
Over two dozen talented toy designers and graphic artists  — many of whom also work on the streets — customized water tower models using Boundless Brooklyn’s Water Tower kits.  The results are on exhibit through November 21 at myplasticheart at 210 Forsyth Street on Manhattan’s Lower East Side.  Here are a few more images by those artists who also use the streets as their canvas:

The Drif

"The Drif"



Rob Plater

"Marthalicia Mataritta"



And Stencil1 — as seen from the outside looking in


For those of you who would like to try designing your own water tower, kits are available here.

Photos by Dani Reyes Mozeson; the first image is of NoseGo



Amidst the cameras, printers and sundry photography gear at this year’s pdn PhotoPlus Expo, we discovered DUMBO’s Craig Anthony Miller aka CAM at work, along with the Nigerian artist and musician, Laolu Senbanjo.  Here are a few more images that we captured yesterday at the remarkable installation, Inside the Studio, presented by Nikon at the Javits Center.

Another image of Craig Anthony Miller aka CAM at work

"Craig Anthony Miller"

Laolu Senbanjo at work


Collaborative artwork by Craig Anthony Miller aka CAM and Laolu Senbanjo


And a huge fragment of another collaborative piece


The pdn PhotoPlus Expo continues through today, Saturday.

Photos 1, 2, and 3 by Dani Reyes Mozeson; 4 and 5 by Lois Stavsky


Earlier this week, FIT students and alumni took to sharing their skills with the public outside FIT’s buildings on Seventh Avenue between 27 and 28 Streets. Here’s a sampling of what went down:

Angel Garcia with Darien Merriett at work to his left


Jhowee Chiang — work in progress — to the right of unidentified artist at work


Victor Saint-Hilaire, close-up


Daisy Ruiz

"Daisy Ruiz"

Anita Stevens Rundles

"Anita Stevrun"

Chase Michaelis — segment — to the left of artists to be identified


Meagan Meli to the left of artists at work


Photos by FIT alumnus Dani Reyes Mozeson



The following guest post is by Houda Lazrak, a graduate student in Museum Studies at New York University.

Last October, the British stencil artist Banksy paid an unexpected visit to New York City. And fervently chronicling the elusive artist’s daily workings — during his month-long residency —  was writer and photographer Ray Mock. The founder of Carnage NYC, Mock presents — in Banksy in New York — a comprehensive and insightful account of the month that captivated us street art aficionados, along with so many other New Yorkers.


For each of Banksy’s pieces, Mock offers a short narrative, providing insights into the various sites and neighborhoods, as well as into the artworks and the reactions they elicited. Each account is complemented with a range of photographs — from selected close-ups to shots of strangers’ poses with the pieces.


In addition to chronicling the pieces that surface throughout the month, Mock shares first-hand insider anecdotes.  We follow him on his adventurous rides to the designated locations and we meet some of the others out there  — who, too, are obsessed with locating and photographing every Banksy piece that appears. Mock also offers us intriguing background information. He recounts, for example, how a half-joke by a local resident to charge for photographs of the East New York beaver stencil resulted in a price tag of $20 for each photograph shot that day.


As Banksy’s pieces — particularly those that are politically-motivated — are contingent on location, the local viewers’ reactions and interpretations are part of the process. Banksy’s piece, Ghetto 4 Life, in the Melrose section of the Bronx, for example, did not go over well with Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, who had loved Banksy’s previous Ronald McDonald installation.


Despite all the attention Banksy’s residency received in the media, Mock provides us with something that was lacking — an overarching personal account of Banksy’s legacy on this city’s urban and social landscape. We speculate, along with Mock, on Banksy’s possible intentions and we embrace the artist’s uncensored creative expression.


In addition to the limited edition of the book — with a screen printed cover —  which can now be purchased via Ray’s site, a new hardcover edition will be available for pre-order on his site starting on November 3. It will also be in bookstores by Thanksgiving.

All photos by Ray Mock


Just one block off the MTA Broadway-Junction station in East New York, Brooklyn are some of NYC’s most intriguing walls. Here’s a sampling of what I captured earlier this week in the bright sun:

Nicole Palapoli and Bugn




Meres One










Adam Fu

"Adam Fu"

Note: The image of Lites’s piece features the fashion model Tabitha Annette Miller, whom I met along with her stylist Sheryl Roberts during a photoshoot by RedHanded Imagery.

Photos by Lois Stavsky; keep posted to the Street Art NYC Facebook page for more images of recent walls in that location.


"Blek Le Rat"

New works by the legendary French stencil artist Blek Le Rat – whose rats first surfaced on the streets of Paris in 1981 – can now be seen at the Quin on West 57th Street and on the streets of our city.

