The streets of North Philly are rich with a range of public art — from commissioned murals to first-rate graffiti. The image pictured above was painted by Philadelphia-based artist Yis Goodwin aka Nosego. Several more images captured on my recent visits to Philly follow:
Brazilian artist Eder Muniz aka Calangoss, close-up from huge mural

Philly-based Septic the Outlaw, close-up

The ubiquitous Philly-based Bines

The legendary NYC writer Skeme

Veteran Philly writer Enem

Photos by Lois Stavsky
Note: Hailed in a range of media from WideWalls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

This is the fifth in a serious of occasional posts documenting the range of stickers — from the playful to the political — that surface on NYC public spaces. The one pictured above by Rx Skulls was spotted on the Lower East Side. Here are several more:
Unidentified artist on the Upper West Side

Chris RWK and K-Nor on the Lower East Side

Todd Colby with a question in Chelsea

Colombian artist Nany Coy in East Harlem

Bines on the Lower East Side

RAE BK in Bushwick

Trump — with creative Nazi insignia — spotted on the Lower East Side; artist to be identified

A political statement on the Upper West Side

Photos by Lois Stavsky
Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.