Under the curatorial eye of Jeff Beler, Vanderbilt Avenue — between Atlantic Avenue and Pacific Street — has been transformed into an oasis of color and positivity. The delightful image featured above was painted by Brooklyn-based artist Jaima. Several more artworks that have recently surfaced on the block’s barriers follow:
Artist and designer Jason Naylor
Multimedia artist Subway Doodle
Muralist and designer Majo Barajas aka Majo San and Colombian artist Calicho Arevalo
New Jersey-bred, NYC-based artist and designer Marco Santini
Artist and graphic designer Zero Productivity
Muralist and illustrator Miki Mu with some great advice–
Included, too, in this project are the talents of Vince Ballentine, Raddington Falls and Steph Motta. And a particular highlight is the community mural designed by Miki Mu and completed this past Saturday by neighborhood children.
Photos by Lois Stavsky