
Staten Island’s Mariners Harbor is home to a huge graffiti wall that is an aesthetic and thematic delight. Featured above is the work of Staten Island-based urban artist, educator and tattoo artist Dylan Giangrande. A small selection of images from the wall’s current iteration follow:

Staten Island-native multidisciplinary artist and producer Gano, VGL

   Tattoo and urban artist John Echo

Syne, GOMD and NSB

Staten Island-based veteran style master Joe Goalbino

   Staten Island-based muralist and graffiti writer Cody Prez

Veteran writer NoneNYC, Ex Vandals/MTA/UTW/TSK/GOMD

Photo credits:  1-4, 6 & 7 Lois Stavsky; 5 Shalom Stavsky


On the occasion of Boone Avenue Walls‘ tenth anniversary, dozens of artists brought their remarkable skills and styles to the Bronx neighborhoods of West Farms and Hunts Point. This is Part II of our two-part series documenting this year’s extraordinary Boone Avenue Walls Annual Festival, founded and curated by veteran Bronx writer WEN COD. The image featured above was painted by Brooklyn writer Minus One. Several more images — all captured by street art/graffiti aficionada Kristy Calabro — follow:

Bronx-based artist and educator Lola Lovenotes

OTM Graff Crew member Image

The legendary Bronx-based artist John Matos aka Crash.

West Coast-based artist and curator Espy

Bronx-born writer and textile artist MRS

Florida-based muralist and writer Ric One

Brooklyn-based stylemaster Roachi

Photos: Kristy Calabro


This year Boone Avenue Walls, founded and curated by the legendary Bronx writer WEN COD, not only beautified the walls along Boone Avenue, but brought tantalizing graffiti art to the Mott Haven neighborhood in the South Bronx.  Featured above is the noted Bronx-based artist Crash One to the right of the masterly Queen Andrea — as captured on a recent rainy Sunday. Several more images seen along the front and rear of Food Fest Depot follow:

The legendary NYC-based artist Chris “Daze” Ellis

Veteran graffiti artist and painter Wore One 

The wonderfully ever-distinctive Sienide

Stylemasters Zore64, DoveRoc, and Adam Fu

LES-native, Uptown-based gifted artist Bluster One

The amazingly versatile Meres One  of 5Pointz fame 

Photos by Lois Stavsky and Sara Ching Mozeson


On my recent visit to this year’s Welling Court Mural Project in Astoria Queens, I discovered a wondrous array of art fashioned in a multitude of styles. The distinctly striking mural pictured above was painted last week by Meres One in his singular stained-glass style. Several more images of new artworks follow in this first of a two-part series documenting WCMP23, a community public art project organized and curated by Alison C. Wallis

Bronx-based BG 183, Tats Cru

Ecuador-born, Queens-bred multidisciplinary artist Toofly

Nepalese artist Imagine 876

Fumero in his distinct GRAFSTRACT style

Brooklyn-based multidisciplinary artist Kimyon Huggins

Veteran UK writer Noir

Photos: Lois Stavsky


Proclaimed by his former partner Keith Haring as the “Graffiti King of the Lower East Side,” Angel Ortiz aka LA2 is increasingly gaining the admiration and acclaim that he deserves. A self-taught artist, he has fashioned a distinct aesthetic that has evolved into a stylishly striking synthesis of graffiti, pop art and fine art.

Ranging in tones from black, white and gray to bright, bold hues, Angel’s new works on exhibit in “Ode 2 NYC” at Chase Contemporary vary from the seemingly simple to the remarkably intricate. Exuding a magical energy, together they are a glowing testament to LA2’s singular intuitive skills, as well as the perfect pean to NYC.

