inspires you these days?

Everything I see around me!

Are there any particular cultures you feel influenced your aesthetic?


Rocko-and Eelco-street-art-nyc

Do you work with a sketch in your hand or do you let it flow?

Never!  I freestyle.

How has your work evolved in the past few years?

It’s gotten better. Sharing my work in public spaces pushes me to work harder at my craft.

What do you see as the role of the artist in society?

The artist has a huge responsibility to his or her community – to enhance it in a respectful manner.

Rocko-calligraffiti-Brooklyn-NYC copy

How do you feel about the photographers and bloggers in this scene?

They are very important!

What do you see as the future of street art?

It will just keep on growing and evolving.

And what about you? What’s ahead?

More walls, more collabs and more exhibits. I will also continue to curate the Dodworth Mural Project that I launched last year.

That sounds wonderful! We are looking forward! 

Interview by Lois Stavsky with Houda Lazrak; first photo courtesy of the artist; all others by Lois Stavsky; photo 2 is a collaborative with Zimer; 5 with Eelco and Vera Times; 6 with N Carlos J and 7 with Eelco

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Pablo-Power-A Circle-Unbroken

A Circle Unbroken: Tributes in Pattern, Pablo Power’s solo exhibit at No Romance Galleries, is a splendid poetic homage to life’s cycles and patterns. Reflecting Power’s vast experience with both graffiti and the streets, the multi-media images presented here fuse a dreamlike beauty with a rich rawness. Here is a sampling:

Success and Reformation, Acrylic, mixed media and image transfer on wood panel, close-up


Ouroboros As Metro MoverAcrylic, mixed media and image transfer on wood panel




Gay Science and Joyous Wisdom, Acrylic, mixed media and image transfer on wood panel


Half Cycle in Light, Acrylic, mixed media and image transfer on plexi glass



The exhibit continues until tomorrow, Thursday, February 26 at 355 Broadway in Tribeca.

Photos 1, 4, 5, 7  & 8 City-as-School intern Zachariah Messaoud; 2, 3 & 6, Lois Stavsky



The Centre-fuge Public Art Project continues its mission to transform the Department of Transportation trailer on First Street and First Avenue into a vibrant open-air gallery. These past few wintry weeks, its 16th cycle has brought an infectious energy to an otherwise cold and stark site. Here are a few close-ups:

Moody at work in mid-December — at the beginning of the current cycle

"Moody Mutz"

Joshua David McKenney at work

"Joshua David McKenney"

And to the right of Pidgin Doll — Marthalicia MatarritaMichael DeNicola, Basil and Lexi Bella


Foxx FacesRaquel Echanique and Marthalicia Matarrita

Centre-fuge-public-art-project-cycle-16-NYC 2

Vernon O’Meally, Lelex and Fade, AA Mobb

"centrifuge public art project"

ArbiterMiss Zukie, Foxx Faces, BK and Sest2

"Centre-fuge Public Art Project"

Pebbles Russell, who co-founded the Centre-fuge Public Art Project in 2012, reports that Cycle 16 will remain in effect for a few more weeks. If you would like to participate in future cycles of this project, send a sketch, along with reference images to other works, to

Final photo by Lois Stavsky; all others by Dani Reyes Mozeson


"Rafael Sliks"

While in Miami this past week, I had the opportunity to visit the grounds of the Jose De Diego Middle School. On the edge of Wynwood, its students are among the city’s most economically disadvantaged.  Over 600 youngsters, who had been deprived of an arts education due to insufficient funding, now attend a school that is also a wondrous outdoor museum. Curious about it all, I spoke to Don Rimx, one of the many artists who had participated in the school’s amazing transformation.


How did you become involved in this extraordinary project?

Soon after I moved to Miami, I met Robert Skran of, a site that documents the public art that surfaces in Wynwood. A few months later, he invited me to participate in this particular project, the RAW Project, in partnership with the Wynwood Arts District Association.


What was the goal of this project? Did it have a particular mission?

One goal, of course, was to transform a drab, blank concrete canvas into a vibrant outdoor gallery. It was also conceived as a means to raise funds to enable the school to restore its arts program that had been lost to budget cuts.


When did the actual painting begin?

We began in November and most of the murals were completed by early December.


How did the students respond to the entire process?

They loved it. They were fascinated. They loved watching us paint, and they kept on asking us questions.


