In this twelfth post in our new series, PUSHING IT FORWARD — featuring ILLicit creatives claiming space on NYC streets — we’re back to Manhattan. Pictured above on a West Side shutter are Katsu, EM1 and Neckface Several more images of unsanctioned Manhattan markings follow:

Volvo and Reboe, LNE

West Coast writer Jazman and Optimo NYC, along with a political statement/question

Ansotto and Goog

Homesick and Wild Boy West

Wombat, Aneko, ZigZag, Saxon, Suckybat and more


Note: A limited edition of the Pushing It Forward collective’s first zine — edited by Lois Stavsky and designed by Lord K2 — was recently released. Several copies are available at Village Works in NYC and at So Books in Tokyo, Japan.
Post and photos by the Pushing It Forward Collective

In this ninth post in our new series, PUSHING IT FORWARD — featuring ILLicit creatives claiming space on NYC streets — we return to Manhattan. Pictured above are Wombat, ZigZag and Toney. Several more Manhattan images by ILLicit creatives follow:


Ost, Lex and Ansotto

Eok, 2DX

Dase 429


Bat–Ola, Abys, Show2, & OFace

Post by the Pushing It Forward Collective

In this second of our new series, PUSHING IT FORWARD — featuring ILLicit creatives claiming space on NYC streets — our focus now is on those images we’ve seen in Brooklyn. Pictured above is GTAR, MFK. Several more photos recently captured from the streets of New York City’s most populous borough follow:
Uwont and Ruinr

ZigZag and Wombat

Erup and Spray

Ethel and King Baby



Post and photos by the Pushing It Forward Collective