
Brimming with stylish graffiti, witty stencil art and a wonderfully eclectic mix of murals, Bristol has it all!  Here is a small sampling of images that we captured earlier this month:

Bristol-based Sepr


Bristol native Nick Walker


Bristol’s legendary Banksy, “Well-Hung Lover”


Bristol-based Philth and UK artist N4T4


Bristol-based Jody Thomas


Bristol-based Epok


Bristol-based Soker


 Photo credits: 1, 4-7 Tara Murray; 2 & 3 Lois Stavsky

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This is Part II of street art and graffiti images — reflecting a wildly diverse range of aesthetic and cultural sensibilities — that we came upon in London last week:

Belgian artist Joachim and Bogota-based Stinkfish


Chilean artist Otto Schade


London-based Cityzen Kane, close-up from 3D installation in memory of his son


UK-based Phlegm, close-up


Irish artist Conor Harrington


The legendary Berlin Wall artist Thierry Noir


Brazilian artist Cranio and UK-based My Dog Sighs


Bristol-based Spzero76 and London-based Captain Kris at work in Shoreditch


Brazilian artist Bailon


Photo credits: 1 – 3, 5 – 8 Tara Murray; 4 & 9 Lois Stavsky

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Warmi-Paint- Ecuador

We miss Toofly when she isn’t in NYC, but we love what she’s up to in her native Quito. You can find out about her current project here:

Just what exactly is Warmi Paint?

Warmi Paint is an all-women arts and culture festival that will launch this fall in Quito, Ecuador.

Graffiti-Ecuador. jpg

What is Warmi Paint’s mission?

Its mission is to celebrate and empower Latin American women street artists with a focus on graffiti, street art and murals.

What does the name Warmi mean or represent?

Warmi means “woman” in Quechua. It is the name of the people of the Central Andes of South America. It is also the name of their language. Women of all ages from this part of the world will create a new vision of themselves, nurture their communities and reflect a powerful message.

Ecuador-graffiti- Women

What can visitors expect?

Special guests and 20 women artists will paint collaborative murals, host workshops, and present their work to the Ecuadorian community. We will have graffiti films, slideshow presentations, panels, youth workshops, pop-up shops and a concert! People of all ages will benefit from this unique cross-cultural exchange and community-building experience.

Warmi-Paint Image

It sounds wonderful! Good luck with this!

Note: Your support will help artist/curator TOOFLY (NYC) and artist/curator HTM (Ecuador) realize their mission.  Find out how you can help fund the project here.

Photos courtesy of Toofly


As featured earlier this year in the New York Times, Nic 707’s Instafame Phantom Art movement continues to bring dozens of artists — from Old School writers to contemporary painters — back into NYC subway trains. Here are a few recently-captured images:

The legendary Skeme of Style Wars fame


Gear One


Nic 707




The legendary Taki 183


Michael Cuomo


Kingbee — with fragment of Michael Cuomo on left


Misha Tyutyunik


Photos by Lois Stavsky


This is the eighth in a series of occasional posts featuring images of children that have surfaced on NYC public spaces:

Nick Walker in the South Bronx


Izolag in Hunts Point


Chain for JMZ Walls in Bushwick


Lorenzo Masnah on the Lower East Side


Miss 163 in Hunts Point


Australian artist Adnate at the Bushwick Collective, close-up


Icy and Sot on the Lower East Side, close-up


Shiro in Bushwick


Note: Entre La Guardia y El Dorado, featuring works by Lorenzo Masnah (featured above) and Alex Seel, will open this evening at 6pm at XY Atelier Gallery, 81 Hester Street on the corner of Orchard. It will remain on view until August 30.

Photo credits: 1 Tara Murray; 2, 3, 5, 6 & 8 Lois Stavsky; 4 courtesy of the artist 7 Dani Reyes Mozeson

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Earlier this month, the LoMan Art Festival brought not only live art by a wonderfully diverse range of artists to Downtown Manhattan, but also a series of workshops, performances and events. And even though the festival has officially ended, mammoth murals continue to surface on our streets. Here are a few scenes from it all:

Another close-up from Buff Monster‘s huge mural


Beau Stanton at work on mammoth mural on East Third Street


 French artist Ludo in the East Village


Dain and Montreal-based artist Stikki Peaches


JCorp at the Social Sticker Club‘s installation inside the Mulberry Street lot during the festival


Ron English with assistance from Solus standing to his right


JPO and B.D. White, one of many collaborations spotted along Mulberry Street


Leon Reid,  alongside murals by Team Crash — John Matos, Ananda Nahu and Izolag — and Team BIO — Bio, Nicer and Binho — for the Secret Walls Illustration Battle


Keep posted to the StreetArtNYC Facebook page for more images of the works that have surfaced and continue to do so in Downtown Manhattan through the efforts of the LISA Project

Photo credits: 1, 3, 5, 6 & 9 Dani Reyes Mozeson; 2 & 4 Tara Murray; 7 Rey Rosa Photography / The LoMan Art Festival and 8 Lois Stavsky

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While in Baltimore earlier this month, I stumbled upon an intriguing medley of murals just a few steps from Station North. I soon discovered that they were sponsored by Section 1, an ambitious urban art project aimed at transforming an adjacent abandoned 3.5-acre site into a huge urban art park with over 70,000 square feet of paintable surfaces. Here are a few more murals I sighted that day, some of which are certain to have been repainted in this open-air revolving canvas.