Here are two more works from the exhibit Escaping Paris, curated by DK Johnston, at the Quin:

The Violinist

"Blek Le Rat"


"Blek Le Rat"

And the artist — captured — signing a spray can at a reception held earlier this month at the Quin

"Blek Le Rat"

We, also, discovered the following two new pieces on the streets of Manhattan:

In Little Italy for the LISA Project

"Blek Le Rat"

And the artist’s iconic portrait of Andy Warhol on West 57th Street 

"Blek Le Rat"

The first image is a close-up from The Tango Dancers.

Photos by Dani Reyes Mozeson


The ingenious InstaFame Phantom Art, conceived and curated by Nic 707, continues to bring old school writers — along with newer ones from NYC and beyond — back to the trains.  Here are a few images captured on recent rides:

Paulie Nassar and the legendary TAKI 183  — with background by Nic 707




Nic 707






Nic 707 and TAKI 183


TAKI 183 with background by Nic 707


Photo credits: 1 & 7, City-as-School intern Tyler Flores; 2 – 6, Lois Stavsky; 8, Nic 707

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With new murals outside and an array of artworks inside, Be Electric Studios on 1298 Willoughby Avenue is the site of a new exhibit featuring over 20 street muralists.  Here are a few images captured hours before it opened last night.

Chris & Veng RWK and Nicole Salgar & Chuck Berrett


Nicholai Khan at work, FumeroRaquel EchaniqueChris & Veng RWK and Nicole Salgar & Chuck Berrett

 "street Murals"

Magda Love at work

"Magda Love"



Joseph Meloy

"Joseph Meloy"



And Esteban del Valle adding some finishing touches to his indoor mural


Curated by Kevin Michael, the exhibit continues through Monday, 12 – 11pm.

Photos by Dani Reyes Mozeson


Known for his socially conscious, often satirical, stencils that have surfaced throughout his native Bogotá and beyond, Praxis has lately been sharing his vision and talents with us here in NYC.

Praxis-stencil art

What inspires you to get your work out there on public space?

I love to paint anywhere, on any surface – but especially in places where I know that folks will appreciate it.  I also like to paint in neighborhoods where there isn’t much art. Those are the spaces that need it. I like bringing cheer to others!

Have you any messages that you wish to convey in your artwork?

There is always some concept or message behind what I do. I’m especially concerned with animal rights and human injustice.

Are there any specific cultures that have influenced your aesthetic?

Certainly the culture in which I grew up in Bogotá. I’ve also been influenced by African culture and from what I read. I read a lot!

"Praxis stencil art"

You’ve been in NYC for a few months now. Any particularly striking differences between painting here and back home in Bogotá?

Back home, there is more of an appreciation for artists who paint on the streets.  The people love it.  They bring us drinks and food, and they always make us feel welcome.

Any thoughts on the graffiti/ street art divide?

I don’t feel it. Many of the writers I know work with or alongside street artists.

How do you feel about the movement of graffiti and street art into galleries?

It’s a great opportunity for us to make money some money, although I often don’t like the attitude of some of the folks who run the galleries. And graffiti and street art really do belong on the streets!

Do you prefer working alone or collaborating with others?

Both; I enjoy the mix of different styles.


Is there any one artist with whom you would especially like to collaborate?


Any thoughts about the role of the Internet in this scene?

It’s useful.

Do you have a formal arts education?

I did study art formally – but just about everything I learned was by painting with other artists.

What’s the riskiest thing you’ve done?

Bombing in cities far from home – like Berlin.

"Praxis stencil art:

Were you ever arrested?

Twice back home in Bogota. I ended up each time spending over 12 hours with drunks and thieves – but they all liked graffiti.

How would you describe your ideal working environment?

Painting in La Candeleria in downtown Bogotá.

What percentage of your day is devoted to your art?

All of it!  When I’m not painting on the streets, I work as an illustrator.


Are you generally satisfied with your finished piece?

Of course!

How do you feel when you look back at the work you did a number of years back?

I feel that my skills have improved.

What do you see as the role of the artist in society?

To bring happiness to others.

What’s ahead?

I will be showing in STREET MURALS: An Exhibition, curated by Kevin Michael, opening this evening, October 24th 6pm-11pm at Be Electric on 1298 Willoughby Avenue in Bushwick, BK.

What do you see yourself doing in five years from now?

I would just like to paint all day every day!

Interview conducted and edited by Lois Stavsky; images 1 and 5 courtesy of the artist; photo 2 by Lois Stavsky; photos 3 and 4 by Dani Reyes Mozeson


"WK Interact"

A pop-up exhibit — celebrating the release of WK‘s fourth book WK/ACT4 (DRAGO) and the launch of his partnership with KLINIK — opened on Tuesday evening at The Garage in Manhattan’s Meatpacking District.  A huge range of work — from mixed-media installations to huge murals — is featured. Here’s a sampling:


"WK Interact"

Close-up from huge mural featuring locations and images of WK‘s works in NYC public spaces

"WK Interact"

And the book

"WK Interact book"

"WK Interact"

The exhibit continues until Wednesday at 22 Little West 12th Street.  It remains open from 12 – 6pm.

Photos by Dani Reyes Mozeson