Maya Hayuk Brings her Sumptuous Visual Rhythms to Houston and Bowery in Lower Manhattan

February 12, 2014

"Maya Hayuk"

With luscious colors and spirited strokes, Maya Hayuk has brought her distinct visual rhythms to the wall on Houston Street and the Bowery in Lower Manhattan.

Earlier on

"Maya Hayuk paints"

Maya takes a break

"Maya Hayuk"

Close-up of completed wall 

"Maya Hayuk"

The completed mural with its delicious drips

"Maya Hayuk"

Photos by Dani Reyes Mozeson

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Darren Cullen February 20, 2014 at 10:47 am

This is such a great design! I love the vibrancy of the colours; the variety and creativity of street art is so inspiring.


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