Street Artists

This is the seventh in a series of occasional posts featuring the range of curious characters that have made their way onto NYC open spaces:

London-based Fanakapan at the Bushwick Collective


French artist Bebar in Brownsville, Brooklyn


Mexican artist Telleache at the Bushwick Collective


Pyramid Oracle at Welling Court in Astoria, Queens


Mr Nerds at the Bushwick Collective


Photo credits: 1, 3 & 5 Lois Stavsky; 2 & 4 Tara Murray

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The following post is by Houda Lazrak, a contributor to StreetArtNYC and an M.A. candidate in Museum Studies at NYU:

Beau-Stanton street-art-rome

The MURo Project, the Museum of Urban Art of Rome, is a mural initiative whose goal is to rejuvenate the streets of the largely working-class Quadrado neighborhood on the Eastern outskirts of Rome. Artists who have beautified the district include local, as well as international, ones. By referencing a map available online on MURo’s website, I navigated through the streets and found several of these works in hidden and unexpected locations. What follows are a few:

Kazakhstan native Dilka Bear


Italian artist Maupal


New York-based Ron English


French artist Veks Van Hillik 


Rome-based Mr. Thoms




Note: First image features New York-based Beau Stanton.

All photos by Houda Lazrak

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Writing onthe Walls is an ongoing project launched last year by N Carlos J – noted artist, community revitalizer and founder of Brooklyn Is the Future — for his father, a Brownsville native who had been diagnosed with cancer. This is Part II of our continuing documentation of it:

Danish artist Welin


Brooklyn-based Ben Angotti


French artist Zeso, close-up

zeso-street-art- -detail-nyc

Chilean artist Teo Doro


Long Island-based Phetus


And you can find out here how you can help support this wonderfully transformative project.

Note: The first image is by Joel Bergner aka Joel Artista.

Photo credits: 1, 2, 4-6 Tara Murray; 3 Lois Stavsky


The following post is by Houda Lazrak, a contributor to StreetArtNYC and an M.A. candidate in Museum Studies at NYU: 

Vhils, the Weird and Alaniz-street-art-berlin

Since 1994, YAAM, the Young African Art Market in Berlin, has served a myriad of purposes — from a home away from home for refugees to an open air gallery for graffiti and street artists. The following photos are of works I recently saw in this space that has evolved into a model of social and cultural integration:

The Berlin-based Weird Crew




Berlin-based Sokar Uno


With German artist Juliah

Sokar-Uno-and- Juliah-street-art-Belrlin

Istanbul-based Gamze Yalcin and Brazilian artist Manoel Quitério


Mexican artist Paola Delfin


Note: Featured in the first image are Vhils, the Weird Crew and Alaniz

All photos by Houda Lazrak

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Brimming with stylish graffiti, witty stencil art and a wonderfully eclectic mix of murals, Bristol has it all!  Here is a small sampling of images that we captured earlier this month:

Bristol-based Sepr


Bristol native Nick Walker


Bristol’s legendary Banksy, “Well-Hung Lover”


Bristol-based Philth and UK artist N4T4


Bristol-based Jody Thomas


Bristol-based Epok


Bristol-based Soker


 Photo credits: 1, 4-7 Tara Murray; 2 & 3 Lois Stavsky

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This is Part II of street art and graffiti images — reflecting a wildly diverse range of aesthetic and cultural sensibilities — that we came upon in London last week:

Belgian artist Joachim and Bogota-based Stinkfish


Chilean artist Otto Schade


London-based Cityzen Kane, close-up from 3D installation in memory of his son


UK-based Phlegm, close-up


Irish artist Conor Harrington


The legendary Berlin Wall artist Thierry Noir


Brazilian artist Cranio and UK-based My Dog Sighs


Bristol-based Spzero76 and London-based Captain Kris at work in Shoreditch


Brazilian artist Bailon


Photo credits: 1 – 3, 5 – 8 Tara Murray; 4 & 9 Lois Stavsky

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With a B.A. degree in Industrial Design, Colombian native Garavato has designed and developed dozens of projects in a range of media. During the past three years, he has also shared his talents on public spaces. I recently had the opportunity to meet up with him when he was in NYC where he painted at Grove Alley in Downtown Brooklyn and at EBC High School.

When did you first hit a public surface? And where?

Three years go in Argentina.

What inspired you to do so?

I had always worked on paper, on canvas and on indoor walls.  But I wanted to try to get a huge stencil up in a public space. And when I had the opportunity to do so legally in Buenos Aires, I did.  And I’ve been doing it since.


Do you tend to restrict yourself to legal surfaces?

