Miki Mu

Founded and curated by Miki Mu and Frankie Velez, the BedStuy Walls Mural Festival has for the third consecutive year transformed Lexington Avenue between Stuyvesant and Lewis Streets and beyond into a vibrant, brighly-hued wonderland, while actively engaging the local community. The mural featured above was painted by New Jersey-based veteran writer Raul Rubio aka Sue Works and style master Aesop. Several more images of murals — painted by local, national and international artists — follow.

San Franciso-based Matley Hurd

Thrive Collective Mural Arts Director Marissa Molina

Milan, Italy native Federico Massa aka Iena Cruz

5Pointz founder and artist Meres One at work

French artist Otom

NJ-based Will Power, tribute to the late Combat Jack painted for his son, Chi Ossé

Haitian-American, Brooklyn-based Ingrid Yuzly Mathurin, tribute to the late Shirley Chisholm

West Coast-based multidisciplinary artist Agana

Note: Keep posted to the Street Art NYC Instagram and Threads for more images from this year’s BedStuy Walls.

Photos by Lois Stavsky


Dozens of first-rate writers and muralists from NYC and beyond brought their tantalizing talents to East Harlem’s 44th annual Graffiti Hall of Fame this past weekend. Walls and cubes fashioned in a wide range of styles graced the now-lengendary schoolyard on 106th Street and Park Avenue. The dynamic production pictured above was painted by graff masters Delta, Syerok, Taste One, Blaze and Part One,   Several more images of artworks captured this past Sunday afternoon follow:

Graffiti veteran Skeme also known as 3 Yard King

BedStuy Walls co-founder and curator Miki Mu 

The wonderfully talented NJ-based Will Power does the late Nic 707

NYC-based, Japan-born hip-hop culture enthusiast and artist Shiro

East Harlem-based, Sweden-born graffiti writer and graphic designer Scratch

Harlem-based Brazilian American multidisciplinary artist Phes at work

The masterly Queens-based artist Chris Cortes

The prolific Bronx-born graffiti writer Cope 2 in collaboration with French artist Jaek El Diablo

Note: Keep posted to the Street Art NYC Instagram and Threads for more images of artworks that surfaced in this year’s Graffiti Hall of Fame.

Photo credits: 1-6 & 9, Sara C Mozeson; 7 & 8, Ana Candelaria


On the final weekend of June, the now-legendary Welling Court Mural Project launched its 14th Annual Street Art Festival in Astoria, Queens under the curatorial direction of Alison C. Wallis. Photographer Ana Candelaria was there to capture the action and share it with us. Featured above is the famed graffiti pioneer and graphic designer Stash at work on a wall painted collaboratively as a tribute to the late innovative graffiti writer Col Wallnuts. Several more images — all courtesy of Ana Candelaria — follow:

The prolific veteran writer Wane at work

Graffiti artist and designer Epic Uno at work 

Bronx-based painter and art educator Depoh at work

Brooklyn-based artist and BEDSTUY WALLS founder & co-curator Miki Mu at work with mural by East Harlem-based Scratch to her left

Artist and educator Katie Reidy at work celebrating the “rise of the woman”

The hugely inventive Sweden-based artist Delicious Brains bringing his talents to NYC

More walls will be beautifying Welling Court and its nearby blocks in early fall. Sign up here to stay informed regarding upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.

Photos by Ana Candelaria


Founded and curated by Miki Mu and Frankie Velez, the BedStuy Walls Mural Festival has once again transformed Lexington Avenue between Stuyvesant and Lewis Streets into a delectable visual feast, while actively engaging the local community and beyond.

The sumptuous image featured above was painted collaboratively by members of Mz. Icar, a collective of primarily Black female interdisciplinary artists “creatively taking up space.”  Several more images captured this past Sunday follow:

Brooklyn-based Vince Ballentine paints the Nigerian-American singer and composer Mary Akpa

Brooklyn-based Jeff Henriquez captured at work

Chicago-based Caesar Perez

Long Island-based master of monsters Phetus88

Brooklyn-based Question Marks at work with Alana Tsui above Matt Siren’s iconic character

Manhattan-based Funqest

Bronx-born and bred Andre Trenier at work

As it “takes a village” to launch such a remarkable event, among the many who helped make it possible are: NYC Thrive Collective, The Philos Project, Philos Latino, Jesse Rojo, Good Times Deli, Pastor Robert Waterman and Atiba Edwards.

Keep posted to the Street Art NYC Instagram and Threads for more images from this year’s edition of the BedStuy Walls Mural Festival. And you can help sustain this model of community engagement by contributing to the fundraiser, organized by Miki Mu.

Photo credits: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 & 8, Lois Stavsky; 3 & 6 Ana Candelaria


Founded and curated by the veteran Bronx writer WEN COD, Boone Avenue Walls now brings an alluring array of vibrant graffiti and mural art by local, national and international artists to two locations in the Bronx. This first of a two-part post focuses on the walls that have surfaced along Boone Avenue during its recent Beautification and Artists Festival.

