Public Art Projects

Brooklyn-based Sara Erenthal has shared her distinct drawings, public art, sculptures, and mixed media artworks with us New Yorkers for the past several years in both galleries and on the streets. After viewing her current outdoor installation adjacent to FiveMyles, I had the opportunity speak with her:

"Sara Eremthal installation"

I love your installation here in Crown Heights adjacent to FiveMyles. When did you first begin to share your talents in public spaces?

About four years ago – soon after I returned to NYC from backpacking in India – I drew 100 small faces with a Sharpie in a range of places from phone booths to subways.  It was quite secretive! And, luckily, I was never arrested. These days I can’t take those risks, and I only paint outside on found objects – like abandoned mattresses, castoff furniture, useless appliances and discarded canvases.

Why the streets?

I’ve always loved street art, and I love sharing with others. When I paint on found objects and leave them on the streets, I give people the chance to pick up a free gift. Art should be accessible to the public, and art galleries can be intimidating.


When did you first begin drawing?

I’ve been drawing all my life, and I’ve always loved art. But growing up in an ultra-Orthodox family, I wasn’t exposed to art outside of a few landscapes and portraits of Hasidic rabbis. I never went to museums or galleries. I do remember, though, seeing art that I loved while I was riding the subways as a child!

When were you first exposed to contemporary art – other than what was “permissible” and what you saw on the subway trains?

I was 17, and I had just broken away from my community. A young Israeli artist at the time introduced me to modern African drawings. That was the beginning!


How might your strict religious upbringing have influenced your artwork?

Art was my way of releasing myself from all the constraints that had been imposed upon me.  Through art, I was able to let go of the negativity I’d experienced as a child. Creating art was part of my healing process.

Your artwork has a distinct “outsider” aesthetic. Have you ever studied art in a formal setting?



You are obviously fond of creating portraits. Who are these people who surface in your drawings?

Many are me – variations of myself at different stages in my life. They’re self-conscious representations of my subconscious. Others are people I encounter in my everyday life or people from my past who remain with me.

Are you generally satisfied with your work?

Yes – but I’m frustrated that I often lack the time, space and materials to do a fraction of what I’d like to do.


Can you elaborate a bit on some of the challenges you face as an artist?

Yes. Working to meet basic expenses consumes far too much energy and time. I would like to be able to create when I’m inspired. Our society needs to do more to support artists. Artists are undervalued. Most people don’t take artists seriously enough. They tend to perceive what we do as frivolous or self-indulgent. Living one’s life as an artist is not a choice; nor is it an indulgence.  And the public needs to understand that.

What do you see as the role of the artist in society?

To share beauty and inspire others, while evoking conversation.


What’s ahead?

I would like to continue to create, heal and share. I would also love to exhibit more works in public spaces and in galleries. And I would like to gain more recognition as an artist.

Note: Sara’s installation, Made On a Borrowed iPad — curated by gallery director Hanne Tierney for the Interlude Project — will remain on view through December adjacent to FiveMyles, 558 St Johns Place in Crown Heights.

The interview was conducted and edited by Lois StavskyPhotos: 1  Anthony Disparte; 2 – 4 courtesy of Sara Erenthal; 5 & 6 Lois Stavsky


Connecting artists and businesses, the 100 Gates public art project continues to transform dozens of metal store shutters on the Lower East Side and in Chinatown into intriguing outdoor canvases.  What follows are just a few:

Mas Paz, X Cubicle, 25 Essex Street


Damien Mitchell, Michele Olivieri, 118 Orchard Street


Billy the Artist, Michele Olivieri, 88 Delancey Street

Billy-the-artist-Lower East Side-street-art--NYC

Ida Noelle, The Sill @ 84 Hester Street


Abigail Kaage, Zest, 249 Broome Street


Claw Money & Miss 17Red Mango, 145 Allen Street


Faust and Shantell Martin, Lowline Lab/EDC Warehouse, 140 Essex Street


Jessica DeutchLucky Jack’s, 129 Orchard Street


Buff MonsterBondy Export Corp, 40 Canal Street


Founded by NYC artist and professional skater Billy Rohan, this public art project is managed by Natalie Raben, Director of Marketing and Communications at the Lower East Side Business Improvement District. If you own a business on the Lower East Side and would like to become involved with 100 Gates, check this out.

