On the occasion of Boone Avenue Walls‘ tenth anniversary, dozens of artists brought their remarkable skills and styles to the Bronx neighborhoods of West Farms and Hunts Point. This is Part II of our two-part series documenting this year’s extraordinary Boone Avenue Walls Annual Festival, founded and curated by veteran Bronx writer WEN COD. The image featured above was painted by Brooklyn writer Minus One. Several more images — all captured by street art/graffiti aficionada Kristy Calabro — follow:
Bronx-based artist and educator Lola Lovenotes

OTM Graff Crew member Image

The legendary Bronx-based artist John Matos aka Crash.

West Coast-based artist and curator Espy

Bronx-born writer and textile artist MRS

Florida-based muralist and writer Ric One

Brooklyn-based stylemaster Roachi

Photos: Kristy Calabro

On the occasion of Boone Avenue Walls‘ tenth anniversary, dozens of local, national, and international artists brought their remarkable skills and diverse styles to the Bronx neighborhoods of West Farms and Hunts Point. The image featured above was painted by the legendary Bronx-born graffiti pioneer Chris “Daze” Ellis. Several more images of the completed murals — all captured by street art/graffiti aficionada Kristy Calabro — follow in this first of a two-part series documenting this year’s extraordinary Boone Avenue Walls,
Bronx-bred artist El Souls

Canada-born, Bronx-based artist, curator and arts educator Lady K Fever

London-based veteran writer Corze

The inventive 3Modes aka Professor M

Queens native graffiti writer and fashion designer Claw Money

Queens-born and based artist Belowkey,

The remarkable, ever-expanding Boone Avenue Walls was founded and is curated by the veteran Bronx writer WEN COD.
Photos: Kristy Calabro

This past fall, under the curatorial direction of veteran graff writer Wen Cod, over two dozen artists once again brought their blazing talents to Boone Avenue in the Bronx. The vibrant image featured above was painted by the hugely talented Blame1, a member of both FX and the Slaughter House Krew. Several more exhilarating images follow:
Stylemaster Doc TC5

Queens native graffiti writer and fashion designer Claw Money

The inventive graff pioneer Cycle

Veteran writer and illustrator Wore One

The delightfully imaginative Long Island-based Phetus

The hugely skilled artist and typographer Queen Andrea

The ever-deft Bronx-native Yes One

Photo credits: 1, 2, 4 & 7 Ana Candelaria; 3, 5, 6 & 8 Lois Stavsky