
This past May, a wonderfully diverse group of artists brought their skills to South Street Seaport, marking the third year that the You Are Not Alone community-based art project curated a huge 160 ft long wall in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month. These murals’ message of hope is particularly timely this month, September — National Suicide Prevention Month. Featured above is the work of the Washington Heights-based graphic designer and illustrator Yuma York. Several more images from this year’s You Are Not Alone Murals Project 2024 at the Seaport follow:

Detroit-based designer and hand lettering artist Lauren Hom

Local street artist and animator Sara Lynne Leo

 NYC-based multi-disciplinary artist, designer and typographer Juan Carlos Pagan

Sydney, Australia-born, NYC-based multidisciplinary artist Vexta

New Jersey-based hand-lettering artist and muralist Olga Muzician 

 Brooklyn-based muralist, teaching artist and illustrator Peach Tao

British multi-disciplinary artist David Puck

Launched in 2019,You Are Not Alone Murals was founded by multimedia artist and art director Annica Lydenberg aka Dirty Bandits and Samantha Schutz, mental health advocate and the author of the highly acclaimed memoir I Don’t Want to Be Crazy.

And do remember, “You are not alone!” If you or someone you care about is in need of support or information, help is available from the National Alliance on Mental Illness. The NAMI HelpLine can be reached Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.–8 p.m., ET. 1-800-950-NAMI (6264).

Note: Find out here about You Are Not Alone Murals’ first annual t-shirt collaboration and fundraiser!

Photos of artworks, Lois Stavsky


This is the twelfth in a series of posts featuring the range of faces have surfaced in NYC open spaces:

Werc in Bedford-Stuyvesant with the Open Society Foundations


Vexta and Askew in Williamsburg for the Greenest Point, one fragment of huge mural


Joel Bergner aka Joel Artista in Bellerose, Queens with the DOT


LMNOPI in Long Island City with Arts Org


Cern in Williamsburg, close-up


Thiago Valdi in Staten Island with the NYC Arts Cypher


Leticia Mandragora, Bushwick 


 Photo credits: 1, 3 & 7 Tara Murray: 2, 4-6 Lois Stavsky

Hailed in a range of media from the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

en-play-badge 2


This is the ninth in a series of occasional posts featuring the range of faces that surface on NYC open spaces:

James Bullough at the Bushwick Collective

"James Bullough"

Alan Aine in Bedford-Stuyvesant

"Alan aine"

Vexta in the East Village


Zimad at the Bushwick Collective


Anser in Bushwick


Sam Kirk in Williamsburg


Rafael de los Santos aka Poteleche in Williamsburg


Photo credits: 1 & 3. Tara Murray; 2, 4, 6 & 7 Lois Stavsky; 5. Dani Reyes Mozeson

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shida-vexta-street-art- melbourne-dean-sunshine

With his keen eye and infinite passion, Melbourne-based photographer Dean Sunshine avidly documents the graffiti and street art he encounters in his hometown and beyond. His second, newly-released book, Street Art Now, is a first-rate chronicle of the art that has been surfacing  — not only on the streets of Melbourne — but in other cities across the globe that Dean has recently visited. I met up with him when he was in NYC this past fall. Soon after, his stunning second book Street Art Now made its way into print. 


Have you any early memories of Melbourne graffiti and street art? When did you begin to photograph it?

Graffiti and hip-hop sprouted in Melbourne in the 80’s with VHS copies of Style Wars being handed around, educating the kids here about these subcultures thriving in NYC. My first piece of graffiti art was a present for my 21st birthday in the mid eighties — a basketball backboard spray painted by Merda and Ransom – two of the stars of the Melbourne scene. Decades later this piece still hangs at my home and many of the writers who are now mates are surprised and envious of this original piece. I started taking photos in the early 2000’s.

Wane-COD-graffiti- melbourne-Dean-Sunshine

What motivated you to do so?

I loved snapping all this amazing art seen on the streets, but it was actually my partner at the time who told me I was a fool to have thousands of images on a hard drive that nobody else could enjoy. She said, “You should start a blog,” and the Land Of Sunshine was born.


Adnate-street-art Melbourne-Dean-Sunshine

How do you find the time while working at a day job to photograph so many great pieces of street art, blog regularly and publish two books?

I find time during my daily grind in the rag trade driving around to appointments across the suburbs of Melbourne visiting textile factories. On these travels I often stumble over graffiti and street art, and I pull over and take a quick shot. On the weekends I often hunt out abandoned factories, get down into the drains, and search new lane-ways — always on the lookout for new work.

shida-seth- globe-painter-street-art-melbourne-dean-sunshine

Do any particular moments stand out in your street-art hunting expeditions?

There are so many highlights throughout my time documenting. I have met, hung out and I’ve been privileged to watch so many incredible artists in action including: ROA, Kid Zoom, Herakut, Hush, D*Face, Stormie Mills, Rone, Makatron, Adnate, SlicerLi-HillShida, Smug, WANE, Sofles, Kaff-eine, DEB, Heesco, Meggs, Reka, Phibs, Bailer, DVATE, Does, Twoone, Mysterious Al, Dscreet, Vexta, 2501, Faith47, DALeast, Pixel Pancho, Phlegm, Insa, Sirum, The Yok, Sheryo, Gaia, Alexis Diaz, Maya Hayuk, Crash, Daze and ELK. But the times I have spent with Futura, Henry Chalfant and Martha Cooper stand out the most, as these three are the pioneers of this scene in which we find ourselves submerged. I got to take each of them around the streets and lanes of Melbourne, proudly showing them my favorite spots in my own hometown. Such absolute legends, all with a passion that has lasted decades. I wish I will be as passionate 25 years on!