Baltimore native Nether


New Orleans native Adam Estes


Baltimore-based Adam Stab


La Anarchy


Baltimore-based Colombian tattoo artists Kike Castillo and Jesse Kuzniarsk


 Note: The first image pictured is a collaborative mural by Werc, Rubin and Billy Mode

Photos by Lois Stavsky



Opening tomorrow at 23 Meadow Street in East Williamsburg, the three-day All City Art Expo 2015 is an exuberant celebration of NYC’s outdoor art culture. We stopped by yesterday and had the opportunity to speak to Evan Tobias of Cluster Wall who, along with Kevin Michael, curated the exhibit.


This is quite an eclectic collection of art here! What is the concept behind the All City Art Expo?

It is a celebration of all outdoor art. We wanted to showcase a range of artwork — by sticker artists, graffiti writers, street artists and muralists — all in one setting.


And it looks great! How did you find such an ideal setting?

We began looking at spaces awhile back. And Mona Liza Furniture — a huge arena with ample outdoor space —  offered to host us.


It couldn’t be more perfect! When did you begin working on this All City Art Expo?

I met Kevin Michael many months ago. We began working together on this project back in the winter.


There are so many artists here representing so many different styles, concepts and genres. How did you choose which ones to include?

When Kevin and I came up with this concept, we wrote up a wish list that included a range of artists from Old School graff guys to ones whose works have surfaced recently on our streets.

taki-183-nic-707-all city-art-expo

What was your greatest challenge in organizing this event?

Handling the logistics behind working with over 100 artists!


What can visitors expect — besides a chance to see and purchase such an extensive selection of artworks?

The Sticker Social Club will join us and visitors will have a chance to “slap and share.”  There will be a Black Book Jam on Sunday with many Old School writers in attendance. On both Saturday and Sunday a Groundswell artist will lead mural workshops. And there will be music all weekend by DJ Pumpkin, food by Arrogant Swine, along with drinks, vendors and raffles.


Can you tell us something about your relationship with Groundswell?

We have asked each artist to donate a canvas — an All City Compact Canvas — that will be sold for $150.00. Proceeds will be donated to Groundswell to support the wonderfully transformative projects the organization brings to our communities in its work with youth.


Good luck!  It’s all so impressive, and it looks like it will be so much fun!

Images: 1. BK Foxx 2. Dain 3. See One 4. Rob Plater 5. Zimad 6. Taki 183 and Nic 707 7. Art is Trash 8. Rocko

Interview by Lois Stavsky

Photo credits: 1, 3 5-8 Lois Stavsky; 2 & 4 Dani Reyes Mozeson

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This past Saturday, David Gonzalez, award-winning journalist, photographer and co-editor of the New York Times photoblog, Lens, led a group of Instagramers on a walk through Hunts Point, introducing us to works by some of its legendary graffiti artists and muralists. Here are a few images StreetArtNYC captured on Instagram:

Tats Cru with How and Nosm, close-up


Nicer, Tats Cru with Instagramer Sarah Sansom aka catscoffeecreativity seated






Crash, who also shared some Hunts Point history with us, in front of his mural


David Gonzalez leads the way to the Point, Tats Cru‘s headquarters


Artist-at-work at the Point


David Gonzalez (left), Whitney Richardson (center), James Estrin (right) and Kerri MacDonald (top) of The New York Times at the Point


Renowned photojournalist Martha Cooper, also on the walk, shared with us some photos she had taken of the trains in key spots over 30 years ago, and she captured us all here.

Note: You can check out the Instagram hashtag #NYTBronxWalk for more images from Saturday’s tour.

Photos by Lois Stavsky

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Artworks in a range of styles by local, regional and international artists continue to surface along Asbury Park’s waterfront. Here are a few more:

Cope2 and Joe Iurato


Indie 184

Indie-graffiti-street-art-asbury Park-New Jersey

Mike La Vallee aka Pork Chop


Logan Hicks


B Ready


Harif Guzman aka Hacula


Note: The first image is by Chilean-German artist Pau

Special thanks to Billy Schon of FreshPaintNYC for sharing these images with us.