Featured below are several more images captured from the exhibit:

“Shazbot,” 2023, Acrylic and marker on canvas

“Rainbow Swirl,” 2023, Acrylic and marker on canvas

“Tiffany,” 2023, Acrylic and marker on canvas

“Subway,” 2023, Acrylic and marker on canvas

“DJ LES, 2023, Acrylic and marker on canvas

Exhibition curator and gallery co-owner and director Christopher Pusey with “Silver on Blue,” 2022, Acrylic and silver marker on canvas

“Ode 2 NYC” can be viewed through June 18 at Chase Contemporary, 413 West Broadway in Soho: Monday and Tuesday, 10 AM–6 PM; Wednesday and Thursday, 10 AM–7 PM; Friday and Saturday, 10 AM–8 PM and  Sunday, 11 AM–7 PM.

Photos and post by Lois Stavsky and City-as-School intern Antonio Gomez


The wonderfully talented Menace Two and Resa Piece have merged their sensibilities and skills to fashion a captivatingly stunning array of murals that have made their way not only throughout NYC, but across the country. I was delighted to have the opportunity meet up with them in their Bushwick home that they’ve aptly titled “Street Art Sanctuary ” — a spacious  graffiti/street art haven that Menace and Resa also host as an Airbnb. 

When and where did you first get up? And what inspired you to do so?

Resa: I started in 2015. The first wall I ever did was in the Bronx, but I painted mostly in Brooklyn at the time – often in Bushwick. What inspired me to? While I was living in Flushing, I used to regularly ride past 5Pointz on the 7 train. I thought it was all so amazing. I remember thinking, “Why would someone do this?” But it was awhile before I actually did it!   The sense that I had something to prove – that a female could create artwork on the same level as any established male artist — also drove me.

Menace: I was in the 7th grade in a local Queens public school. I was always drawing on my desk — anime at the time. One of the kids sitting next to me said I’d be good at graffiti. He introduced me to graffiti, encouraged me and invited me to join his crew, BTC. That was the beginning. I was 12 years old.

You’ve both painted in both illegal and in sanctioned places. Which do you prefer?

Illegal. Painting “without permission” is far more validating!

Have you exhibited your work in gallery settings?

The streets are our gallery.

What about the increasing engagement of street artists and graffiti writers with the corporate world? Would you consider such a collaboration?

It depends. No one can dictate to us what can or cannot do.

Have you any thoughts about the graffiti/street art divide?

Our job is to bridge it! It’s all about respect.

What is your main source of income?

Painting commissions.

Did you have you a formal art education?

Resa: I did not attend a specialized art college, but at Binghamton, I majored in both Art History and Studio Art. I will always remain grateful to the late Professor George Dugan for his support and encouragement.

Menace: I studied Graphic Design in college, but I never graduated.

How does your family feel about your passion for art?

Resa: My mom initially fostered it. She enrolled me in art classes when I was eight years old. But then when I wanted to go to an art college, her response was, “You’re too smart to be an artist.” And so she encouraged me to go into the art business. But after interning at Christy’s and working for a collector, I came to understand that the art market is driven by billionaires. I know now that I want to focus on creating my own art and not marketing other artists to the richest 1 per cent. And at this point, my mom understands and respects what I’m doing.

Menace: They intensely disliked my passion for graffiti. I was often getting into graffiti-related trouble in school, and any time my parents saw me writing graffiti, they’d scream at me.  They couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t just “draw something pretty.” My father and I fought just about every day. But my parents have since come to accept me. It helped that in honor of our mothers we painted a mural featuring a tiger mom embracing her cub for the Boogie Down event at the Bronx Zoo for Mothers Day, 2018.

When you paint in public spaces, do you work with a sketch-in-hand or just let it flow?

We generally work with Photoshop mock-ups.

Are you generally satisfied with your finished piece? 

Generally, we are.

What percentage of your time is devoted to art?

100 %.

Have you any other interests or passions?

Resa: Not many.

Menace: Video games.

Are there any particular cultures that have inspired your aesthetic?

Hip-hop and New York flavor, in general.

Who are some of your favorite artists? Artists who have inspired you?

Resa: There are so many – BK Foxx, Royyal Dog, El Mac, Meres, Jerms, Topaz, Seen, Skeme

Menace:Reach Eight, Glossblack, Revok, Saber, MSK

How has your work evolved in recent years?

