We are back to Queens for this long overdue “PUSHING IT FORWARD” post featuring some of our favorite illicit urban interventions. Featured above are: the itinerant Imar, Angr LNE, Zoot KYS and Gour. Several more images of Queens-based markings follow:
BRS and Kider


Muk 907

Sage One



Photos by the “PUSHING IT FORWARD” Collective

After a hiatus of several weeks, we are back with our documentation of ILLicit creatives claiming space on the streets of NYC. Pictured here is the hardcore international Red Eye Mob above the rather cryptic Bumer Randy. What follows are several more graffiti bombs and throwies captured these past few months in Queens.
Subi, Easy and more

Sice, BS

Angr and Cser

Ecal, Gio, Dink, Tru, Gio, AJ and more

Skiz and Sch, NBT

Sedit captured at work in the dark

Zers, OTL

Post and photos by the Pushing It Forward Collective