Featured above is Philly-based, Spanish artist Saoka at work. Several more images of both artworks in progress and completed murals follow:

Philly-based, Spanish artist Imse captured at work

BedStuy Walls founder and curator Miki Mu

Veteran uptown writer Kron

Sao Paulo-based muralist and tattoo artist Bits PMA

The legendary Tats Cru member BG 183

Bronx-based Sebar7 in collaboration with Oslo, Norway-based artist Mucho

Photos by Sara C Mozeson and Lois Stavsky


Under the curatorial direction of Sharif Profit, this past weekend’s Graffiti Hall of Fame — located on 106th Street and Park Avenue in East Harlem — teemed with tantalizing talent. Among the featured pubic artworks in this event’s 43rd annual edition were walls and cubes fashioned in a wide range of styles by legendary writers and noted urban artists from NYC and beyond. The scintillating piece pictured above was painted by graff master Skeme, also known as 3 Yard King. Several more images of artworks captured this past Sunday afternoon follow:

BedStuy Walls founder and curator Miki Mu at work

Veteran writer and aerosol artist Renard Kelley aka Vens adding the final touches to his mural

 Delta 2’s masterful mural complemented by an adorable passerby who instantly poses!

The wildly prolific Cope 2

French artist Louis Vicius aka Jaek El Diablo

Will Power‘s tribute to the late writer and DJ Dez aka Kay Slay— with Al Diaz‘s iconic tag finding its way to the bottom!

Barcelona-based artist and tattooist Phen

  Bronx-native NAC 143 at work

 Stockholm-born, East Harlem-based Scratch

Note: Keep posted to the Street Art NYC Instagram and Threads for more images of artworks that surfaced in this year’s Graffiti Hall of Fame .

Photographs by Lois Stavsky and Dani Reyes Mozeson


An oasis of motley murals, graffiti art, paste-ups, stickers, tags and bombs. Freeman Alley has it all! The image pictured above was painted by Brooklyn-based artist and curator Miki Mu. Several more images captured on a recent visit follow:

SacSix, crkshnk, City Kitty, OH!, Drecks and more

Bronx-based artist and educator Lola Lovenotes

Brooklyn-based Ecuadorian artist Lasak

Mixed-media artist Drecks

Stealth Art and more

The enigmatic Crash 42170

Bronx-based graffiti and textile artist Mrs

17-year-old Soup 64

Freeman Alley is located at 12 Rivington Street, off the Bowery.

Photos: 1-8 Lois Stavsky; 9 Amelia Cleary


Currently on view at Underhill Walls in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn is a delightfully nostalgic trip down TV’s memory lane.  In the murals featured above, accolades are given to The Sopranos by Paolo Tolentino, while Subway Doodle honors Battlestar Galactica. Several more images from Underhill Walls‘ current iteration follow:

Multi-media artist Sage Gallon pays homage to “The Sonny and Cher Show” for its “talent and variety”

Painter and muralist Jessie Novik celebrates “I Love Lucy”

Artist and arts educator Carnivorous Flora recreates “The Partridge Family” as “little people with a bus rolling out the red carpet to Ukrainian refugees and welcoming them to NYC!”

Tattoo artist and designer DozenFingers Graphics celebrates the animated television series “Sonic the Hedgehog”

 Muralist and illustrator Miki Mu adds the final touches to her playful ode to “Sesame Street”

Visual artist and poet Android Oi — in collaboration with painter and illustrator Melissa Schainker — celebrates “Mork & Mindy,” (with project coordinator Jeff Beler standing to his right).

Founded and curated by Jeff Beler, Underhill Walls is a non-profit public art installation located at the corner of St. Johns Place and Underhill Avenue in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn,

Photos: Lois Stavsky


Now in its sixth year, Underhill Walls — under the curatorial direction of Jeff Beler — increasingly engages a diverse range of local artists, reflecting the soul and spirit of its neighboring Prospect Heights blocks. Currently on view is a series of tantalizing murals on the theme “Movie Night.”

Pictured above is Zero Productivity‘s rendition of The Birds to the left of Subway Doodle‘s take on The Rocky Horror Show — with curator Jeff Beler posed between them.  What follows are a few more murals on the theme:

Venezuelan cartoonist Jorge Torrealba introduces “Movie Night”

Muralist and designer Majo Barajas aka Majo San, Pet Sematary

Muralist and illustrator Miki Mu, The Italian Stallion

Local artist ohh.henny.ohhhh paints his first mural, Space Jam

     NYC-born, Oakland-based Nite Owl, The Birdman of Alcatraz

Local artist Slim Villain at work, Terminator 2

Multidisciplinary artist Sage Gallon, Mahogany 

Colombian artist Calicho Arevalo, Godzilla

Underhill Walls is located at the corner of St. Johns Pl and Underhill Ave.

Photos: Lois Stavsky


Under the curatorial eye of Jeff Beler, Vanderbilt Avenue — between  Atlantic Avenue and Pacific Street — has been transformed into an oasis of color and positivity. The delightful image featured above was painted by Brooklyn-based artist Jaima. Several more artworks that have recently surfaced on the block’s barriers follow:

Artist and designer Jason Naylor

Multimedia artist Subway Doodle

Muralist and designer Majo Barajas aka Majo San and Colombian artist Calicho Arevalo

New Jersey-bred, NYC-based artist and designer Marco Santini

Artist and graphic designer Zero Productivity

Muralist and illustrator Miki Mu with some great advice–

Included, too, in this project are the talents of  Vince Ballentine, Raddington Falls and Steph Motta. And a particular highlight is the community mural designed by Miki Mu and completed this past Saturday by neighborhood children.

Photos by Lois Stavsky