While walking along East First Street off First Avenue early this year, we were delighted to come upon a huge trailer transformed into a vibrant outdoor canvas. In the past few months, this same trailer has featured the works of some of NYC’s best-known street artists such as Claw Money and Optimo Primo, along with images fashioned by artists who rarely paint or exhibit in public spaces.
Last week we had the chance to observe some of NYC’s most active street artists at work on the trailer and meet some others whose work was new to us. We also discovered that these artists were at work on Cycle 3 of The Centre-Fuge Art Project conceived by First Street residents Pebbles Russell and Jonathan Neville in memory of their friend, Mike Hamm.
Here are some images from Cycle 3:
Brooklyn-based artist Danielle Mastrion pays homage to Adam Yauch aka MCA, a founding member of the legendary Beastie Boys.

Local illustrator and graphic designer Michael DeNicola brings an eerie family abroad.

Thanks to Bishop203 and Elle, Brooklyn’s iconic character arrives on the scene.

The prolific Fumero whose distinct aesthetic can be seen on walls throughout NYC brings a slice of paradise to First Street.

Brooklyn-based visual and performance artist Jade Fusco, aka DMZL, graces the trailer with an array of quirky creatures.

And designer, graffiti writer and fine artist CRAM Concepts (center) honors all moms — just in time for Mothers Day.

Cycle 3 of Centre-fuge will be on view until July 12th, 2012.
Photos by Lenny Collado, Tara Murray & Street Art, NYC