It’s gotten much better. While touring the country, we felt we had to prove something at each stop!

In your cross-country venture — #paintloveacrossamerica — you hit several key cities from Philly to LA painting a range of spectacular murals — some with permission and others without. Does any particular memory stand out?

When we had reached LA, we asked an established street art organization to help us find a legal wall. When assistance didn’t come our way, we found — on our own — one of the largest walls in the heart of the LA  arts district. When the cops rolled up, we didn’t know what to expect, but they expressed appreciation for our work. And when the owner came by, we convinced him that we are in the process of beautifying his property. The final mural — one of our favorite ones — is a visual representation of our collective prayers.

No doubt that what hat you painted was a gift  — however ephemeral — to the city!  What’s ahead?

More painting, of course! And our ultimate goal is to create a community center that serves as a base for us to teach painting and mural-making skills to others.

That sounds wonderful! And thanks for sharing your talents and visions with so many of us.


1 “Madonna Menace” in Bushwick, JMZ Walls

2 Close-up of Resa and Menace captured at work in Bushwick, JMZ Walls

3 “What a Wonderful World,” portrait of Louis Armstrong, in Esst Harlem, GrandScale Mural Project

4 “When the whole world is silent/Even one voice becomes powerful,” portrait of Malala in Bushwick

5 “Believe in the Reality of Your Dreams,” in Bushwick

6 “Real Eyes Realize Real Lies,” portrait of Tupac in Wynwood

7 “Protect,” Unsanctioned mural in LA’s arts district

Interview conducted and edited by Lois Stavsky

Photo credits: 1-3 Lois Stavsky; 4 & 5 Ana Candelaria; 6 & 7 Courtesy of  Menace and Resa

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An urban celebration of art, music and food, Street Nights features some of Dubai’s most active muralists painting live. The following images were captured last week while visiting the Walk At JBR, an inviting outdoor promenade along the beach.

Ramy Elzaghawy at work

Edge Nation crew member at work


Jonny Revs, work in progress

"Jonny Revs"

Has One


First image features Steffi Bow and Dose Art

Photos by Lois Stavsky

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Continuing through October 3 at Chelsea’s Azart Gallery is More than Words, co-curated by Melissa McCaig-Welles and Latifa Metheny. Presenting a range of artworks fusing text and images, the exhibit features a wonderfully eclectic mix of styles, sensibilities and cultures.  Here is a sampling of the works:

Brooklyn-based Canadian painter Tim Okamura


Brooklyn-based Moroccan artist Rocko, close-up


Queens native Greg Lamarche aka SP.ONE


Vitry sur-Seine-based French artist C215  


Azart Gallery is located at 617 West 27 Street in Chelsea and is open Tuesday through Saturday from 11 am to 6 pm.

Note: The first image, I Am Baghdad, is by New York-based Iraqi artist Ayad Alkadhi.

Photo credits: 1-3 & 5 Dani Reyes Mozeson; 4 Lois Stavsky


Speaking with Rocko

February 26, 2015

"Rocko calligraffiti"

Fusing ancient Arabic scripts with modern Western strokes, Moroccan native Rocko has fashioned a distinct aesthetic that has been increasingly making its way onto NYC walls. We were delighted to have the chance to meet up with him this past weekend.

When did you first get up?

Back in Morocco in 1997. I was the first one to bomb in Meknès.  It was something that I had always wanted to do. I was a b-boy, and graffiti was always an essential aspect of that culture. I’d also painted for the pioneering hip-hop crew, Dogs, known these days as H-Kayne.

What about here in NYC?

Here in NYC I only work on legal spaces. There’s too much at risk here!


What was your first piece here?

Three years ago I did my first piece for the Pita Palace on Montrose and Bushwick.

What was the experience like?

I loved it. I particularly love the interaction with the passersby as I’m painting.

What kinds of surfaces do you prefer?

