Dozens of new artworks, representing a wide range of cultures, styles and approaches, have surfaced this summer at 5Pointz. Here are a few from NYC’s ever-evolving open-air gallery:
Veteran graff artists Bis and Vor

Austrian artist Roofie

Japanese artist Shiro with Part, Yes1 and Meres

ND’A and Bishop

The Mexican Har crew, close-up

Har Crew, complete mural

French artist Zeso

Brooklyn-based international muralist Joel Bergner

Barcelona-based artist Dase

Photos by Dani Mozeson, Tara Murray and Lois Stavsky
The walls at 5Pointz continue to showcase some of the most vibrant public art in NYC — or anywhere. Here’s a sampling of some artwork that has recently surfaced:
Puerto Rican artists Rimx and Nepo

Queens-based Kid Lew’s tribute to Trayvon Martin

Jasper — in from Queensland, Australia

New Jersey-based graff masters Demer, Rain and Kasso

The Parisian Nok Crew

Serrano, Mas Paz, Rimx and Cortes fashion letters “PROC” for the Artist Process, a 5Pointz annual project coordinated by Marthalicia Matarrita

Close-up from huge mural by French TD4 member, Zeso

Photos by Dani Mozeson, Tara Murray & Lois Stavsky; image of Ked Lew’s mural courtesy of the artist