Currently on exhibit at the Clemente Soto Velez Cultural and Educational Center on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, Hang It or Skate It features over 20 inventive artworks, each incorporating at least one skateboard. Here are a few:
Chris Soria, Harold Hunter

Savior ElMundo and N Carlos Jay, Legends Never Die

Danielle Mastrion, Brooklyn Banks

Ben Angotti, Hamya

Esteban del Valle, The Curator, Collector and Artist

Curated by Savior ElMundo, Terry Nelson and Frankie Velez and presented by Hip Hop USA, the exhibit continues through February 27 at the Abrazo Interno Gallery on 107 Suffolk Street.
Photos by Lois Stavsky
Curated by Robert Aloia, along with VNA Magazine, Beau, Todd Masters, NY St. Gallery and Suzuki Capital LLC, 21st Precinct opens this evening at the former space of the 21st Precinct at 327 East 22nd Street. Reminiscent of this past winter’s Surplus Candy – although on a much larger scale – dozens of artists have transformed five stories into an expressive, inventive canvas charged with unfettered energy. What follows is a small sampling of close-ups from larger installations:
Esteban Del Valle

Sheryo and the Yok

N. Carlos Jay


Chris Soria


Ghost, GIZ and Duel with a message


Lorenzo Masnah, APC

Presented by Outlaw Arts, Savior Elmundo and Pesu, the exhibit opens this evening at 6pm. It will be open again tomorrow from 1-6pm and next Saturday and Sunday 1-6pm.

Photo of Nepo by Lois Stavsky; all others by Sara C. Mozeson
Note: Keep posted to the StreetArtNYC Facebook page for more images from this landmark exhibit.