As I generally paint with brushes, I need smooth surfaces. I also look for spots with no trees of cars blocking the view.

How have folks responded to your particular aesthetic – a fusion of Arabic calligraphy and graffiti?

The response was been overwhelmingly enthusiastic. I am constantly asked to design tattoos featuring my particular calligraffiti.


How does your family feel about what you are doing?

They love it. Everyone is supportive.

What percentage of your day is devoted to your art?

About 40%.

What is your main source of income?

I work as a director of a senior center in Bushwick.

What are some of your other interests?

Cycling. I race for the Brooklyn Arches.


Any thoughts on the graffiti/ street art divide?

I feel that it’s reached a turning point in recent weeks. I expect there will be less of a division from now on.

How do you feel about the movement of graffiti and street art into galleries? Have you shown your work in galleries?

I’m fine with it. It’s just a different context. Yes, I’ve shown my work in a number of spaces in Brooklyn.

What about the corporate world? Any thoughts about that?

I don’t mess with it!

Do you prefer working alone or collaborating with others?

I often work alone, but I’ve collaborated with a number of artists including Zimer, Eelco and N Carlos J.


Is there anyone in particular you would like to collaborate with?

I love what Sek3 is doing. I would like to collaborate with him.

When I first saw your work, I confused you with Retna. Does that happen often?

Yes! But I’ve been doing it for 34 years. It’s my culture!

How do you feel about the role of the Internet in this scene?

I think it’s very important. It introduces us to so much.

Do you have a formal arts education?

No, I never went to art school. I’m self-taught. I began doing Arabic calligraphy when I was four years old with a wooden pencil!


How would you describe your ideal working environment?

Just me in my studio. But working on public walls is more fun!

What inspires you these days?

Everything I see around me!

Are there any particular cultures you feel influenced your aesthetic?


Rocko-and Eelco-street-art-nyc

Do you work with a sketch in your hand or do you let it flow?

Never!  I freestyle.

How has your work evolved in the past few years?

It’s gotten better. Sharing my work in public spaces pushes me to work harder at my craft.

What do you see as the role of the artist in society?

The artist has a huge responsibility to his or her community – to enhance it in a respectful manner.

Rocko-calligraffiti-Brooklyn-NYC copy

How do you feel about the photographers and bloggers in this scene?

They are very important!

What do you see as the future of street art?

It will just keep on growing and evolving.

And what about you? What’s ahead?

More walls, more collabs and more exhibits. I will also continue to curate the Dodworth Mural Project that I launched last year.

That sounds wonderful! We are looking forward! 

Interview by Lois Stavsky with Houda Lazrak; first photo courtesy of the artist; all others by Lois Stavsky; photo 2 is a collaborative with Zimer; 5 with Eelco and Vera Times; 6 with N Carlos J and 7 with Eelco

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East meets West, and calligraphy meets graffiti at the Leila Heller Gallery in Calligraffiti: 1984-2013. And this past Thursday’s panel discussion, moderated by Leila Heller, provided an intimate glimpse into the disparate worlds that initially converged in a gallery setting in the exhibit that Ms. Heller and Jeffrey Deitch curated 30 years ago. After Leila Heller began the talk by sharing her personal and professional history, the five participants — Ayad Alkadhi, eL SeedFab Five FreddyLA2 and Rostarr presented their distinct experiences and observations.  Following are a selection of images from the exhibit and from Thursday’s panel discussion.

South Korean native Rostarr


Rostarr shares a bit of his history


Paris-based eL Seed


eL Seed to the left of Fab Five Freddy who spoke of his early determination to get graffiti the recognition it deserved

El Seed and Fab Five Freddy

NYC-based LA2, whose tag has been part of the Lower East Side’s visual landscape for over 35 years


And an early collaboration with Keith Haring

Keith Haring and LA2

The exhibit continues through October 5th at the Leila Heller Gallery, 568 West 25th Street.

Photos and reportage by Dani Reyes Mozeson