public art

The face featured above — a segment of a larger mural — was painted by New Jersey-based veteran writer Raul Rubio aka Sue Works in collaboration with style master Aesop One this past summer at Boone Avenue Walls in the Bronx. Several more images of faces recently captured on NYC public spaces follow:

Queens-native Zimer does Alicia Keys outside the Ridge Hotel on Manhattan’s Lower East Side

NYC-based contemporary artist Cody James at BedStuy Walls Mural Festival in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn

Queens-based Mexican writer, muralist and tattooist El Onel at Welling Court Mural Project in Astoria, Queens

Japan-born, NYC-based self-taught graphic artist Kosuke James at Welling Court Mural Project in Astoria, Queens

Pittsburgh-based artist Ashley Hodder does artist Wavy Wednesday at Welling Court Mural Project in Astoria, Queens

Brooklyn-based multidisciplinary artist Huetek. in Ridgewood, Queens

Photo credits: 1 Tara Murray 2-7 Lois Stavsky


In 2024, the award-winning creative agency Street Theory‘s multi-year initiative, A Canvas of Culture — under the Mayor’s Office of Arts and Culture — brought several vibrant, breathtaking murals to various school locations in Boston. The luscious mural featured above “Together, We Rise” — located at the Joyce Kilmer K-8 Lower School in West Roxbury — was painted by Denver-based artist Thomas Evans aka as Detour. Several more images of  A Canvas of Culture murals currently gracing Boston Public Schools — all completed this past summer — follow:

Orlando-based Don Rimx, “Garden of Beginnings” and “Roots of Empowerment,” located at the Lee Academy Pilot School in Dorchester

Mexican muralist Israel “Spaik” Guerra Romero, “In Lak’ech Hala Ken – Yo soy tu – tu eres otro yo,”  located at Curtis Guild Elementary School in East Boston

Colombian artist Felipe Ortiz, “Umana Rising,” located at Mario Umana Academy in East Boston

Dominican-American artist Silvia Lopez Chavez, Brilla,” located at Rafael Hernandez K-8 Dual Language School in Roxbury

A Canvas of Culture is currently commissioning several new, original, long-term murals and 2D public art installations at Boston Public School sites across the city. Each project budget will range from $20,000 – $175,000. Specific details and applications are available here and here.  The deadline for submissions is February 26, 2025 at 5 p.m. ET.

Photos of 2024 A Canvas of Culture murals by OLP Creative


Colombian American artist Felix Morelo is increasingly engaging and provoking passersby with his intriguing ephemeral chalk spots that surface in some of New York City’s most trafficked sites. We were delighted to recently have the opportunity to pose a few questions to the artist.

When and where did you first hit NYC streets with your spirited chalk spots?

I began in the summer of 2009 with a “Good Luck Spot” in Union Square.

What spurred you to do so?

I was originally painting thousands of faces – mostly of children — on the city’s sidewalks. I thought of these faces as a community of spiritual seeds. An artist friend suggested that I take my concept further. I then came up with the idea of chalk spots that would directly engage the community.

And why did you continue working with this concept?

I felt that what I was doing was unique. I loved that people began interacting with my public art and with each other. And I liked the recognition I was getting!

Were there any responses to your street art that particularly stand out?

For the most part, people embraced and enjoyed the “Good Luck Spots.” I began experiencing negative feedback after I started drawing “Bad Luck Spots.” What stood out were the threatening email messages that I received from people who wanted to harm me.

Yes. We are curious about both your “Bad Luck Spots” and your “Suicide Spots.” What prompted you to create your first “Bad Luck Spot?”

At the time I was drawing “Good Luck Spots,” I myself was having a lot of bad luck. I was dealing with homelessness, joblessness and the loss of a partner. Creating “Bad Luck Spots” was cathartic for me, as it helped me get these bad feelings out of my system. Drawing both “Good Luck Spots” and “Bad Luck” ones reflect life itself – its yin and yang.

What about your “Suicide Spots?” They seem to have spurred quite a bit of controversy.

It’s a matter of free speech. Chalk isn’t permanent. I like the way these controversial spots stir debate and reflection. People’s reactions to them give me insight into human psychology.

Have you ever felt unsafe while drawing your spots on the streets?

I sometimes feel unsafe when I’m looking down. The worst thing that happened, though, was when someone threw water on me and then got in my face.

