
In this twelfth post in our new series, PUSHING IT FORWARD — featuring ILLicit creatives claiming space on NYC streets — we’re back to the Bronx. Pictured above is Avert — hunted down in Hunts Point. Several more images of Bronx markings follow:

The ubiquitous Cope2 


Dase and NA


Dzel and Elude, AIDS Crew

Aster — whose tag seems to keep on surfacing!

And a treasure trove of markings on a freight spotted along the tracks in Mott Haven

Post by the Pushing It Forward Collective


In this fifth post of our new series, PUSHING IT FORWARD — featuring ILLicit creatives claiming space on NYC streets — our focus now is on those bombs and throws that have surfaced in Manhattan. The image above features the markings of Spray RBV and Goog, along with dozens of tags. Several more images recently captured on the streets of Manhattan — from Chinatown to Inwood — follow:

Fat Jay

Bat, Cope2, Poke, Ollin Crew, Say No Sleep & more on the Bowery Wall



House TOS and Rom89

Mae and Dip

Post and photos by the Pushing It Forward Collective

Note: We return to the borough of Queens in our next PUSHING IT FORWARD post

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