Solomon Souza

On October 7, 2023, 27-year-old Haifa-based art student and graffiti writer Inbar “Pink” Haiman aka The Pink Raven went down to the Nova Music Festival in southern Israel to serve as a volunteer. While there, she was kidnapped — along with dozens more partygoers — by Hamas terrorists riding motorcycles and armed with knives. On December 16, her family was informed that she was dead and that her body was still in Gaza. Approximately two weeks later, a huge group of artists celebrated her all-too-brief life in a painting session in Tel Aviv.

The image featured above is a portrait of Inbar painted by the hugely talented Dudi Shoval. Several more images that we captured while visiting the site last month follow:

Stylemaster Logikal 

Street artist and painter Tru Amta

Graffiti writer and muralist Hami Art

The distinctly gifted Solomon Souza

Multidisciplinary artist Aviva Charles aka Ladybug Art

Artist, arts educator and tour guide extraordinaire Dina Segev

Unidentified artist

Photo credits: 1, 3, 5, 7, 8 Lois Stavsky; 2 & 6 Sara Ching Mozeson


Bringing a touch of the 1920’s to First Street Green Art Park on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, the prolific Brooklyn-based muralist Lexi Bella painted the image featured above last month on the occasion of FSG’s 2nd annual New Year New Murals & Clothing Drive.  What follows are several more faces fashioned by artists in NYC open spaces that I’ve encountered in recent meanderings around the city:

Moscow-born, NYC-based Urban Russian Doll in Manhattan’s Chinatown

Brooklyn-based self-taught Haitian American artist Alan Aine in Park Slope, Brooklyn

Bronx-native Andre Trenier in East Harlem with the 2021 Grandscale Mural Project

British-Israeli artist Solomon Souza in Crown Heights, Brooklyn

Photos: Lois Stavsky


This is the 14th in a series of occasional posts featuring the range of faces that have surfaced in NYC open spaces:

New Zealand-based Owen Dippie in collaboration with Al Diaz aka SAMO in Bushwick

Tel Aviv-based Solomon Souza

Huge segment of complete mural on the facade of the Brooklyn Commons on Marcus Garvey Boulevard

Brooklyn-based Ben Angotti in First Street Green Park for the Inspire Change Festival

Brooklyn-based Danielle Mastrion with Dorothy Gale, close-up from huge mural in First Street Green Park for the Inspire Change Festival

Photos by Lois Stavsky


Under the masterful curatorial direction of Orit Mizne aka myhovercraft, an abandoned factory building in South Tel Aviv has been transformed into a strikingly stylish street art Mecca. The image pictured above was painted by Tel Aviv-based Solomon Souza, who has recently left his mark here in NYC. Several more artworks that I recently captured from the former factory’s exterior follow:

Mexico City-based Libre 

Shimon Wanda and Shir Lamdan

Elad Greenberg and Yarin Didi

Ana Kogan

Zivink and Erezoo

Other artists who participated in this project include: Michal Rubin, the MisSK, Imaginary Duck and Revzzz.

Photos by Lois Stavsky


The soulful face pictured above is the work of the young Tel Aviv-based UK native Solomon Souza. Several more images of faces that recently greeted me in Jerusalem follow:

Also by Solomon Souza, on a lighter note:

A decade-old stencil in Jerusalem’s German Colony

A series of stenciled faces in Jerusalem’s Talpiot neighborhood

Closer up

Jerusalem-based Signer AFK 

Photos by Lois Stavsky

Note: Hailed in a range of media from WideWalls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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Whereas street art makes its way onto a range of public surfaces in Tel Aviv, it is far less prevalent in Jerusalem.  But hidden alleyways and spaces off the main roads, along with Mahane Yehuda — Jerusalem’s marketplace — host a range of intriguing pieces. The image pictured above was fashioned by Haifa native Maayan Fogel. Several more images I recently encountered while wandering the streets of West Jerusalem follow:

The itinerant Jerusalem-based Elna of Brothers of Light   

Brazilian artist Manoel Quiterio

The prolific British-Israeli muralist Solomon Souza

Solomon Souza‘s rendition of  Amar’e Stoudemire — as seen at the Mahane Yehuda Marketplace, as it was closing

Random installation in the art-friendly Nachlaot neighborhood

Photos by Lois Stavsky

Note: Hailed in a range of media from WideWalls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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Representing a huge spectrum of styles, faces seem to surface everywhere on Tel Aviv’s public spaces. The image pictured above is the work of Tel Aviv-based Boaz Sides aka UNTAY. Several more I came upon these past few days follow:

Montreal-based Adida Fallen Angel

The increasingly present Yarin Didi

Daniel Liss aka Monkey Rmg

Tel Aviv-based MUHA Ack

Tel Aviv-based Dioz, close-up from block-long wall

 Israel-based UK native Solomon Souza

Photos by Lois Stavsky

Note: Hailed in a range of media from WideWalls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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