Opening next month on Wednesday, November 18th is round two of the Con Artist Collective‘s hugely successful ‘slap’ sticker show. While visiting its space at 119 Ludlow Street on Manhattan’s Lower East Side earlier this week, I had the chance to speak to Con Artist Collective’s Brian Shevlin.
What prompted you to launch a second round of Slap?
We had gotten such an enthusiastic response to our first sticker art show two years ago. And folks kept on asking us, “When are you doing another Slap show?”
You, yourself, are quite a sticker aficionado. What is the appeal of sticker art to you?
With just a sharpie and a shipping label, anyone can become a street artist. And a handmade sticker is such an intimate object of art! I also love the way the sticker art culture brings together such a wide range of creative people from graffiti writers to fine artists, all of different backgrounds.

What would you say is the mission of Slap 2?
We are looking to involve a lot of the artists who didn’t participate in our first Slap show. And this exhibit is our way of celebrating and showing respect to the sticker culture.
How might this next sticker exhibit differ from your first one?
It will differ in scope and scale. We’ve put together an incredible team, with help from Robert Aloia of Outlaw Arts, Hugh Burckhardt and Paul Arbs from Urban Hooker. We are hoping to bring over 500 artists on board. And we will have sticker packs available for purchase.

How can folks submit stickers to Slap 2?
They are to fill out this form, and then drop off or mail their handmade stickers to: Con Artist Collective, 119 Ludlow Street, New York, New York. They can find additional information on our website.
What is the deadline for submissions?
They have until November 13th.

What’s ahead?
We will travel the world! Our first Slap exhibit has already traveled to Sri Lanka and is heading to Singapore and Bangkok. It will continue to travel with new submissions added. And we will, once again, publish a zine.

What a great opportunity for artists! This sounds wonderful!
Note: The exhibit will open on November 17th with an opening party and end on November 28th with a closing party.
Images of works submitted for Slap 2: 1. Edec1 2. Klops 3. Kenji Hirata 4. Whut
Interview by Lois Stavsky