Beyond Wynwood: Street Art and Graffiti in Buena Vista, Miami with Nate Dee, Claudio Picasso, Renda Writer & Claudia La Bianca, DRE Boogie, Smog One, Will Rodriguez and Neks One
April 8, 2016

Walking along Second Avenue from Wynwood to Little Haiti, I came upon dozens of intriguing artworks in Miami’s Buena Vista neighborhood. Here are a few more:
Claudio Picasso

Renda Writer and Claudia La Bianca

Smog One

Dre Boogie

Will Rodriguez

With Neks One

Note: First image is by Nate Dee
Photos by Lois Stavsky
Tagged as:
Buena Vista,
CEO crew,
Claudia La Bianca,
Claudio Picasso,
Dre Boogie,
Nate Dee,
Neks One,
Renda Writer,
Smog One,
street art,
Will Rodriguez
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