Besides the wide variety of spots you presently create, do you do anything differently now from when you first started using the street as a canvas?

When I began, I worked only with skinny white chalk. Three years ago, I tried drawing with thick colored chalk, and I liked the results. The colors spice up the message and more readily capture people’s attention.

How do you choose the sites for your spots?

I look for places where I can attract the most people and a certain type of people — those who are eager to engage and are open to new experiences.

Where else – besides New York City – have you drawn your spots?

I’ve drawn these spots in many places. Among them Colombia, Ecuador, Miami, Indianapolis. Cincinnati and Kentucky. I’d like to bring them to London.

What’s ahead?

I’ve participated in dozens of group exhibitions in a wide range of spaces, but I’m ready now for a solo exhibition in a gallery setting. I’m also in the process of collaborating with 10 different artists, and I would like to see those pieces exhibited together. And, of course, I’ll still be active on the streets conjuring new “spots,” to be drawn alongside the original “Good Luck Spots.”

Good luck with it all! We are looking forward to seeing your artwork both on the streets and in galleries. We love viewing it here on East 23 Street — both inside and outside Epiphany Library NYPL.

Interview conducted by Lois Stavsky and Tara Murray

Photo credits: 1-3, 5 & 6 Lois Stavsky and 4 Tara Murray


This past May, a wonderfully diverse group of artists brought their skills to South Street Seaport, marking the third year that the You Are Not Alone community-based art project curated a huge 160 ft long wall in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month. These murals’ message of hope is particularly timely this month, September — National Suicide Prevention Month. Featured above is the work of the Washington Heights-based graphic designer and illustrator Yuma York. Several more images from this year’s You Are Not Alone Murals Project 2024 at the Seaport follow:

Detroit-based designer and hand lettering artist Lauren Hom

Local street artist and animator Sara Lynne Leo

 NYC-based multi-disciplinary artist, designer and typographer Juan Carlos Pagan

Sydney, Australia-born, NYC-based multidisciplinary artist Vexta

New Jersey-based hand-lettering artist and muralist Olga Muzician 

 Brooklyn-based muralist, teaching artist and illustrator Peach Tao

British multi-disciplinary artist David Puck

Launched in 2019,You Are Not Alone Murals was founded by multimedia artist and art director Annica Lydenberg aka Dirty Bandits and Samantha Schutz, mental health advocate and the author of the highly acclaimed memoir I Don’t Want to Be Crazy.

And do remember, “You are not alone!” If you or someone you care about is in need of support or information, help is available from the National Alliance on Mental Illness. The NAMI HelpLine can be reached Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.–8 p.m., ET. 1-800-950-NAMI (6264).

Note: Find out here about You Are Not Alone Murals’ first annual t-shirt collaboration and fundraiser!

Photos of artworks, Lois Stavsky


Dozens of first-rate writers and muralists from NYC and beyond brought their tantalizing talents to East Harlem’s 44th annual Graffiti Hall of Fame this past weekend. Walls and cubes fashioned in a wide range of styles graced the now-lengendary schoolyard on 106th Street and Park Avenue. The dynamic production pictured above was painted by graff masters Delta, Syerok, Taste One, Blaze and Part One,   Several more images of artworks captured this past Sunday afternoon follow:

Graffiti veteran Skeme also known as 3 Yard King

BedStuy Walls co-founder and curator Miki Mu 

The wonderfully talented NJ-based Will Power does the late Nic 707

NYC-based, Japan-born hip-hop culture enthusiast and artist Shiro

East Harlem-based, Sweden-born graffiti writer and graphic designer Scratch

Harlem-based Brazilian American multidisciplinary artist Phes at work

The masterly Queens-based artist Chris Cortes

The prolific Bronx-born graffiti writer Cope 2 in collaboration with French artist Jaek El Diablo

Note: Keep posted to the Street Art NYC Instagram and Threads for more images of artworks that surfaced in this year’s Graffiti Hall of Fame.