Photos: 1, 2, 5-9 Tara Murray; 3, 4 Lois Stavsky


Last month, I had the opportunity to meet up with the young, wonderfully talented Danish artist Andreas Welin while he was painting in Bed-Stuy during his recent visit to NYC.


When and where did you first hit the streets?

I was 18 when I first painted on the streets. It was in my native Sønderborg, a small town in Southern Denmark.

What inspired you to hit the streets?

I was inspired by the art and graffiti that I saw on the streets. And L:Ron, a first generation Danish writer and rapper, helped me get into the graffiti scene.

Any early memories that stand out?

When I was 13 years old, I came upon a parking lot filled with all kinds of graffiti styles. I was amazed!


When you began painting, did you paint on your own? Or were you with a crew?

For four years, I painted with the SBP Sonderbronx Punks graffiti crew.

What about these days? Do you prefer working alone or collaborating with others?

I love collaborating, but I’d rather be commissioned to paint on my own.

Any particularly risky moments?

Bombing is always risky.

welin-roskilde festival-Denmark

How does your family feel about what you are doing?

They love it! My mom is a designer and my father was an artist. Both my parents are supportive.

What percentage of your time is devoted to art?

My mind is always on art. But I paint publicly three to four times a week.

Is art the main source of your income?

Yes…the money I earn from commissions.


How do you feel about the movement of graffiti and street art into galleries and museums?

I think it’s cool. It motivates us artists to further develop our skills, and it gives us exposure.

Why do you suppose graffiti is more respected as an art form in Europe than here in the U.S.?

I think that the European writers have had many more opportunities to develop their skills and take them to another level. Unlike here, there are legal walls and trains in just about every town.

How you feel about the role of the Internet in this scene?

It’s great!  It’s an extra advertisement for me, and what I see often inspires me.


Do you have a formal arts education?

I studied Fine Arts for one year.

Are there any particular cultures that have influenced your aesthetic?

I’ve been influenced by the hip-hop culture and by the art I’ve seen while visiting other cities and galleries.

What are some of the other cities you’ve painted in – besides your native town and NYC?

Among the cities I’ve painted in are: Berlin, Lisbon, Toronto, Eindhoven, Roskilde and Copenhagen.


Are you generally satisfied with your work?

I’m usually pretty happy with it. I don’t want to be too satisfied!

How has your artwork evolved in the past few years?

It’s evolved quite a bit.  It used to be cartoony. These days my style tends to be more realistic.

What do you see as the role of the artist in society?

It is to beautify a space, while giving people something new to think about.


What’s ahead?

I’m not sure, but I know that I will be painting. And I’d like to return to the NYC and, perhaps, intern with a company like Colossal Media. I want to be able to paint outdoors and support myself as a painter.

Note:  photos 1, 2, 5-7 in NYC; 3 in Denmark and 4 collab with Mek in Trenton, NJ

Photos: 1 & 5 Lois Stavsky; 2 Tara Murray; 3, 4 & 7 courtesy of the artist; interview by Lois Stavsky



An urban celebration of art, music and food, Street Nights features some of Dubai’s most active muralists painting live. The following images were captured last week while visiting the Walk At JBR, an inviting outdoor promenade along the beach.

Ramy Elzaghawy at work

Edge Nation crew member at work


Jonny Revs, work in progress

"Jonny Revs"

Has One


First image features Steffi Bow and Dose Art

Photos by Lois Stavsky

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While at the NYU Abu Dhabi campus last week, I had the opportunity to visit neighboring Dubai. Though slow to embrace street art, Dubai does provide space for a limited selection of graffiti and street art pieces. The following were seen in the Al Quoz Industrial District, home to over 100 art galleries:

Ivana Flores, Myneandyours and Ruben Sanchez


To be identified


Enforce 1 and Defs


Sya One


Note: Although I did not get to see it, a new, huge mural by Ben Eine recently surfaced at the Jumeirah Beach Residence in Dubai. And, also, this past month, pioneering New York street artist Richard Hambleton made his Dubai debut at the French restaurant, La Cantine du Faubourg. A more open attitude towards street art may not be that far away!