What brought you to NYC?

I came to New York this past September to keep my wife company who was shooting fashion week. (Yes, she is also a photographer!) As she went uptown each morning to the shows, I got on my pushbike and rode all over, snapping as I went.

kaffeine-li-hill -street-art-NYC-dean-sunshine

What other cities have you visited?

Over the last years, I’ve been lucky to have travelled to Los Angeles, Hawaii, Berlin, Paris, Italy, Mexico, Buenos Aires, Rio De Janeiro, and even Perth. It’s funny how these days it’s a priority when I’m on holidays to track down and snap all the local art I find. My recent book, Street Art Now, documents some of these findings.


What’s ahead?

Well, I am soon to become a father so my priorities will change — although I will probably be doing the same, just with the little guy on my back.

KEITH HARING- mural-1984 -Dean Sunshine- Melbourne

Congratulations! I am quite certain you will.

Note: You can check out some local coverage that Dean’s recent book, Street Art Now, received here, along with a guided tour of the Melbourne scene by Dean here.

Photos of above artworks in Street Art Now:

1. Vexta and Shida in Melbourne

3. WANE in Melbourne

4. ROA in Melbourne

5. Adnate in Melbourne

6. Seth GlobePainterShida and TwoOne in Melbourne

7. Pixel Pancho in Perth

8. Li-Hill and Kaff-eine in New York City

9. The Yok and Sheryo in Zicatela, Mexico

10. Keith Haring in Melbourne, 1984


Also occupying NYC streets is an intriguing array of skulls, skeletons and assorted eerie creatures, Here’s a sampling:

Vexta in the East Village

"Vexta street art"

N Carlos J in Bushwick

"N Carlos J"

Damien Mitchell in the Bronx for Tag Public Arts Project

"Damien Mitchell"

Nicole Salgar & Chuck Berrett in Bushwick for JMZ Walls


Steiner in Bushwick


Bishop203 in Bushwick


Epic Uno in Bushwick for the Tag Public Arts Project

Epic-Uno-and-achan-street-art-Bronx-NYC 2

 Photos: 1 & 6 by Dani Reyes Mozeson; 2, 4, 5 & 7 by Lois Stavsky; 3 by Tara Murray

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On our recent visit to Jersey City this past Friday, Gregory D. Edgell aka the Green Villain gave us a tour of some of Jersey City’s newest murals, including some wonderful ones that he curated. Here’s a sampling of those:

Li Hill

"Li Hill"













All photos by Lois Stavsky, except for Kem5, courtesy of Greg.

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These past few days have been busy at the Bushwick Collective. New walls have been surfacing daily and the Collective has launched its first indoor exhibit. Here’s a bit of what we captured yesterday and Thursday:

Vexta‘s mural — as seen yesterday — and Vexta at work here


Adam Fu at work yesterday

"Adam Fu"

Sexer‘s newly completed mural


Solus — in from Dublin — at work yesterday


 Vers at work yesterday


FKDL — in from Paris — checks out his progress 


FKDL inside the gallery


Jerkface begins

"Brian Jerkface"

Jerkface inside the gallery

"Brian Jerkface"

Also on view in the gallery — located at 426 Troutman Street — in the heart of the Bushwick Collective are works by: Blek le Rat, Solus, Rubin 415, Chris Stain, Dan Witz, Zimad, Joe Iurato, Sexer, Beau Stanton and Atom.   And at tomorrow’s block party you can see and celebrate it all with live street art, bands, food trucks, a beer tent and giveaways.

Photos of Vexta, Adam Fu, Solus and Vers by Lois Stavsky; of  FKDL, Sexer and Jerkface by Dani Reyes Mozeson; gallery images of  FKDL and Jerkface by Houda Lazrak

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The finale of the Fabergé Big Egg Hunt began this past weekend and continues through Friday. Among the 260 egg sculptures on view at 30 Rockefeller Plaza are quite a few by artists with roots in the streets. Here’s a small sampling:









Indie 184




Pure Evil

"Pure Evil"



Friday marks the final day of the auction with all proceeds going to Studio in a School and to Elephant Family.

Photos by Dani Reyes Mozeson


Currently on exhibit at Chelsea’s ArtNowNY is “Push It,” an exuberant show featuring works by over 20 female artists working in a remarkable range of expressive modes.  Fresh new talents are showcased alongside legendary artists — many with roots in graffiti and street art. Here’s a sampling of works by six artists who consistently share their visions with us in public spaces:





Lady Pink

"Lady Pink"

Lady Aiko


Alice Mizrachi

"Alice Mizrachi"

Vexta, close-up


Maya Hayuk

"Maya Hayuk"

Curated by Melissa McCaig-Welles, the exhibit continues through April 26 at ArtNowNY, 548 West 28th Street in Chelsea’s gallery district.

Images of artwork by Dani Reyes Mozeson, Lois Stavsky and City-as-School intern Dea Sumrall


This is the third in an occasional series featuring images of males who surface on NYC public spaces:

Stik across from Dorian Grey Gallery in the East Village


Blek le Rat at the Bushwick Collective

Blek le Rat

Icy and Sot and Gilf!, close-up from huge mural for First Street Green and Centre-fuge Public Art Project

icy and sot and gilf!

Gaia at Bushwick Collective


LNYCost and Enx in Williamsburg, Brooklyn

LNY, Cost and Enx

Vexta in Bushwick

Vexta and Gilf!

Manny Vega in East Harlem

Manny Vega

Photos by Dani Mozeson, Tara Murray and Lois Stavsky

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