Currently on view at La Maison d’Art in Harlem is Styles and Storytellers, the first installment of a series of exhibits and artist talks conceived and curated by artist J.T. Liss. In this intriguingly provocative exhibit, four different artists present four unique stories in four distinct styles. Each of the four artists — J.T. Liss, Misha Tyutyunik, Marthalicia Matarrita and Jeff Henriquez — also share their talents with us on our city streets. Pictured above is Face Value by J.T. Liss. Here are several more images from the show:
J.T. Liss, Face Value II, Photographic art on canvas

Misha Tyutyunik, Mourning, Acrylic on canvas

Marthalicia Matarrita, Frida Kahlo, En la Lucha, Mixed media

Jeff Henriquez, Night Moves #5, Photographic art on canvas

Styles and Storytellers: Volume I continues until June 30th with an artist talk and open-mic poetry/spoken words/music next Friday, June 2, 6-9 pm. To schedule an appointment to visit the exhibit at another time, you can contact gallery owner Stephanie Calla at stephanie@lamaisondartny.com or at 917-533-4605. La Maison d’Art is located at 259 W 132nd Street in Harlem.
Photos of artworks by Lois Stavsky

The Centre-fuge Public Art Project has transformed the Department of Transportation trailer on First Street and First Avenue into a vibrant rotating open-air gallery. Here are a few more images from Cycle 15 completed last week:
Marthalicia Matarrita at work

Dasic at work

And completed

Mr. Prvrt


And here with Sean Gallagher and Miss Zukie

Coordinated by Pebbles Russell and Jonathan Neville, the Centre-Fuge Public Art Project was conceived in 2011 in memory of their friend, Mike Hamm.
Photos by Dani Reyes Mozeson