Ulrich Blanché

Continuing through February 23, 2025 at the Saar Historical Museum in Saarbrücken, Germany, is “ILLEGAL. Street Art Graffiti 1960 – 1995,”  the first museum exhibition anywhere to focus solely on illegal graffiti.  I recently had the opportunity to pose a few questions to its curator, Dr. Ulrich Blanché, a Heidelberg University art historian who specializes in global graffiti and street art.

When did you first become interested in illegal markings? And what ignited your interest at the time?

Growing up in a house in the middle of nowhere in Bavaria with no neighbors within a kilometer, I was an easy victim for anything urban – ruin porn, street art, graffiti. While studying in Australia, my friend Shanu told me about stencils and Banksy. I was hooked.

What are some of the principal factors that motivated you to curate this exhibit?

My spirit of contradiction. Many street art and graffiti surveys act as if illegal art on the street is something that comes exclusively from NYC and Paris. As if the rest of the world was a blank canvas before we were enlightened/colonized by US street art and style writing graffiti. Unfortunately, many US/UK researchers/curators seem to read only English sources. And it seemed appealing to me to counter the old accusation that illegal street art and graffiti cannot be shown in a museum. Hence: an exhibition with only illegal works. I did not show the usual thing – new, legal works that barely survive on the old illegal street credibility of their creators.

Can you tell us something about the process of curating it? What were some of your main challenges? 

People seem to love “originals,” — whatever that is actually. One challenge was that there were often hardly any preserved illegally created originals, or you would have to spend a fortune to transport them. Another main challenge was that I was on my own in the curation process and in approaching artists/collectors. I missed student assistants I had worked with before.

How did you decide which artworks/artists to feature in the exhibition?

I tried to identify the earliest ones and the game changers. If the show would travel, I would include some more, for instance Flint Gennari (NYC), Valie Export (Vienna), SZ group (Moscow) and Tsang Tsou-Choi (Hong Kong). I tried to rewrite street art history in some cases – Brazilian stencil graffiti artist Alex Vallauri was earlier and had more impact worldwide in the early 1980’s than Blek le Rat. Art punk stencils by Crass influenced Banksy and Robert del Naja before they had even heard about Blek. There was a worldwide illegal street sticker campaign before OBEY, done by Cavellini from the 1970s onwards, etc. Among my other discoveries were 10 unknown SAMO© graffiti from 1979 in NYC and the first guy from Germany interested in Keith Haring. So new things about old hats and newly found old things that challenge street art or graffiti history —  at least in details. Graffiti is not just style writing from NYC; we also show L.A. Cholo graffiti, Philly graffiti or Pichação from Brazil – not all are common in overview shows. I tried to show large works so they can appeal in a physical way, and I tried to show developments on walls, not just work in mint condition, photographed the second the artist drops the can.

What is the central focus of the exhibition?

The concept is “hits and rarities.” To give an overview from the 50’s until the 90’s. I tried to identify the earliest examples, the ones who had a huge impact and some who should have had more impact. We start with Guy Debord, Ted Joans and of course Brassaï and end with Banksy’s first documented work on the street. We’re putting a spotlight on the Paris-Cologne-Zurich triangle because a lot was happening there and because the museum is in the middle of these cities, and another spotlight on the connections between street art, graffiti and music.

What would you like your viewers to walk away with?

I’d like the viewers to walk away with the thought that street art and graffiti did not start with Banksy. And that street art and graffiti stem not only from protest art or gang graffiti; it is far more complex. An audience interested in contemporary art would be amazed how many familiar names worked illegally, too: Christo/Jeanne Claude, Walter Dahn, George Condo, Valie Export, Daniel Buren, etc. Conceptual art, performance art, pop art, Fluxus, Mail Art are deeply interconnected with what we call street art today. And that early street art graffiti was more female than you’d expect.

How has the response been to the exhibit to date?

We were on German national TV and radio with the exhibition, as well as on several local and regional media. The response was very positive. Saarbrücken, however, is not Hamburg or Berlin. I think the bilingual catalog and the 3D scan of the show will reach quite a few people internationally, as well. For myself, it is great when people like Daim, Chaz Bojorguez and John Fekner say it is a great show!