I usually ask for permission when I’m a guest in another city, but in Bogota, where I’m now based, it’s okay for me to get up just about anywhere.

In what other cities have you painted?

I’ve painted in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro. Berlin, Napoli and now in NYC.

How does your family feel about what you are doing outdoors?

At first, my father was concerned. But now he is very supportive.


What percentage of your day is devoted to your art?

All of it. 24/7. It is the sole source of my income, as I work as a designer and illustrator.

Do you have a formal arts education?

I studied Industrial Design for five years. So my background isn’t in fine arts or illustration. But I’ve always been drawing, and my mom is a painter.

What about galleries? Have you shown your work in galleries?

Yes, I’ve exhibited in Argentina, Chile, Italy and in major cities in Colombia.


Do you prefer working alone or collaborating with others?

I like working by myself, but I also like learning from others. And that happens best when I collaborate with other artists.

How has your work evolved in the past few years?

I’ve begun to paint on a much larger scale and — inspired by the works of Emory Douglas, Shepard Fairey and Toxicomano — I am using fewer colors.

What inspires you these days?

So much! Music, birds — the freedom they represent – skulls, animals and the notion of evolution.


Have any particular cultures influenced your aesthetic?

I’d say the punk culture, the street art movement and the DIY (Do It Yourself) movement.

What do you see as the role of the artist in society?

The artist gives a gift to the people, stirs conversation and raises consciousness.

How you feel about the role of the Internet in this scene?

It’s amazing! It give us artists the opportunity to connect with so many people. And I love that feeling.


And what about you? What’s ahead?

I’d like to focus on stencils, further develop my own brand and travel more.

Sounds good! Good luck!

Interview by Lois Stavsky; all photos courtesy of the artist, except for photo 3 by Lois Stavsky

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This is the eighth in a series of occasional posts featuring images of children that have surfaced on NYC public spaces:

Nick Walker in the South Bronx


Izolag in Hunts Point


Chain for JMZ Walls in Bushwick


Lorenzo Masnah on the Lower East Side


Miss 163 in Hunts Point


Australian artist Adnate at the Bushwick Collective, close-up


Icy and Sot on the Lower East Side, close-up


Shiro in Bushwick


Note: Entre La Guardia y El Dorado, featuring works by Lorenzo Masnah (featured above) and Alex Seel, will open this evening at 6pm at XY Atelier Gallery, 81 Hester Street on the corner of Orchard. It will remain on view until August 30.

Photo credits: 1 Tara Murray; 2, 3, 5, 6 & 8 Lois Stavsky; 4 courtesy of the artist 7 Dani Reyes Mozeson

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Earlier this month, the LoMan Art Festival brought not only live art by a wonderfully diverse range of artists to Downtown Manhattan, but also a series of workshops, performances and events. And even though the festival has officially ended, mammoth murals continue to surface on our streets. Here are a few scenes from it all:

Another close-up from Buff Monster‘s huge mural


Beau Stanton at work on mammoth mural on East Third Street


 French artist Ludo in the East Village


Dain and Montreal-based artist Stikki Peaches


JCorp at the Social Sticker Club‘s installation inside the Mulberry Street lot during the festival


Ron English with assistance from Solus standing to his right


JPO and B.D. White, one of many collaborations spotted along Mulberry Street


Leon Reid,  alongside murals by Team Crash — John Matos, Ananda Nahu and Izolag — and Team BIO — Bio, Nicer and Binho — for the Secret Walls Illustration Battle


Keep posted to the StreetArtNYC Facebook page for more images of the works that have surfaced and continue to do so in Downtown Manhattan through the efforts of the LISA Project

Photo credits: 1, 3, 5, 6 & 9 Dani Reyes Mozeson; 2 & 4 Tara Murray; 7 Rey Rosa Photography / The LoMan Art Festival and 8 Lois Stavsky

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While in Baltimore earlier this month, I stumbled upon an intriguing medley of murals just a few steps from Station North. I soon discovered that they were sponsored by Section 1, an ambitious urban art project aimed at transforming an adjacent abandoned 3.5-acre site into a huge urban art park with over 70,000 square feet of paintable surfaces. Here are a few more murals I sighted that day, some of which are certain to have been repainted in this open-air revolving canvas.

Baltimore native Nether


New Orleans native Adam Estes


Baltimore-based Adam Stab


La Anarchy


Baltimore-based Colombian tattoo artists Kike Castillo and Jesse Kuzniarsk


 Note: The first image pictured is a collaborative mural by Werc, Rubin and Billy Mode

Photos by Lois Stavsky