Photos by Lois Stavsky

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iena-cruz audubon-murasl-project-NYC

A collaborative venture between the National Audubon Society and the Gitler & ____ Gallery, the Audubon Mural Project, has brought a series of tantalizing murals of climate-endangered birds to the late John James Audubon’s upper Manhattan neighborhood.

Iena Cruz, Tri-colored Heron, 432 West 163 Street, close-up

iena-cruz-street-art-audubon-mural-project-NYC closeup

Gaia, Endangered Harlem, 1883 Amsterdam Avenue, close-up


Gaia, Endangered Harlem, the complete mural


Hitnis, Fish Crow, 3750 Broadway


LNY, Swallow-tailed Kite, 575 West 155 Street


LNY, Swallow-tailed-Kite, close-up


Mr. Mustart, House Finch, 5 Edward M. Morgan Place


Keep posted to our Facebook page and this blog for many more Audubon Mural Project images.

Photo credits: 1, 2, 4 & 6 Tara Murray; 3, 5, 7 & 8 Lois Stavsky

Note: This blog will be on vacation through Nov 28th. You can follow us on Facebook and Instagram.



Last week, FIT students took to the streets for their school’s annual #ChalkFIT. Here are a few more murals — all fashioned with chalk — that have surfaced on the school’s exterior walls.

Raissa Oliveira-Silva

raissa-oli-chalk art-FIT

Ala LockhartCeleste Garcia and Jessica Lauser

Ala-Lockhart-and-Celeste-Garcia-and -Jessica-Lauser-chalk-art-FIT-NYC

Jess Riess


Hayoung Jang, close-up


Wide view of one segment of project


 FIT is located at Seventh Avenue between 27th and 28th Streets in Manhattan.

Note: First photo features images by Eduardo Cuba and Travis Hewitt

Photos by FIT graduate Dani Reyes Mozeson

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The following post is by Houda Lazrak, a contributor to StreetArtNYC and an M.A. candidate in Museum Studies at NYU: 


While visiting Bologna, Blu’s home town, I had the opportunity to see quite a few of his pieces, along with a series of murals and several legal graffiti pieces facilitated by the organization Frontier – La linea dello stile.

Also by Blu, close-up






Eron, close-up


Peeta and more graffiti artists — to be identified 


NemO’s interactive cigarette piece for Cheap Festival, a yearly festival in Bologna

Nemo-street-art- close-up-bologna

Barbara Zagatti, who runs the Facebook page Street Art Bologna, guided us by car and foot through this historic district.

Photos by Houda Lazrak

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For the past several days, over two dozen artists — from writers to muralists —  have been busily transforming a huge block along Boone Avenue at 174th Street. Here are a few more images that we captured these past two days from Writers Block organized by Wen Cod:





Spot and Acne aka Young Socrates


Yes 1 at work 


Nero aka Uncle Ro


Wen Cod, who organized the event, captured at work in the early stages yesterday morning


Rath at work


Danielle Mastrion, Lexi Bella, and Doc TC5 to the far right


Ces checks it out


 Note: First image features Jersey Joe aka Rime

Photo credits: 1-4 & 6-9 Lois Stavsky; 5 & 10 Tara Murray

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Showcasing a range of works by first-rate artists, Downtown Detroit’s Belt Alley is a wondrous open-air gallery. Here are a few more images I captured on my recent visit to the Belt, a collaborative venture between Bedrock Real Estate Services and the Library Street Collective.

Chicago-based Pose, close-up


 Miami-based Douglas Hoekzema aka Hoxxoh, close-up


UK-based Hush


West Coast-based Shepard Fairey aka Obey


Portuguese artist Alexandre Farto aka Vhils


West Coast-based Dave Kinsey, close-up


The Belt is located between the two wings of The Z parking garage on Grand River and Gratiot Avenues in Downtown Detroit’s former garment district.

Note: First image is by West Coast-based Tristan Eaton

Photos by Lois Stavsky

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