In this twelfth post in our new series, PUSHING IT FORWARD — featuring ILLicit creatives claiming space on NYC streets — we’re back to the Bronx. Pictured above is Avert — hunted down in Hunts Point. Several more images of Bronx markings follow:
The ubiquitous Cope2


Dase and NA


Dzel and Elude, AIDS Crew

Aster — whose tag seems to keep on surfacing!

And a treasure trove of markings on a freight spotted along the tracks in Mott Haven

Post by the Pushing It Forward Collective

“There’s some amazing talent here,” commented a rather staid looking older man – dressed in a three-piece suit – as he saw me approaching the former Pep Boys shop in Downtown Jersey City. And, indeed, there is! Thanks to the efforts of the indefatigable Greg Edgell aka Green Villian and the dozens of artists who came together last week, the former shop now boasts some of the finest graffiti to be found anywhere. Here is just a sampling:
Greg Lamarche aka SP.ONE

Mr Mustart and Distort

Mr Mustart and Era

Mr Abillity and Chopla


Distort and Mr Mustart

Clarence Rich, Dzel and Nark

Paws 21 — with Green Villain to the right

The Pep Boys shop is located on 410 Marin Boulevard, a few blocks away from Newport Mall. Originally slated for demolition this past Friday, the building will remain for at least another month. We will be back!
Photos by Lois Stavsky