This is the first in a series of NYC couples that were spotted around town:
London Kaye in Brooklyn

Belin in Manhattan

Unidentified stencil artist surfacing in different Williamsburg locales

Uta Brauser on van parked in Brooklyn

Damon Johnson in Brooklyn

Frank Ape in Brooklyn

Jordan Betten — in the backyard garden of Henley Vaporium in Manhattan

Photos: 1-5, Dani Reyes Mozeson; 6 & 7 Lois Stavsky
This is the fourth in an occasional series featuring images of New York City’s doors that sport everything from tags and stickers to sophisticated images.
Ewok in Williamsburg, Brooklyn

Mor in Downtown Manhattan

Long-running David Shillinglaw in Williamsburg, Brooklyn

Stikki Peaches in Williamsburg, Brooklyn

Jordan Betten in Chelsea

Alice Mizrachi aka AM in abandoned East Village building

Jerkface in Little Italy

LMNOP in Bushwick, Brooklyn

Ludo in Little Italy

Photos of Mor, Jordan Betten, Alice Mizrachi, Jerkface and Ludo by Dani Reyes Mozeson; of Stikki Peaches by Emily Robertson; of Ewok, David Shillinglaw and LMNOP by Lois Stavsky
From quirky sculptures to vibrant murals, the Manhattan’s High Line and its immediate environs have it all. Here’s a sampling of what we captured this past week:
London-based Gilbert & George, Waking

NYC-based George Condo, Liquor Store Attendant

NYC-based Jordan Betten, Lady Luck

Lady Luck, close-up

Brazilian muralist Eduardo Kobra — as seen from the High Line, looking as fresh as when it was first painted last year

Nigerian artist El Anatsui, Broken Bridge II, captured via Instagram at night

And off the High Line — François-Xavier Lalanne, Sheep Station with JR and José Parlá collaboration in background

Photos of Gilbert & George, George Condo, Kobra and Sheep Station by Dani Mozeson; photos of Jordan Betten by Tara Murray and of El Anatsui by Lois Stavsky
This is the third in a series featuring images of New York City’s doors that sport everything from tags and stickers to sophisticated images.
Judith Supine in Williamsburg, Brooklyn

ASVP in NoLita

Bishop in Nolita

Craig Anthony Miller aka CAM in Williamsburg, Brooklyn

The Yok in Williamsburg

One of 13 Portals on the Lower East Side

Gaia in Long Island City, Queens

Jordan Betten in Chelsea

Photos of Judith Supine and 13 Portals by Dani Mozeson; ASVP, Bishop and the Yok by Tara Murray; CAM by Lois Stavsky
New York City’s doors are among the most expressive anywhere — sporting everything from tags and stickers to sophisticated images. Here’s a sampling:
NYC-based designer Jordan Betten in Chelsea

Faile in Brooklyn

Bast in TriBeCa

Philadelphia-based Doug Nox aka Harlequin in Brooklyn

TAG’s Army of One and Adam Dare on Manhattan’s Lower East Side

Cash4 Smells tag, Jellyfish and more in Greenpoint, Brooklyn

Katsu on the exterior of Eyebeam in Chelsea

Photos by Lenny Collado, Dani Mozeson and Lois Stavsky
This is the eighth in a series of posts featuring images of girls — and women — who grace New York City’s public spaces:
Italian artist Alice Pasquini at the Bushwick Collective

Jordan Betten in Chelsea

Alice Mizrachi at Welling Court in Astoria, Queens

Lady Pink at Welling Court in Astoria, Queens

Mor in Chelsea

Photos by Lois Stavsky

Within the last year, New York City’s High Line — a huge public park atop an elevated rail structure — has evolved into one of the city’s most intriguing open-air galleries. Stretching from Manhattan’s Meatpacking District to Midtown, it features views of an eclectic range of both commissioned and unsanctioned pieces. Here are a few images recently captured:
NYC-based artist Jordan Betten

More after the jump!