Photo credits: 1-6 & 9, Sara C Mozeson; 7 & 8, Ana Candelaria


On the final weekend of June, the now-legendary Welling Court Mural Project launched its 14th Annual Street Art Festival in Astoria, Queens under the curatorial direction of Alison C. Wallis. Photographer Ana Candelaria was there to capture the action and share it with us. Featured above is the famed graffiti pioneer and graphic designer Stash at work on a wall painted collaboratively as a tribute to the late innovative graffiti writer Col Wallnuts. Several more images — all courtesy of Ana Candelaria — follow:

The prolific veteran writer Wane at work

Graffiti artist and designer Epic Uno at work 

Bronx-based painter and art educator Depoh at work

Brooklyn-based artist and BEDSTUY WALLS founder & co-curator Miki Mu at work with mural by East Harlem-based Scratch to her left

Artist and educator Katie Reidy at work celebrating the “rise of the woman”

The hugely inventive Sweden-based artist Delicious Brains bringing his talents to NYC

More walls will be beautifying Welling Court and its nearby blocks in early fall. Sign up here to stay informed regarding upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.

Photos by Ana Candelaria


On the weekend of June 15, First Street Green Art Park was home to dozens of legendary artists, first-rate photographers, and graffiti aficionados as they came together to pay tribute to Fun Gallery co-founder Patti Astor, who had passed away in April. The first art gallery in Manhattan’s East Village to feature the works of such noted artists as Futura 2000, Lady Pink, Lee Quinones, Kenny Scharf, Keith Haring, and Jean-Michel Basquiat, Fun Gallery ran out of a small storefront  but had enormous impact.

The mural featured above was painted by 5POINTZ founder and the wonderfully versatile artist Meres One. Several more images captured last week in this event curated by Kate Storch, Jimmy NYC and Crime79 follow:

Lower East Side native and former Keith Haring collaborator Angel Ortiz aka LA2

Veteran writer Dezo, TC5 with Kate Storch on left

The prolific Japanese writer, muralist and designer Shiro One

Uptown-based designer, painter and muralist Al Ruiz

The legendary graffiti pioneer Stash

 Veteran East Harlem-native writer and painter Delta2

NYC-based photographer Matthew A Eller, Segment from larger wall of photos featuring Patti Astor in a range of settings

Photos: Lois Stavsky


The 13th Annual  Bushwick Collective Block Party brought a wonderfully diverse array of local, national and global artists to Brooklyn’s iconic outdoor gallery. The huge, beguiling dog featured above was painted by Denver-based Patrick Kane McGergor against a deftly-executed cityscape crafted by multidisciplinary artist Chris Haven.

In this Part II of At the Bushwick Collective are several more images of artworks that have surfaced this month at the Bushwick Collective, curated by its founder, Joe Ficalora.

Miami-based Nate Dee, “Brooklyn Trogon”

Austin, Texas-based Taiwanese-American artist Candy Kuo at work on mural in collaboration with Wade Indeed

Completed mural by Austin, Texas-based artists Candy Kuo and Wade Indeed

French artist Enzo Yurrebaso, segment of captivating mural

Los Angeles-based Robert Vargas, segment of huge powerful mural at the intersection of Wycoff and Troutman

Connecticut-based Corey Pane, Portrait of wife, Kailah King, and baby daughter

Photos of artworks: Lois Stavsky


While there are only a limited number of legal murals in Bratislava, the streets of the Slovakian city teem with unsanctioned tags, graffiti bombs and motley urban interventions. What follows is a small sampling of what we captured on our recent visit to this captivating city:

Cork, Ireland native Fin DAC

One of several stenciled messages

French artist Cart’1, segment of larger mural

Local artists Daor & Dano

One of many several elegantly crafted tags

Poland-born, UK-based TANKPETROL

One of many distinctly stylish graffiti bombs

Photos: Sara Ching Mozeson and Lois Stavsky


Calle Libre, an urban art festival founded in 2014, has since brought dozens of luscious murals to the streets of Vienna, Austria. The brightly hued mural pictured above was painted by the Colombian artist Ledania for Calle Libre Festival 2023. Several more alluring murals painted for Calle Libre that we captured on our recent visit to Vienna follow:

Berlin-based Ju Mu for Calle Libre Festival 2021

Vienna-based Frau Isa for Calle Libre Festival 2023

Uruguayan artist AlfAlfA for Calle Libre Festival 2017

French artist Mantra for Calle Libre Festival 2017

The Weird Crew — comprised of German and Austrian writers — for Calle Libre Festival 2016

Italian artist Luogo Comune, “Entropy”  for Calle Libre Festival 2023

Photos by Lois Stavsky