1. Bando and Doc in Paris, 1984; photo, Claude Abron

2. CanTwo in Wiesbaden, 1988; photo, CanTwo

3. Alex Vallauri in Lower Manhattan, ca. 1982-1983; photo, Claudia Vallauri 

4. Vampirella in Amsterdan, 1985; photo, Vaselka M aka Vampirella

5. Book cover featuring Vampirella, photo, Vaselka M aka Vampirella

Interview with Dr. Ulrich Blanché by Lois Stavsky



Penned by Ulrich Blanché, Banksy: Urban Art in a Material World focuses primarily on Banksy’s relationship with consumer culture.  With its thoroughly-researched appendix documenting everything from Banksy record album covers to his exhibition catalogs, it is the first comprehensive academic study of Banksy’s art.  An interview with the author follows:

Your book, Banksy: Urban Art in a Material World, began as a dissertational thesis.  Why did you choose to focus your studies on Banksy? What is it specifically about him that so intrigued you?

I was first introduced to street art and stencils in 2006 on a trip to Melbourne, Australia. And while visiting a museum bookshop there, I discovered Banksy’s book Wall and Piece. I was instantly fascinated and found myself going through it page by page. I liked the way each of his pieces has a distinct message or lesson that is transmitted in a humorous way.  I knew then that I would like to research and write about his work.


You draw parallels between Banksy and the contemporary British artist Damien Hirst. You discuss their collaborations, as well. Can you tell us something about that?  What are some of the essential similarities between the two? What did each have to gain by collaborating?

It might still shock some people that Hirst, the personification of capitalism, and Banksy, the art guerilla, collaborated. They knew each other since about 2000, and Hirst supported Banksy early on. It was kind of like Warhol and Basquiat.  The established artist gains coolness and the newer artist gains credibility.  The two artists admired each other’s works – and both Banksy and Hirst shared a morbid and humorous sensibility. 

Among Banksy’s subjects are both capitalism and religion – often merged in a particular image.  Do any particular images stand out to you? And why do they?

Banksy does not really focus on religion except in relation to consumption. Shopping/ Money is the god of today. No particular work stands out for me. Some are weaker; some are better.


To what do you attribute Banksy’s extraordinary commercial success?

I suspect that Banksy actually earns much less than people think he does. His income comes from the sale of prints, books, DVDs… The people who bought a Banksy for 50 quid 15 years ago or received a Banksy as a present have profited  tremendously.

As Banksy rails against consumerism, he — himself — is a master at manipulating consumers.  Why might we have become such a society of consumers? Any thoughts?

We are easily manipulated, even when we know we are being manipulated.


How essential are the streets to Banksy’s success?

The street is his canvas – it is the means he uses to communicate. To remove the street from Banksy’s work is like removing a figure from a Rembrandt. If you manage to keep the context with photos, videos, background info, the work may survive indoors – once it’s no longer on the street. In Banksy’s words: “’I don’t know if street art ever really works indoors. If you domesticate an animal, it goes from being wild and free to sterile, fat and sleepy. So maybe the art should stay outside. Then again, some old people get a lot of comfort from having a pet around the house.”

Where is it all going? Will Banksy’s popularity and commercial success continue to rise? Will Banksy continue to use the streets as a canvas? Or will he become less dependent on them? What are your thoughts?

Street Art is over.  Most works on the street today are authorized murals or pieces in areas where the artist wants to be seen and photographed by the “right” people — whoever that might be.  Street art has become urban art for Instagram. Banksy will last. He will put a few works on the street every year and pull off a big event every few years. I hope he will publish another huge book of his works or lead a little revolution somewhere. That would be fun.


Originally written in German and published by TectumBanksy: Urban Art in a Material World has been translated into English and is available here.

Interview conducted and edited by Lois Stavsky; images 2, 4 & 5 Creative Commons & 3 captured by Lenny Collado in NYC