On the occasion of Boone Avenue Walls‘ tenth anniversary, dozens of artists brought their remarkable skills and styles to the Bronx neighborhoods of West Farms and Hunts Point. This is Part II of our two-part series documenting this year’s extraordinary Boone Avenue Walls Annual Festival, founded and curated by veteran Bronx writer WEN COD. The image featured above was painted by Brooklyn writer Minus One. Several more images — all captured by street art/graffiti aficionada Kristy Calabro — follow:
Bronx-based artist and educator Lola Lovenotes

OTM Graff Crew member Image

The legendary Bronx-based artist John Matos aka Crash.

West Coast-based artist and curator Espy

Bronx-born writer and textile artist MRS

Florida-based muralist and writer Ric One

Brooklyn-based stylemaster Roachi

Photos: Kristy Calabro

Since 2002, Meeting of Styles has been sponsoring and organizing first-rate graffiti festivals throughout the world. Earlier this fall, the first Newark NJ Edition of MOS — under the curatorial direction of Get Lost Alot — brought local, national and international artists together to celebrate and share their talents in Brick City. Last week, photojournalist and arts educator Rachel Alban and I visited one of its key locations along Raymond Boulevard.
The stylish, colorful writing featured above was spray painted by the seemingly nomadic John Connor aka All About Letters. And the bold image to its right was fashioned by the masterly Mexican tattoo artist Yeer THC.
Several more artworks we came upon on and off Raymond Boulevard follow:
West Coast-based artist and curator Espy

German/Croatian artist Kosmik One

Bronx-bred artist El Souls

Graffiti writer Tense One in collaboration with multimedia artist YN ART/Art by Prop

Graffiti stylemaster Revenge

The prolific NYC-based artists Wane One and Adam Fu

We look forward to coming upon more walls painted during Brick City’s “Meeting of Styles” in future graffiti- hunts within Newark!
Photo credits: 1-4, 6 & 7 Lois Stavsky; 5 Rachel Alban