What kinds of questions did they ask you? 

Questions like: Why are you painting this? Where did your idea come from? How do you do this? How long will it take you to finish it? Why are you painting sticks?


Back in December when Art Basel was in town, the school’s makeover attracted so many street art aficionados and art lovers. What’s happening these days?

The entire community loves the murals. The art on these walls have brought us all closer together. When I pass by, I often see teachers taking students on tours of the murals. The kids are always interested in learning something new about them and about the artists. And because so many of the artists traveled to their school from across the globe, there is so much to learn!


This really is fabulous! It would be wonderful if the Jose De Diego Middle School could serve as a model to other schools — on all grade levels — everywhere!


The murals pictured above are just a small sampling of what can be seen on the walls of the Jose De Diego Middle School:

1. Brazilian artist Rafael Sliks

2. Australian born, Berlin-based Reka

3. Puerto Rican artist Bikismo

4. French artist MTO (left) and Mexican artist Paola Delfín

5. Norwegian stencil artist Martin Whatson

6. West Coast-based Madsteez (left) and Miami-based Axel Void

7. Puerto Rican artist Don Rimx currently based in Miami  — with son, Kye, standing on bottom right. (I’d asked him to take me to his favorite mural!)

8. Miami-based Peruvian artist Diana Contreras

9. Miami-based the Hox

Photos and post by Lois Stavsky


This is the fifth in an occasional series featuring images of New York City’s doors that sport everything from tags and stickers to sophisticated images.

Beau Stanton on the Bowery, close-up

"Beau Stanton"

EKG in Crown Heights, Brooklyn


Kenny Scharf in Manhattan

"Kenny Scharf"

Pyramid Oracle on the Lower East Side, close-up

"Pyramid Oracle"

Cost and Enx in Tribeca

"cost and enx"

Michael De Feo on Manhattan’s Lower East Side

"Michael De Feo"

Good and Shiddy in Bushwick, Brooklyn

"good and shoddy"

Photos: 1, 4 & 5, Lois Stavsky; 2, 3, 6 & 7, Dani Reyes Mozeson

Note: This blog will be on vacation through Friday. Follow me in Miami on Facebook and Instagram.


Currently on exhibit at the Clemente Soto Velez Cultural and Educational Center on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, Hang It or Skate It features over 20 inventive artworks, each incorporating at least one skateboard.  Here are a few:

Chris Soria, Harold Hunter

chris-soria-hang-it-or skate-it

Savior ElMundo and N Carlos Jay, Legends Never Die


Danielle Mastrion, Brooklyn Banks


Ben Angotti, Hamya

"Ben Angotti"

Esteban del Valle, The Curator, Collector and Artist


Curated by Savior ElMundo, Terry Nelson and Frankie Velez and presented by Hip Hop USA, the exhibit continues through February 27 at the Abrazo Interno Gallery on 107 Suffolk Street.

Photos by Lois Stavsky

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Interspersed among some of the drabbest streets in the South Bronx Mott Haven-Port Morris neighborhood is an intriguing array of public art.  Here’s a a sampling:

 Wanda Raimundi-Ortiz, Wepa Woman

Wanda Raimundi-Ortiz

Seth Mathurin, Bronx Bull

"Seth Mathurin"

Dek 2DX


Unidentified artist has money falling from trees!


Dennesa Usher, Unlock Your Dreams, close-up

"Dennesa Usher"

 Photos: 1-3 & 5 Lois Stavsky; 4 City-as-School intern Zachariah Messaoud


This is the seventh in an occasional series featuring images of males who surface on NYC public spaces:

 UK’s Nick Walker on Manhattan’s Upper East Side

"Nick Walker"

Australian artist E.L.K at the Bushwick Collective


Australian artist Anthony Lister in Bushwick, Brooklyn

"Anthony Lister"

Swedish stencil artist Bly in Dumbo, Brooklyn


 Chilean artist Dasic Fernandez at ABC No Rio on Manhattan’s Lower East Side

"Dasic Fernandez"

Irish native Conor Harrington for the LISA Project in Downtown Manhattan

"Connor Harrington"

Mongolian native Heesco and Australia’s Damien Mitchell for the Bushwick Collective

Heesco-and Damien-Mitchell-NYC

Photo credits: 1,2 and 7 by Lois Stavsky; 3-6 by Dani Reyes Mozeson