This past weekend, the walls of Graffiti Universe — located at 2995 Boston Road in the Bronx — were transformed into an all-girls’ canvas. While up there on Sunday, I had the opportunity to speak to Scratch, who — along with Lady K Fever — organized the event.
This is a first for Graffiti Universe. How did it happen?
Lady K Fever and I had painted together earlier this year. We were eager to involve more female writers. I spoke to Dennis Stumpo, who manages Graffiti Universe, and he offered us nine walls!

Had you girls ever painted together before? How did you decide whom to invite?
Many of us had met and painted together at 5Pointz and a few of us recently did the wall on 207th Street in Inwood. We wanted to include girls who were serious about graff and who could have fun together. I’m from Sweden; Lady K is from Canada; Vic is from Poland; Erica is from Mexico. And graffiti brought us together. We’re all at different levels, but we respect one another and we each want to get better and better. It’s not about who’s the best.

And this seems like the perfect way to hone your skills! Are there any particular challenges that you, as female writers, face?
We have this sense that we always have to prove ourselves. We are often not taken seriously enough.

Have you any messages to the male writers out there?
We can do it without you! We can do it ourselves!

What’s ahead?
More graff And we’d like to do some production walls with characters and backgrounds. That’s the plan!
Good luck! We look forward to seeing them!
Photos: 1. From left to right — Scratch, Anji, Lady K Fever, Erica, Chare and Vik — shutter by Topaz who had to “beg the girls to paint.” 2. Scratch 3. Lady K Fever 4. Mrs 5. Vik
Photos by Lois Stavsky