Sue Works

The face featured above — a segment of a larger mural — was painted by New Jersey-based veteran writer Raul Rubio aka Sue Works in collaboration with style master Aesop One this past summer at Boone Avenue Walls in the Bronx. Several more images of faces recently captured on NYC public spaces follow:

Queens-native Zimer does Alicia Keys outside the Ridge Hotel on Manhattan’s Lower East Side

NYC-based contemporary artist Cody James at BedStuy Walls Mural Festival in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn

Queens-based Mexican writer, muralist and tattooist El Onel at Welling Court Mural Project in Astoria, Queens

Japan-born, NYC-based self-taught graphic artist Kosuke James at Welling Court Mural Project in Astoria, Queens

Pittsburgh-based artist Ashley Hodder does artist Wavy Wednesday at Welling Court Mural Project in Astoria, Queens

Brooklyn-based multidisciplinary artist Huetek. in Ridgewood, Queens

Photo credits: 1 Tara Murray 2-7 Lois Stavsky


Founded and curated by Miki Mu and Frankie Velez, the BedStuy Walls Mural Festival has for the third consecutive year transformed Lexington Avenue between Stuyvesant and Lewis Streets and beyond into a vibrant, brighly-hued wonderland, while actively engaging the local community. The mural featured above was painted by New Jersey-based veteran writer Raul Rubio aka Sue Works and style master Aesop. Several more images of murals — painted by local, national and international artists — follow.

San Franciso-based Matley Hurd

Thrive Collective Mural Arts Director Marissa Molina

Milan, Italy native Federico Massa aka Iena Cruz

5Pointz founder and artist Meres One at work

French artist Otom

NJ-based Will Power, tribute to the late Combat Jack painted for his son, Chi Ossé

Haitian-American, Brooklyn-based Ingrid Yuzly Mathurin, tribute to the late Shirley Chisholm

West Coast-based multidisciplinary artist Agana

Note: Keep posted to the Street Art NYC Instagram and Threads for more images from this year’s BedStuy Walls.

Photos by Lois Stavsky


Under the curatorial skills and direction of NJ-based Darrius-Jabbar Sollas aka Nasty Neo, the rotating walls in Hackensack’s Union Street Park brim with bold rhythms and swooping patterns. Featured above is the work of NYC-bred, Jersey City-based Raul Rubio aka Sue Works. Several more recently-captured images follow:

New York-based Jamie Hef

Bronx native Yes One

Brooklyn-based 5PointzCreates founder Meres One

Bronx native Abe BT5

Bronx native Pase BT

Bronx Team veteran writer Jew

A segment of the park — featuring (from left to right) TenseOneMeres OneSue Works, Sade TCM, HefPase and Jew

Photos: Dani Reyes Mozeson