Five members of the blazingly brilliant Weird Crew have made their way to NYC. And to our delight, they’ve just completed an ingenious mural on Johnson Avenue and are busily preparing for an exhibit to open tomorrow evening at Exit Room. We had the opportunity to meet them yesterday.
Just what exactly is the Weird Crew?
It’s a collective of ten artists spread throughout Germany and Austria.

How and when did you all meet? And what brought you together?
We met back in 2011 at a festival in Vienna. Some of us knew each other from before, but 2011 is when the crew was founded. We’ve all painted live, participated in festivals and exhibits and have engaged in projects with international companies. Two of us — Cone and Vidam — are also professional DJs and music producers.

You all have distinct styles, and yet you work so seamlessly together. It is quite amazing!
Yes, although our styles are different, we share a similar aesthetic sensibility. And we stay in touch and exchange ideas with each other regularly.

What inspired the particular mural that you just completed painting in Bushwick?
Soon after we arrived in Bushwick, we took a bike ride into Manhattan. We were struck by those folks who often go unnoticed — the workers who keep this city going, who are also the “invisible New Yorkers.” Our mural is a homage to them.

And what do you guys think of New York City?
We love it. We love its energy and diversity — its wonderful mix of cultures.

What can we expect to see at Weird World — your soon-to-open exhibit at Exit Room?
Something weird!

Note: Weird World featuring works by Weird Crew members CONE, DXTR, HRVB, LOOK and VIDAM opens tomorrow evening, Friday, at 6pm at Exit Room. Curated by Zoe Beatwoman, the opening will continue until late with DJ Angel Russell aka Sloane Sophisticate and live musical performances by Perla Cozzone, Starr Busby and Jadon Woodard. The works will remain on exhibit through September 10.
Images: 1. Close-up from completed outdoor mural; 2. Look the Weird at work; 3. Cone the Weird at work; 4. Dxtr the Weird at work; 5. Segment from completed mural and 6. Cone the Weird in Exit Room NY, close-up
Photo credits: 1, 5 & 6 Lois Stavsky; 2-4 Tara Murray